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Losing Control (Babysitting a Billionaire #1) Page 46
Author: Nina Croft

Jake woke as the front door closed, the sound unnaturally loud.

His head felt muzzy, and he was fully clothed and lying on the sofa, a duvet on top of him.

Kim was nowhere in sight, and he was sure he was alone in the apartment. What the hell had he said to her last night? The whole latter part of the evening was a blur. He could vaguely remember getting some really bad advice from the guys. He hoped to God he hadn’t acted on any of it.

At least she’d been here when he’d gotten home. He’d half expected her to have run back to her own place. That was partly why he’d gone out. He hadn’t been able to face returning to an empty apartment.

He rubbed at his forehead, but he didn’t feel too bad. But he had to find Kim, see what she was thinking, whether she’d come to any conclusions, or whether she was going to keep running.

He pushed the duvet aside and got to his feet. And saw the note on the table. Picking it up, he read the words.

Gone to prove I love you.


Shit, looked like he’d taken that advice from the guys after all.

Chapter Nineteen

Kim punched the stolen security code into the panel next to Jake’s door, then crouched down and used her pick and tension wrench to undo the complicated lock. It took long minutes, and she held her breath—she needed to be inside before Margie arrived for the day’s work. Finally, the mechanism disengaged.

As she eased open the door, she slipped on her goggles so she could see the lines of the infrared beams that crisscrossed the room. She stepped carefully over one and then ducked under the next, then over and under two more to bring her in front of the cabinet that housed the safe.

She took a slim blade from her pocket and slid it down the door opening until it reached the wire trigger, sliced through it, then carefully turned the handle. And there was the last hurdle.

The safe.

She’d taken lessons in anticipation of the day she would get this close. Jake believed part of being successful in the security business was understanding the weaknesses, and he made sure all the operatives were trained. Trevor had spent time in prison for safecracking and was considered the best in the business. He’d said she was a natural, but she’d never actually gotten this far before, so never had the chance to test her skills.

Now she knelt down and pulled the autodialing device from her bag. She attached it to the safe and switched it on, then leaned forward and rested her ear against the safe. It seemed to take an age but was probably only five minutes before she heard the machine catch and the lock click open.

She sat back on her heels.

She was in.

“Congratulations.” The softly spoken word came from behind her, and she swiveled on her heels. Jake stood in the shadows at the corner of the room, and her heart rate picked up until she could hear it thudding in her ears. He took a step toward her, his face impassive.

“Hi, Jake. How’s your head?”

A smile flickered across his face. “It’s good. Are you sorry about that?”

Did she want him to suffer? “No.”

“Aren’t you going to see what’s inside?” He nodded toward the safe.

She turned back and tugged open the safe door. It was almost empty. Just two items. She drew out the contents: a small velvet box and a semiautomatic pistol.

With one hand, she flicked open the box, but she already knew what would be inside. An engagement ring. The most beautiful ring she had ever seen in her entire life. And a piece of paper. She tucked the gun down her jeans, unfolded the note, and read the two words.

Marry me?

She blinked a couple of times, then rose to her feet and faced Jake.

“You keep telling me not to say those words to you. So I thought I would write them instead. That way you can wad it up and throw it away.” He nodded to the ring in her hand. “It’s a champagne diamond. The same color as your eyes.”

The stone was stunning, dark gold, with deeper orange tones. She glanced from it to the gun. “So you want me to choose?”

He shook his head. “No. You can have both. Or either. You want the gun, and I’ll not hold you back—it’s your life, your decision. But I hope you’ll take the ring as well.”

“What happened to treating me mean?” she asked.

A small smile tugged at his lips. “I was hoping I hadn’t actually brought that up.”

“You did.”

She stared out the window while she considered her next move. Her plan was to get into the safe and then tell Jake she didn’t want the promotion, that she wanted his love far more. That was to be her proof. Now he was telling her she could have everything.

But she didn’t want everything. She wanted Jake.

Slowly, she pulled out the pistol and aimed it at his heart.

“I’m going to have your baby. What are you going to do about it?”

Shock flared across his face, followed by…joy and maybe the briefest flash of fear. He swallowed. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I’m not.”

“You’re not?”

“No. I’m deliriously happy. It will be the most beautiful baby in the whole world.”

A smile curved his lips, glinted in his blue eyes. “I’m glad.”

She remembered her father’s advice and took a deep breath. “But we both need you, Jake. You’re going to have to give up all those reckless hobbies and look after us. No jumping out of airplanes with your dad.”

“I think living with you will be exciting enough.”

“And you need to make an honest woman out of me.” She waved the gun a little to emphasize her words. “Or I might shoot you.”

His smile widened. “It’s not loaded.”

“Does it need to be?”


She placed the gun on the desk. “I don’t want it.”

“I’m glad. And you know you can always be my bodyguard if life gets too boring. It’s a 24-7 job and guaranteed for life.”

“That one I will accept. Well, until the baby comes, then I’ll be busy.” She took the few steps toward him and handed him the box. “Put it on for me.”

He took it from her and slipped the ring from inside, then lifted her left hand. “You ready?”

She nodded. “As I’ll ever be.”

The ring slid on her finger, a perfect fit.

She heard a noise behind her, but there was one more thing she needed to do, and she refused to be distracted. Screwing her eyes up tight, she willed the words to her throat.

Nina Croft's Novels
» Blackmailed by the Italian Billionaire
» Taking Control (Babysitting a Billionaire #3)
» Out of Control (Babysitting a Billionaire #2)
» Losing Control (Babysitting a Billionaire #1)