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What Happens In Vegas.... Doesn't Always Stay There Page 3
Author: Terry Towers

Accepting the handkerchief, she took a deep breath in, and slowly released it, fighting back tears. No he’s not worth it, she told herself . He doesn’t deserve my tears. However, despite her efforts to keep back the tears, they had a mind of their own as they began to flow down her cheeks, smearing her perfectly applied make-

up along their trails. All she wanted to do was go home, get out of the blasted dress and try to forget Alex Cane ever existed.



Chapter 2

Two Weeks Ago – Genevieve Genevieve looked around as she entered the honeymoon suite. She was in Las Vegas a week after she was stood up on her wedding day. As it turned out, the hotel was prepaid and the price was non-refundable. They’d gotten an awesome deal with the non-refundable pre-purchase of the suite; it hadn’t even crossed her mind there would be a reason to cancel when she booked it. The honeymoon had been scheduled a week after the wedding to take advantage of the awesome deal Alex had snagged them. So the choice was either go to Vegas and make use of the room or waste the fifteen thousand it cost to spend the week there. So she hopped the plane – alone – and now here she was.

“Thank you,” she gave the bellhop a ten dollar bill as he placed her two suitcases inside the door of the room.

“Thank you ma’am.” He gave her a friendly, sexy smile and pocketed the bill.

“Would there be anything else I can assist you with?”

Genevieve look a moment to look the handsome Latino man over. He was very good-looking and oozed charisma. He was one of those men who you spent a wild night of passion with and went home completely satisfied never to see or talk to again.

A part of her wished she was the kind of girl that did things like that. In truth, she didn’t know what kind of girl she was without Alex in her life. Alex had been her first love and partner. Her only love and partner when it came right down to it.

Would he be better in bed then Alex? Her sex life with Alex was okay, not mind-blowing like what she read in erotica and romance novels, but she doubted sex was that explosive in real life anyhow. But as she continued to look at the bellhop she found herself interested in finding out.


She gave her head a shake at her foolish ideas and gave him a tight smile.

“That’s all. Thank you.”

“If you need anything, you know where to find me.”

She watched him leave and then went about inspecting the room. Champagne was sitting on the table in the kitchen, chilling on ice. As she wandered into the bedroom, she found rose petals scattered over the bedspread and a bouquet of roses and box of chocolates sitting next to it. She picked up the flowers, brought them up to her nose and inhaled deeply, taking in the sweet scent.

Her mind drifted back to the bellhop. Would it be so bad for her to indulge in a night with someone? God knows, it had been suggested to her by numerous friends before she left. But no. She wanted a connection with someone, needed a connection. Could sex even be satisfying without that loving bond established beforehand?

She huffed, disgusted at herself. Yeah, ’cause that worked out so well with Alex.

Maybe her friends had it right. No strings attached – just sex – taking pleasure in the strength and heat of a beautiful man you barely knew.

If only I were that type of girl…

Placing the flowers back next to the bed she went over to her suitcases and began rummaging through her clothing until she came to a beautiful, cream coloured Gucci dress. Stripping off her jeans and t-shirt she proceeded to change, slipping into the dress and spending the next half an hour primping until everything from her accessories to her make-up was perfect.

Once done she walked over to the mirror and examined herself. Her straight, black hair fell to the small of her back. It had a glossy shine that most women envied. She was about twenty-five pounds overweight, but it was in all the right places, giving her soft feminine curves. Her emerald green eyes were accented with rich black cat-eye make-up. She looked good, sexy. But instead of making her feel good, it only made her feel more confused. If Alex didn’t want her because of the way she looked then what was it? What about her made him not want to be with her? She shook her head, grimacing; she hadn’t a clue.

With a sigh, she gathered her golden Chanel double-flap handbag, stuffed her wallet and casino vouchers in it and exited the room. The casino gave her five hundred in casino money as part of the honeymoon package, so she figured she might as well use it while she decided on her next course of action.


~ Dane ~

Between poker hands, Dane Porter watched the raven-haired woman as she played the slot machines across from him. He’d been winning until she showed up, however, now he was losing virtually every hand. Disgusted with himself for allowing the vixen to distract him, he decided to give the cards a rest – for now.

His dick was taking over his mind and there wasn’t much he could do about it –

except find a way to satisfy the urge she was provoking within him. And what better way than introducing himself?

Walking over to her, he leaned over her shoulder. “Anyone sitting here?” he motioned toward the seat next to her.

She paused with her hand on the lever, about to pull down and spin the wheels.

She looked from the vacant chair to him. Releasing the lever she spun her swivel chair around to face him, nibbling on her lower lip as her eyes did a more thorough inspection of him.

Not quite expecting her to be so brazen, Dane found himself slightly uncomfortable. “…But if it’s taken…”

A smile formed on her lips, amusement in her stunning green eyes. “Is that what constitutes a pick-up line around here?”

He clucked his tongue off of the roof of his mouth and shrugged. “Not sure, I’m vacationing here from New York.” He extended his hand to her. “Dane Porter.”

Her face brightened at the mention of New York. “That so? I’m also from New York. What are the chances?”

He winked as he sat down next to her. “I think it’s destiny.”

She rolled her eyes at him. “Okay, that was just cheesy. I expect more from a New Yorker, you’re disappointing me.”

“Oh, come on! Give a guy a break here. I’m trying to get to know you.” He shot another smile her way. Usually women swooned when he turned on the charm. It was evident she was going to be a little harder, but there was nothing he liked more than a little challenge.

Her expression softened. “I apologize.” She extended her hand to him. “I’m Genevieve Fennel.”

Terry Towers's Novels
» The CEO and the Girl from the Coffee Shop
» An Heir for the Billionaire
» What Happens In Vegas.... Doesn't Always Stay There