home » Romance » Kaylee Ryan » Unexpected Reality » Unexpected Reality Page 66

Unexpected Reality Page 66
Author: Kaylee Ryan

I’m too far gone.

“He brought you to me. I was convinced that I was finished with relationships. Cal had left a wound so deep I never thought it would fill.”

Needing to touch her, I trace her jawline with my index finger. She shivers at the contact.

“Knox brought you to me.”

She closes her eyes, and I want to demand that she open them. I can’t get a good read on what she’s thinking, what she’s feeling when those baby blues aren’t looking at me.

When she finally does open them, there’s a sea of emotion staring back at me. “Not only are you filling the wound, you’re healing my soul. I will admit that what you’ve told me about your relationship with Stephanie, it bothers me. However, you’ve never once made me feel like I was any less than everything in your eyes. Call me crazy, but I’m not willing to give that up. It’s a feeling I’m quickly becoming addicted to.”

I place my lips next to hers, and this time, I let her take the lead. She doesn’t disappoint, her tongue tracing my lips, silently asking me to open for her. I do. Hell fucking yes, I do, in every way possible. My heart, my head, my soul, and my mouth to taste her. Everything I am is open for her.

Just her.

My sweet girl.

She slides her tongue against mine and I grip her hip, pulling her closer to me. I just can’t seem to ever be close enough to her. I want to fucking devour her, but I don’t. I hold back, letting her show me how far she wants to take this. Whatever she wants, she gets.

“Ridge,” she says, pulling away.

“Yeah, babe?” I kiss down her jaw, tracing her neck with my tongue.

“There’s someone at the door.”

“Don’t care,” I mumble against her neck.

“Ridge.” She laughs, one so carefree I vow to hear it daily.

Burying my face in her neck, I sigh, defeated. “Fine, but I’m not done with you.” I kiss her lips one last time before climbing to my feet, adjusting my hard-on to answer the damn door. “This better be good,” I grumble as I pull it open.

“Hey, man,” Kent greets me.

I try hard not to scowl at him. “What’s up?”

“Dad called and he’s got the tractor stuck down over the hill. Wanted to see if you had time to help me pull him out. Mom said she would keep an eye on Knox.”

“Come on in.” I hold the door open and once he’s inside, I head back to the living room. Kendall is on all fours, smiling down at Knox and making noises that I’m sure have some pretty crazy faces to go with them, but her fine ass waving in the air is distracting me from finding out or even laughing at her antics.

“Hey, Kendall.” Kent chuckles.

She turns to look behind her and laughs. “Busted, little man.” She sits back on her butt and picks Knox up, settling him in her lap. “Hi.” She takes Knox’s hand and waves at Kent.

This girl.

“Babe, Kent’s dad got their tractor stuck, and he needs me to help him get it out. I’m sorry.”

“Of course. This little guy and I will just hang out until you get back.” She stands from her sitting position on the floor, as if she needs to stand tall for me to let her keep my son.

I stand there watching her. I didn’t expect her to offer to keep him, but then again, I should have. That’s just Kendall. “You don’t have to. Kent’s mom—”

“Tell Daddy we got this, Knox.” Her blue eyes look up at me. “We’ll be here when you get back.”

A vision of coming home to her every day flashes through my mind. Her force, whatever it is, pulls me to her.

I wrap my arms around both of them. “I’ll hurry.” I kiss Knox on top of the head. “You be good for Kendall,” I tell my son, who doesn’t have a fucking clue what I’m saying. “And you, I’ll be back soon.”

She tilts her head up and I take my chance to kiss her. “Be safe,” she whispers.

Reluctantly, I release her and follow Kent out the door.

“Well, it’s just you and me, kid,” I say to Knox. I decide to use my time wisely to help Ridge out a little bit, so I climb the stairs to Knox’s room and grab him a sleeper. It’s already almost five, so bath time and PJ’s it is. I set out his clothes and walk across the hall to the bathroom. His little lip quivers as soon as I pour water over him, and he also pees in it. I turn the water back on, double-checking the temperature, and begin to bathe him. I work quickly, and luck is on my side because he cooperates—plus no more accidents.

“Look at that little lip. I’m sorry. Let’s get you some warm clothes on.” I carry him back to his room, drying and dressing him quickly. I open his closet to find the hamper and see an infant wrap still in the package. It’s never been opened. I smile, thinking of Ridge walking around the house with baby Knox wrapped up and close to his chest. I open the package and read the instructions. This thing looks like a puzzle, but I finally figure it out and soon have Knox strapped to my chest.

Downstairs, I decide to clean up, Knox snoozing away as if this is a normal occurrence. Once I finish with the living room, I head into the kitchen, thinking I could make dinner for Ridge, but his cupboards are that of a bachelor for sure. He has the base for the car seat in his truck, so going to the store is out.

Digging a little deeper in the freezer, I find some frozen lasagna and garlic bread. That will have to do. I break the lasagna into little pieces, spray the bottom of the Crock-Pot I happened to find with non-stick spray, and add the pieces of lasagna. I don’t know what time he’ll be back, so this will ensure it cooks and stays warm for him.

Kaylee Ryan's Novels
» Unexpected Reality