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The Wrong Side of Midnight (A Billionaire in Disguise #3) Page 12
Author: Terri Marie

“I’m so happy for you, man. If anyone deserves it, it’s you.”

Chloe and Becky spotted Matthew by the truck when they drove around the bend. Chloe pulled up beside his pickup so she could stay pretty much hidden from nosey neighbors and the house staff. She couldn’t be caught dead in this car.

"Hey, good lookin'!" Matthew bent down and kissed Chloe on the cheek and said hello to Becky.

"I have a surprise for you, Matthew. I'm all moved in, so you can stop by my apartment this evening if you're not busy." Chloe could feel the butterflies returning.

"I would break any plans I had just to come and see you."

Becky couldn't stop smiling at the entire encounter. She has never seen her best friend this happy.

After some small talk, she drove around the bend to drop Becky off out of the sight of the guards, and with pure excitement, Chloe drove to her new home.

∞  ∞  ∞  ∞

She took a long, hot shower and then sat on the balcony. She knew she should eat something, but her stomach was in knots. This was a fairytale she didn't want to end. Chloe just wished she didn't have to lie in order to be happy. Hopefully Matthew would forgive her and be understanding. For her, it was worth the risk. Having Matthew in her life for only a short time was better than never having known him at all.

She walked back inside and looked around. The apartment was only a third the size of her bedroom at the mansion. She was startled out of her deep thoughts by a soft knock at the door. Peering through the peephole, she saw his beautiful face and let him in.

"C'mere." Matthew said, as he wrapped her up in his strong arms and carried her to the kitchen. He sat her on the counter and kissed her like he hadn't seen her in months. "I don't think I've ever missed anyone as much as you in my entire life."

"Matthew," Chloe whispered as her body began to melt. "I've thought about you all day."

Matthew looked at her with an unguarded heart.

Chloe stared back with overwhelming guilt over her deception. I can't believe I lied to him like this…

∞  ∞  ∞  ∞

Chloe was ecstatic to find out Matthew lived only four doors down from her. He came over every evening after showering and fixing dinner for his father. He wished he could stay with her all the time, but scaring her off wasn't an option for him and neither was leaving his father to fend for himself. There was no way he could afford a live-in to care for him. They sat at Chloe's small table and shared takeout, or snuggled on the couch and talked. They were learning so much about one another. With everything Matthew shared, the last thing she ever wanted to do was hurt him. They hadn't made love since the night at the pool. Matthew wanted Chloe to know that he wasn't with her just for sex. He struggled frequently to keep his urges under control, but he was determined to make her know he wanted more.

One evening after Matthew came home from work, he bent to kiss her like he always did, but then his words stuck in his throat.

"Are you okay, Matthew? It seems like something's bothering you." Chloe felt ill. Did he know? Was he disinterested? Regardless, she braced herself for the worst. "Just say it no matter what it is."

"Chloe Silver, I love you."

She returned the words she felt so much and then quickly buried her face in his chest so he wouldn't see her embarrassment and guilt.

Chloe Silver….

∞  ∞  ∞  ∞

She knew it was expected in the course of a serious relationship to meet each other's family. She still maintained that her parents were out of town, but Matthew wanted her to come over and meet his father. She was a total wreck. She knew if his father was as sweet as Matthew, she'd get along with him just fine. But for Chloe, it was just one more person to lie to. Before leaving, she looked up at Matthew and knew she'd have to tell him the truth. When she got ready to open her mouth, he whisked her out the door.

Walking inside of Matthew's apartment, Chloe saw a man who looked ten years older than what he really was. Smoke filled the room. The white ceiling and walls were stained with nicotine, and she watched as the man put his cigarette down in the ashtray and then try to stand to greet her from his wheelchair.

"No, you don't have to get up," said Chloe as she forced a smile. She felt so sorry for him, for Matthew, for the way they both lived. She could tell right away that they could afford very little, due to the pile of bills that was visible on the kitchen table. The audible sound of oxygen hissing, the sounds of coughing and air hunger, were almost more than she could take.

"Dad, this is Chloe." Matthew kept watching her face for any kind of negative reaction. He knew this was the real test.

Chloe walked over and shook his hand. "It's such a pleasure to meet you."

"Good to meet you as well, Chloe. I'm Conner, and it seems like you've made quite the impression on my son." He tried to chuckle, but ended up in a long coughing spell which totally exhausted him.

After Conner regained his breath and Matthew set him up with a breathing treatment, Chloe could see Matthew's expression change from instant concern to defeat over his lack of ability to provide for this man he obviously had great love for…and his strong desire to leave and get Chloe out of there.

But she didn't want to go until she knew Conner was going to be okay. She slid a kitchen chair over to him and just softly talked. She picked topics which wouldn't make the older man have to speak much. Matthew just sat back and watched from across the room. If she was going to bolt, she would have already went running. He found himself laughing some and joining in the conversation. They stayed for about an hour, and then Chloe went home while Matthew helped his dad to bed.

She waited until she was behind her own door before the tears flowed, and once they started, she struggled with keeping her composure. She heard the deadbolt slide open. With his key, Matthew let himself in. There was no hiding her emotions. Matthew wrapped his arms around her and lifted her face. After wiping her cheeks with his thumbs, he knew what was bothering her.

"He's been sick for years. The roofing company was never able to afford medical insurance for anyone, so I have hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay in medical bills for him. I make monthly payments, but I'll never be able to get him the care he needs. On top of that, I pay all our regular bills. I know you told me that material things don't matter to you, but I was serious when I said I'd never be able to provide you with anything." Matthew's cheeks reddened. "I just want to be honest with you before you get too attached to me."

Terri Marie's Novels
» The Wrong Side of Midnight (A Billionaire in Disguise #3)
» A Perfect Plan (A Billionaire in Disguise #2)
» Forbidden Disclosure (A Billionaire in Disguise #1)