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The Wrong Side of Midnight (A Billionaire in Disguise #3) Page 19
Author: Terri Marie

Sherry got up and watched him walk to that damn beat up truck. She had to think of something to make the man get the cement out of his head. Of course Chloe was right; had she of been honest about who she really was, Matthew wouldn't have given her the time of day.

Chloe walked in Sherry's office and poured herself some hot water for tea. She stuck around, dunking the teabag and wiping down the table, straightening magazines and newspapers, until she caused her boss to spin around in her chair.

"I know why you're hanging around in the office. Matthew left already. If you want to catch him, you best be up by five-thirty." Sherry smiled and winked.

"Oh...well I couldn't sleep. I just feel like keeping busy today. Seriously, me being in the office has nothing to do with Matthew."


"Okay, you're right. I'll go vacuum and be in here bright and early."

"Atta girl."

When Chloe was done cleaning, she walked to the apartment four doors down. She softly knocked, knowing Conner was sitting at the kitchen table.

"It's Chloe. I'd like to come in and talk with you if you don't mind."

Conner hated to ignore the young girl, but the last thing he wanted to do was get in the middle, especially after his son told him to keep his nose out of it. Matthew needed the time to figure things out in his own head. He knew his son better than anyone and was well aware that Matthew was more stubborn than a mule. Conner didn't understand why Chloe withheld the truth, but knew there was a reason. She had a good heart, and this whole thing bothered him greatly, but it wasn't up to him to find out the answers.

Chloe stood outside the door and knocked a few more times. When she was sure she'd given Conner more than enough time to answer it, she walked back down to her apartment and shut the door. Matthew wasn't going to be home for another couple of hours. Hopefully she could catch him outside before he went upstairs. Chloe went to the bathroom, showered, and did her hair exactly the same way she had it on the first night she met him. In cut offs and a t-shirt, she went downstairs and sat in her car. If he saw her standing in the parking lot, he'd keep driving and she knew that.

Chloe rehearsed her words over and over again in her head, and sometimes out loud. The new truck she'd bought for Matthew stood out like a fly in the punch bowl. Come on, keep it together, Chloe. This might be her only opportunity to talk to Matthew, so she had to make sure not to blow it. Hours later as daylight began to fade, the old red pickup truck drove into the parking lot. Before she could even get out of her car, Matthew spotted her. His eyes could have easily burned holes right through her. Chloe could have cried, but instead she got angry. She was going to make him listen to her one way or another.

∞  ∞  ∞  ∞

John tried to stay out of it, but watching his best friend be so preoccupied and pissed off all the time wasn't going to cut it. He wanted to shake some sense into him, but it wouldn't be that simple. He watched Matthew lower all his guards for this girl and knew how hurt he was.

"Have you talked with Chloe?"

"Let's not talk about her…ever. She was a fake."

"Matt, there has to be a reason. I mean look, she deposited fifty thousand in your account, paid your dad's medical bills, bought you a new truck, and yet she still lives here. Hell, she could have done all that from her mansion. Be mad at me if you want, but if she saw you as just a charity case, she would have already hit the road. She's staying because she cares about you."

"She humiliated me, and I trusted her. You think a relationship can be built on deceit and lies?"

"I just think—"

"I'm done talking about it…"

"All I'm saying is, I think you should give her five minutes of your time to explain. You don't have enough facts to just cut her out of your life. I know you love her, or you wouldn't be this pissed off."

"John, you're my brother. I know you're concerned, but back off. I don't need any more of your advice. Following it the first time was a sucky thing to do."

"Okay, I'll be blunt. You walk around here barking at everyone or ignoring them. The guys are threatening to quit. If that happens you'll lose the business."

"Yeah, well maybe that'll be the best thing that can happen to me."

Matthew spotted Chloe again sitting in her car when he pulled up to the apartment. Why don't you just go the hell away? Every time he saw her, it reminded him of what he couldn't become. She was no different than Josie. Both women let him know that he fell short in life. Even though Josie really hurt him with her words, she at least told the truth. When he climbed out of his truck, he saw Chloe get out of her car. Here we go again.

"Matthew, wait…" Chloe watched him briskly walk into the building.

Chloe took off running up the stairs and reached Matthew's door just as he shut it. She knocked every couple of minutes for half an hour. Finally she went back home.

The next day Chloe wasn't scheduled to work, but got up anyway and was in the office at five-twenty sharp. Sherry had only been there for twenty minutes. Both women paused when Matthew put his hand on the door at five-thirty and stepped inside. Chloe poured him a cup of coffee as quickly as she could. Before she could hand it to him, he left.

"He isn't even giving me a chance, Sherry."

"Don't give up on what you want. You proved to him you had no money…now work just as hard to prove to him you're the same woman he fell in love with."

"How do I that? He won't even talk to me."

"No, you can't talk to him. Show him."

Why does he have to be so difficult? Chloe went back home and let herself fall back into bed, where she stayed for two more days…

∞  ∞  ∞  ∞

Becky was beside herself with worry. Chloe wasn't answering her phone again, and she had to find someone to help her. The only other person who Chloe was close to was Lois. She hopped in her Jaguar and hoped Lois would be willing to come to the pits of Detroit with her. Getting her best friend out of that apartment and back home wasn't going to be easy.

She drove through the gates without stopping. The staff knew Becky, and she could come and go as she pleased. If Becky had someone else in the car with her, she would have been stopped. When she rang the bell, a maid answered the door.

"I need to see Lois."

"Lois Shepherd?"

"Yes, the cook. Could you get her please? This is kind of an emergency."

"I'm sorry. She no longer works here."

"Are you kidding me? Lois is family to Chloe. Where is she?"

Terri Marie's Novels
» The Wrong Side of Midnight (A Billionaire in Disguise #3)
» A Perfect Plan (A Billionaire in Disguise #2)
» Forbidden Disclosure (A Billionaire in Disguise #1)