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Losing Control (Babysitting a Billionaire #1) Page 33
Author: Nina Croft

So she’d offer Jake a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Unlimited sex for a limited time. And afterward, with it out of their system, her itch well and truly scratched, they could go back to being friends.

In theory, it sounded good.

The old saying “too good to be true” nagged her, but she ignored it. She was getting good at that.

“You need to get away, though,” Jess said. “Because we’re talking say three months’ worth of normal sex all condensed into one weekend of decadence and debauchery.”

Kim felt another twinge at the thought.

“You need to be away from distractions,” Jess continued. “I’m booked on a job next weekend, checking the security system for some castle in Scotland. It’s in the middle of nowhere, and the place is empty—it would be perfect. Why don’t you suggest to Jake that the two of you do the job together? Come out of it a little bit sore but totally heartbreak-free.”

The suggestion sounded good. But would Jake go for it? He’d told her he wouldn’t make love to her again unless she asked. But he wanted to. She knew it. And she was ready to ask.

Jake glanced up as the front door opened.

He was glad Kim was back because he had to leave again on business and didn’t want to go without saying good-bye. He considered asking her to come along, but she’d be a distraction. He’d rather get business out of the way first and then concentrate on her.

One problem at a time.

He reckoned he’d gotten through to her at last night’s party after “pretending” to be her lover. But she’d looked so tired when they got home he hadn’t pushed his advantage.

She entered the room in black jeans and a red shirt and pointed to his case by the door. “You going somewhere?”

“New York. I have to sort out something there.”


At least she looked a little disappointed.

“So did it work last night?” Kim asked. “Will stalker Nadia leave you alone now? What did she say to you before we left?”

“I think she got the message. She told me she could see I was infatuated, but that she would be waiting for me when I was over it.”

“So not a total result, but not bad.”

She strolled farther into the room and perched on the arm of the sofa, one long, jean-clad leg swinging. Her multicolored hair was tied into a ponytail, and she tugged at the end. A sure sign she was getting ready to say something she didn’t think he’d want to hear.

She’d been out with Jessica, and he hoped Kim hadn’t taken relationship advice from the woman. He was fond of Jess, he’d known her a long time, but she was totally screwed up where men were concerned. He had no clue why, and she’d never opened up, but something had happened in her past. And he could imagine the sort of advice she’d give.

“I’ve been thinking,” Kim said.

Another bad sign. He waited for her to continue.

Her golden eyes flicked to him and then away. “About sex.”

So had he. Was she going to ask him? His dick twitched in his pants at the thought. But the timing was so not right. His driver was on his way, they had a slot for the company plane, and no leeway. He’d miss his flight if he didn’t leave soon.

But to hell with the property deal.

If she asked him to make love to her, he wasn’t going anywhere but to bed. With her. He held his breath.

She chewed on her lower lip. Come on, he silently urged, just one word, just one little “please,” and he’d take over.

Instead, she jumped up and paced. After crossing the room and back several times, she halted in front of him.

He’d tried to keep quiet, but when she didn’t speak, he couldn’t hold back. “So, you were saying about sex…?”

She cleared her throat. “Yes. I was thinking that maybe we should—”

“For God’s sake, get it out, Kim.” He mentally slapped himself down; this was no time for impatience.

She took a big breath and said in a rush, “I think we should go away together and have lots and lots of sex and get it out of our system.”

He felt a frown tugging his brows together. “How much sex is that going to take?”

“I don’t know. You’re the experienced one. But I thought we could go away for a weekend and—”

“Have sex.” His dick twitched again.

“Exactly,” she said.

He wasn’t sure he liked the idea. She was still so sure that they could go back to being friends and everything would be rosy. But he had to admit that he liked this idea better than the avoidance technique she’d used so far. Maybe his plan to keep her close until she realized she couldn’t live without him was working, except she’d decided to put a time limit on the relationship.

A weekend.

It would take him a hell of a lot longer than a weekend to get enough of her. More like a lifetime.

“So we go away together?” That part sounded good. “Any ideas where?” She’d obviously been thinking this through.

“Jess was supposed to be on a job next weekend. In Scotland. I thought we could go instead.”

So this was Jess’s idea. He knew the place. It was owned by a friend of his and was miles from anywhere, secluded, luxurious, perfect. And he’d wanted to visit again. The place might be for sale soon, and he was interested.

“Will you be back from New York by then?” she asked. “We could move it to the following weekend.”

Hell no.

“I’ll make sure I’m back.” She wouldn’t meet his eyes, and he patted the seat beside him. “Come and sit down for a moment.” She hesitated. “Come on, Kim, you’re safe. I’m leaving in a few minutes. Even I can’t ravish you in that time.”

She perched on the edge of the seat beside him. He reached out and looped her hair behind her ear, stroked the soft skin of her cheek, and her lashes fluttered closed.

“Is this what you want?” he asked.

She blinked. “I want us to be friends again.”

“I’m still your friend. I’ll always be your friend.”

“But it’s not the same. There’s this thing between us, and it looms over everything. I can’t look at you without—”

“Without remembering how good it felt when I was inside you? Yeah, I’m having that problem as well.”

“You are?” Her gaze flicked down over his body to settle on his groin. Jake shifted in his seat, his pants suddenly way too tight. “So you think it will work? We’ll have our fill of each other and then go back to being just friends.”

Nina Croft's Novels
» Blackmailed by the Italian Billionaire
» Taking Control (Babysitting a Billionaire #3)
» Out of Control (Babysitting a Billionaire #2)
» Losing Control (Babysitting a Billionaire #1)