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An Heir for the Billionaire Page 35
Author: Terry Towers

Damon was starting to feel really good about life. Their days in Vegas following the wedding had easily been some of the best in his life. No work - it was a foreign, but good feeling. He'd pushed back all his worries. And he just lived. For a few days he lived, enjoying every second. They arrived home the previous evening and now that Monday morning had arrived, it was time to face reality, but he had a much better outlook now. It was going to be alright. There was no doubt in his mind that they were going to get through this and live a long, fun-filled life together. They just had to give over this hump.

"We've already discussed the procedure of inserting the catheter, but I can go through it again if you like."

"Nah, I'm clear on it Gary."

"Alright good. There is one thing that we need to discuss that I don't think we did previously, but it's extremely important giving your situation."

"Sure. Shoot."

"Once I insert the catheter we'll discuss it. You're going to feel a pinch so take a deep breath in when I tell you."

Damon shrugged. "Sure." He glanced down at Katrina and gave her another smile and a wink when she caught his gaze. She looked much more worried than he felt.

"Deep breath in Damon," Doctor Van Buren instructed.

Damon did was told and felt a slight pinch and discomfort in his arm, but nothing worse than a discomfort. Katrina's hand tightened in his. He was actually grateful that she was so worried - in a way - because focusing his attention on settling her down distracted him from his own concerns.

"Alright, we're done. A nurse will be sent to the office to flush and clean it every Monday morning. You can't brush off a cleaning. It's extremely important, Damon, so schedule meetings and such around it."

"Sure Doc. We're going to be staying here in New York until the process is over anyhow."

"Good. Now, I assume you two will be trying to have children?" The doctor pulled his latex gloves off and tossed them into the waste can beside Damon's desk as he packed up his equipment.

Damon frowned. He knew where this was going.

"I would strongly suggest you two see a fertility clinic. Later today if you can, but definitely before the first treatment, because the treatment I have lined up for you will greatly reduce your fertility and there is a very real possibility that it will render you infertile indefinitely. So be prepared for that."

Damon's jaw clenched. It was a blow. A big blow to him, though he suspected as much. It made him even more grateful that Katrina came back into his life when she did.

Gary skimmed through his leather planner, pulled out a business card and passed it to him. I'll call them when I leave and tell them to expect to see you-" He paused catching Damon's gaze. "-this afternoon."

Looking down at Katrina he raised a questioning brow. "Do you want to do this?" He waved the card at her.

Her frown deepened and she nodded, her eyes lowering to their entwined hands. "We should.... In case."

Damon leaned into her and kissed the top of her head. "Okay, set it up Gary. We'll drop in this afternoon and do whatever is necessary. Having a baby is very important to us so however it has to happen."

"In that case, I'll be seeing you in a few days with your first treatment."


"Mr. and Mrs. Garratt, Dr. Robichaud has been waiting for you. Please follow me." The petite blonde receptionist led them down a short hallway, elegantly styled with cream coloured walls and scones on the walls giving off a soft, soothing light.

The receptionist knocked on the door with a golden plate with the name Dr. Ethan Robichaud.

"Come on in."

The receptionist opened the door and led them into a small office, which kept in line with the warm toned theme of the clinic. The man behind the large oak desk, a slender man of his late fifties, extended his hand to first Damon and then Katrina.

The receptionist quietly excused herself from the room and closed the door behind her. The doctor re-seated himself, while Damon and Katrina seated themselves across from him.

"It's good to meet you both. Dr. Van Buren asked that I take special care of you two and that we're on a bit of a time crunch."


The doctor opened a file folder which already contained a number of medical reports. "I've already read through your medical history and am aware of the treatment Dr. Van Buren has planned for you, Damon. So there are a couple things I would like to achieve this afternoon."

"Of course. Whatever is necessary. That's why we're here."

Katrina nodded her agreement and then reached over to Damon and took his hand.

"First, I need blood work from you both. Damon, I'm going to need you to donate today and come back every day over the next several days until your first chemo treatment. Katrina, we're going to do a full medical exam on you, because we'll be starting the insemination process during your next ovulation."

"Now to Katrina, when was your last menstrual period?" He poised his pen waiting for an answer.

Katrina shrugged and crinkled up her nose. "Ummm, a couple of weeks ago, maybe."

Doctor Robichaud looked up from his paperwork, a brow raised. "Maybe?"

"I don't know..." She looked at Damon who simply laughed and shrugged.

"Baby, I have no idea. Not sure why you're looking at me."

When was my last menstrual period? If the truth be known she really didn't know. She never paid much attention to it. To her it was an uncomfortable few days every once and a while then back to life as normal.

"Alright. We'll know everything we need to once the tests are done anyhow. But, I would like you to keep track of it from now on."

Katrina felt an embarrassed blush colour her cheeks at being chastised.

Doctor Robichaud didn't seem to notice her embarrassment as he continued. "So we're going to get right too it. I'll send my nurse in to take blood samples and then I'll do Katrina's examination while Damon gives us his first deposit."

Katrina couldn't help but snicker as she glanced at Damon out of the corner of her eye. It was his turn to be embarrassed at the thought of masturbating into a cup.

"So. Let's get started."


"I swear I've never been so sick of jacking-off in my life Kat," Damon groaned as he plunked himself down on a sterile chair at the clinic, his specimen cap in hand. They'd been advised to refrain from intercourse while he was doing his daily collections at the clinic, but that was near impossible. They were newlyweds for heavens sakes and it didn't help that he got hard every time she brushed up against him, or she looked up at him with desire in her blue eyes.

Terry Towers's Novels
» The CEO and the Girl from the Coffee Shop
» An Heir for the Billionaire
» What Happens In Vegas.... Doesn't Always Stay There