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Unexpected Reality Page 39
Author: Kaylee Ryan

“Ridge,” she whispers.

Instantly, my cock is hard. Her fine ass pressed against me, my name falling from her lips—how the fuck am I supposed to resist that? “Kendall,” I growl, turned the fuck on.

“I-I should go.”

Fuck. I know she’s right; plus, I have work to do. I’m not getting paid to try and fuck the granddaughter of the home owner, but I want to. Oh, how I want to, though. Instead, I bring my mouth next to her ear. “Drive safe, sweet girl.” My lips land on her cheek and then I step away. I have to make myself release her. She doesn’t bolt like I expect her to, just stands stock still, the only movement the rapid rise and fall of her chest. She’s just as affected; her body confirmed it.

I watch as she takes a deep breath and slowly releases it. Turning to look over her shoulder, those baby blues lock on me. “Good-bye, Ridge,” she murmurs.

I don’t get time to reply as she quickly turns around and takes the final few steps to her car. I stand there like a lovesick fool and watch her drive away.

“Break’s over,” one of the guys’ yells—I think it’s Mark.

I’m not ready for their mocking. They’re going to give me shit about this for the rest of the day. I knew that, but it didn’t stop me. There’s just something about her that reels me in. I slowly turn and walk back toward the house, not that getting there any slower is going to prevent what my friends have in store for me.

“You good, man? You need a tissue or something?” Kent asks. He’s trying to keep a straight face.

“Trouble in paradise?” Seth chimes in.

“I bet I can get her to say yes to a date before you can,” Tyler says, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

“Don’t even fucking think about it,” I warn him.

“She’s fair game, brother. Unless you’re calling dibs,” he fires back.

Yes, I’m fucking calling dibs! “Can we just agree that she’s not available?”

“Fuck, man. Have you seen her? Why the hell would we let her get away? One of us—” Mark points around the group “—needs to hit that.”

“Not fucking happening.” My voice is low and stern. Not that my friends are the least bit affected. No, the assholes laugh at me.

“One of us has to call dibs for the rest to back off,” Kent states, reminding us of the pact we made years ago.

Mark opens his mouth, “I—”

“Mine,” I spit out, interrupting him. No way will I let them have her; she’s too sweet for any of them. Too sweet for me. They’ve forced my hand, but that doesn’t mean I have to act on it. I called dibs, which means they leave her be.

“Remember, you can’t be messing with anyone else after calling dibs. That happens, she’s up for grabs. And she’s not an ex, so . . .” Seth trails off, but I know what comes next.

Son of a bitch! I forgot that small aspect to the pact. Fuck. Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes and try to think this through. It’s not like I’m out in the dating pool at the moment, and it won’t be hard to stay away from women in general. I have a newborn son to raise. I’m in so fucking far over my head it’s not even funny. I have too much to learn to let a woman distract me. He’s depending on me.

“Noted,” I finally say. The four of them are wearing matching smirks. Fuckers, they knew what they were doing. “Get your lazy asses back to work.”

They do as I say, but not without riding my ass about my girlfriend.

What the hell did I get myself into?

What the hell was that? I can still feel his body next to mine, the feel of his lips against my skin. The touch was feather-light, but the impact it had on my body was apparently a lasting impression. I’ve just finished my final errand, having already gone to the bank, the post office, and the grocery store. It’s mid-afternoon and my body is still calling for his. How is that even possible? And that voice, the deep timbre next to me ear. The way he calls me ‘sweet girl.’ Apparently, my body is telling me that taking a hiatus from men is not what it wants. I’ve got to get this attraction for him under control.

Grabbing a bag of chips and a bottle of water, I settle on the couch with the remote. I was going to read, but I think it’s wise to watch some TV instead; those book boyfriends of mine remind me too much of Ridge. I need to learn to deal with this . . . whatever it is before I go adding any more fantasies in my head. Then again, who needs the fantasy when I still remember the feel of his chin resting on my head, his hands on my hips . . . Yeah, TV is a much better option.

I settle for getting caught up on episodes of Lip Sync Battle on my DVR. No romance there, just laugh-out-loud ridiculousness. I love it.

Hours later, my stomach growls. My DVR selection served its purpose to distract me from Ridge; I feel like I have a better handle on this than before. He’s hot as hell and a nice guy, but I swore off men for a while, and I need to stick to that. After my disastrous relationship with Cal, I need the break. Ridge needs one as well.

I’m in the kitchen making a turkey sandwich when my cell rings. I run into the living room to get it. “Hey, I’m not coming straight home,” Dawn’s voice greets me. “Some of the girls and I are going to grab something to eat. Want to meet us?”

“No, I’m good. I’m actually making a sandwich now.”

“You sure?”

“Positive. I think I’m going to turn in early tonight anyway. I’m having a lazy day.”

“Okay. Well, if you change your mind, we’re going to the Mexican place just down the street from the office.”

Kaylee Ryan's Novels
» Unexpected Reality