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Betrothed for the Baby (Illegitimate Heirs #3) Page 28
Author: Kathie DeNosky

His lips clung to hers a moment before he raised his head to smile down at her. “I want you so damned much I can taste it.”

“And I want you just as much.” Her body tingled with such need she trembled from it. “Please, make love to me, Hunter.”

His slumberous look thrilled her to the depths of her soul as he rose from the bed to remove their shoes and socks, then, taking her by the hand, he pulled her to her feet. Bringing her hands to rest on his chest, he gave her a smile that caused her knees to wobble.

“Let’s do this together, darlin’.”

Excited by the prospect of removing his clothes, Callie rose up on tiptoes to kiss the skin just above the neck band of his red T-shirt at the same time she tugged the tail of it from the waistband of his jeans. Sliding her hands under the soft cotton garment, she felt his muscles contract as she slowly pushed the shirt up along his lean sides. When he raised his arms to help her, she allowed him to pull the garment over his head and toss it aside.

“Your body is perfect,” she said, lightly running her fingertips over his well-defined pectoral muscles.

When she traced circles around his flat male nipples, he sucked in a sharp breath. “As good as having your hands on my chest feels, it’s my turn.”

Reaching for her, he gently pulled the blue scrunchie holding her ponytail free and threaded his fingers through the shoulder-length strands. “Your hair is like fine threads of golden silk.”

He tilted her head for a quick kiss, then with painstaking care worked the three buttons at the top of her oversize polo shirt through the buttonholes. Slowly, carefully lifting it up and over her head, his gaze held hers captive as he reached behind her to unfasten her bra. By the time he slid the silk and lace from her shoulders to toss it on top of their shirts, their breathing sounded as if they’d both run a marathon.

The look in his eyes warmed her all over as he filled both of his hands with her breasts and chafed the sensitive tips to harden peaks with his thumbs. “You’re so beautiful, Callie.”

He dipped his head to capture one of her nipples with his mouth, and she had to brace her hands on his shoulders to keep from melting into a puddle at his feet. He teased first one, then the other tight nub with his tongue, and it felt as if her blood turned to warm honey as tendrils of desire threaded their way through her limbs to pool with an aching emptiness between her thighs. When he finally raised his head, the hungry look in his dark green eyes stole her breath.

Without a word, she reached for his belt and quickly worked the leather through the metal buckle. But when she popped the snap at the top of his jeans, she forced herself to slow down. Glancing up at him, she smiled as she traced her fingernail along each metal tooth of his bulging zipper. “This looks a bit uncomfortable. I think you’d probably feel better if we got you out of these.”

“I don’t think, darlin’, I know I’d feel better,” he said, his voice sounding raspy.

Easing his fly open, she pushed the jeans down his lean hips, then past his muscular thighs and calves. When he stepped out of them, she trailed her hands along his hair-roughened skin on her way back up to his navy-blue boxer briefs. She loved the way the sinew flexed and bunched at her touch.

“Is that better now?”

His sexy grin sent heat spiraling straight to her core. “Oh, yeah,” he said, reaching for the waistband of her maternity jeans.

His heated gaze held hers captive as he slid his fingers under the elastic. His warm palms felt wonderful brushing against her skin as he knelt to push the jeans down her legs, then slowly skimmed his hands along her legs on his way back to her silk panties. Touching her between her legs, he applied a light pressure against the most sensitive spot on her body, sending waves of pleasure radiating through her.

“Does that feel good, Callie?” he asked when a tiny moan of pleasure escaped her.

Unable to form a coherent thought, all she could do was nod.

When he stood up, his gaze captured hers, and as if by unspoken agreement they both reached for the last barriers separating them. Never losing eye contact, together they disposed of his boxer briefs and her panties.

Callie’s eyes widened at the sight of his magnificent body. When they’d made love the other morning there hadn’t been enough light for her to see his physique. But as she gazed at him now, she marveled at how perfectly made he was.

His wide shoulders, chest and thighs were well defined by muscles that she somehow knew hadn’t been honed by working out at a gym. As her gaze drifted lower, past his lean flanks, her breath caught at the sight of his proud, full erection. He was impressively built, thoroughly aroused and, as she lifted her eyes to meet his, looking at her as if he thought she was the most beautiful creature on earth.

“You’re amazing,” he said, his voice thick with passion.

“I was thinking the same thing about you.” She might have felt a bit unsure about her expanding shape had it not been for the gleam of appreciation in his eyes and the reverence she detected in his voice.

Reaching out, she tentatively touched him. Shivers of hot, hungry desire streaked through her when she circled him with her hand and his warm, thick strength surged at her touch. Measuring his length and the softness below, she glanced up at him when a groan rumbled up from deep in his chest. His eyes were closed and a muscle ticked along his jaw as if he’d clenched his teeth against the intense sensations her touch created.

“Does that feel good, Hunter?”

When he opened his eyes, the feral light in the green depths caused her to shiver with a need stronger than anything she’d ever experienced before. But when he cupped her breasts, then lowered his head to circle each nipple in turn with his tongue, swirls of heat coursed through her and she abandoned her exploration to place her hands on his shoulders for support.


“What do you want, Callie?” His warm breath on her sensitized skin made her feel as if she’d go up in flames at any moment.



“Now!” He was driving her crazy and he wanted to play twenty questions?

Chuckling, he raised his head and, wrapping his arms around her, pulled her to him. The instant soft female skin met hard masculine flesh, Callie moaned with pleasure.

“Let’s get in bed while we still have the strength,” he said hoarsely.

When he helped her into bed, then stretched out beside her, waves of sheer delight danced over every cell in her being at the feel of his calloused palms caressing her ribs and the underside of her breasts. Feeling as if she were burning up from the inside out, she pressed her legs together in an effort to ease the empty ache he’d created there. He must have realized what she needed because he reached down to gently cup her, a moment before his fingers parted her to stroke the tiny nub of hidden pleasure. Waves of heat streaked through her and she felt as if she’d go mad from wanting.

Kathie DeNosky's Novels
» Bossman Billionaire (Illegitimate Heirs #4)
» Betrothed for the Baby (Illegitimate Heirs #3)
» Engagement Between Enemies (Illegitimate Heirs #1)
» The Billionaire's Unexpected Heir (Illegitimate Heirs #6)
» One Night, Two Babies (Illegitimate Heirs #5)