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An Heir for the Billionaire Page 7
Author: Terry Towers

Damon sighed and lifted his hands up, palms out and shrugged. "I don't know Katrina. I suppose a part of me was scared you'd refuse to talk to me. And I've been focused on work, way too focused, I know this now. I've had some very messed up priorities."

"So what changed it now?"

Damon paused, his expression darkening, indecision flashing in his eyes. After a moment a smile spread across his lips. "Things change."

Their eyes locked and a moment passed between them.

"Have you had supper? You didn't go to the reception did you?"

Katrina shook her head. "Nope and I am."

Damon stood and extended his hand to her, "Come on. Let's get out of here."


"Now, be forewarned my secretary ordered the vehicle. Not me. I wouldn't drive anything so pretentious in Bangor," Damon explained as they entered the car park attached to the hotel.

Katrina frowned. "Pretentious?"

Damon chuckled. "Yeah. Pretentious." They rounded the corner and Katrina's eyes caught sight of what had to be the car he was speaking of, a candy apple red Ferrari. It stuck out like a sore thumb, surrounded by assortment of economy cars and SUV's in the parking garage.

"Wow. You're driving that?"

Walking over to the passenger side of the car, Damon unlocked it and assisted her into the low sitting car. "Yup."

Katrina was surprised at his dismissive attitude towards the vehicle. It was gorgeous. She settled back in the black leather seat. It was so lavish and comfortable. Her eyes scanned the interior of the car in awe.

"You don't like it?" she asked as he opened the driver's door and slid in next to her, starting the car. The powerful engine roared to life, sending a tremor of excitement through her. This was the first time she'd ever been in a Ferrari. So cool.

He placed his hand on the gearshift preparing to put it into drive. "Oh I do. It's a fantastic car. But it just sticks out too much here, like I'm trying to impress someone or something. Becky must have assumed I'd want it since it's what I drive home." He threw the car into first gear and pulled out of the parking slot.

"At home?"

Damon glanced at her out of the corner of his eye as he negotiated the parking garage and exited onto the street. "Yeah, I live in New York now."

"Really?" Her spirits lifted. He was on the east coast. Granted it was about a ten hour drive away, but still close. If they hit it off... She stopped her train of thought in its tracks. The last thing she wanted to do was look past the weekend and get disappointed.

"Yeah. Moved there a few years ago. It made much more sense to be there from a business perspective."

"And so do you live right in Manhattan or in Jersey."

He glanced over at her and smiled. "Manhattan. Near Central Park."

Katrina was impressed. He drove a Ferrari and lived near Central Park? He really did do very well for himself; at least it appeared to be that way. "Wow, that's impressive. Business must be good."

He flashed a sexy smile at her that made her heart rate accelerate. "I guess you could say I've done okay for myself," he conceded. "In some areas of my life anyhow." His gaze dropped from hers moving lower to her chest, making the heat flare up between her legs.

She turned her eyes away and frowned. "Where are we going to eat anyhow?"

"Is Mama Mays still open?"

"Believe it or not, it is." Katrina smiled at the mention of Mama Mays. Mama Mays was the little mom and pop pizza place on the border of Bangor and Brewer that they used to eat at every noon hour when in high school. A rush of memories filled her head and her smile widened. Without thinking she placed her hand over his on the gear shift, lacing her fingers with his.

His hand tightened on hers, causing her to glance over at him, catching his gaze for a brief moment before he shifted his eyes back to the road. "So I was thinking we could take a little trip down memory lane?"

I already am, Katrina mused. "What do you have in mind?"

"I was thinking that we have ourselves a couple of slices of pizza, maybe a Coke and then go to the lookout."

Cocking her head to the side, Katrina grinned. "Do you plan on seducing me with pizza and taking me parking, Damon Garratt?"

Damon gave her hand another squeeze, downshifting. "We could forgo the pizza if you like and skip to the parking."

He glanced over at her and caught her eyes, a mischievous gleam shone in his eyes - the same gleam he used to get when he was teasing her when they were young. No matter how much things had changed, they stayed the same. She certainly wasn't expecting there to be such a familiarity. It was both arousing and unsettling.

"We can't forgo Mama May's now that you have me excited over it!"

Arriving at Mama May's, the parking lot was virtually empty, which was unusual for a Friday night. As Damon slid the car into a parking slot, Katrina couldn't help but notice eyes examining the car.

"You're right."

"Huh?" Damon parked the car and glanced over at her, eyebrow raised.

"The car sticks out. I think every set of eyes in the area is on us."


Opening the car door, Damon offered his hand to Katrina assisting her out of the low sitting car. "Does Mama May still work?" He doubted it; she'd been nearing sixty when they were in high school.

Katrina grinned. "Believe it or not. She does."


"Her son, Richard, more or less took over for her a few years ago though."

She straightened and adjusted the skirt of her dress that had risen dangerously high on her thighs. Not that he minded - not one bit.


Damon's eyes lifted, a brow cocked. "Huh?"

She pointed two fingers towards her eyes scowling, but there was amusement in her eyes. "My eyes are here, buddy."

Damon grinned. "You wore the dress, woman. He nudged her out of the way with his hip and closed the car door, locking it. "Can't blame a guy for looking."

"Not like you haven't seen them before," she teased, looking up at him with a hint of seduction in her gaze, as he took her hand on his and they made their way into the pizzeria.

Damon's dick jerked in his pants. He remembered alright. The years hadn't dimmed the memories of her silky thighs, or the soft sighs and moans she'd make whenever he spread her legs and indulged in her. He gritted his teeth and gave his head a quick shake, trying to clear the memories from his mind, partly scared the building erection in his pants would be visible to her.

Terry Towers's Novels
» The CEO and the Girl from the Coffee Shop
» An Heir for the Billionaire
» What Happens In Vegas.... Doesn't Always Stay There