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The Wrong Side of Midnight (A Billionaire in Disguise #3) Page 28
Author: Terri Marie

"Why did she lie about it all?"

"She hid her reality from me, and I'm her best friend. My family is wonderful, my boyfriend is loving…I had everything Chloe wanted. She lied out of embarrassment. All along I knew her parents traveled all the time, but I believed they were still very much a part of her life. They weren't. Being abandoned by two people who're supposed to love you unconditionally, and being forced into an arranged engagement, broke her. Admitting something to another person makes it real, ya know? She knew if she told her truth it would make the wounds cut deeper. If you saw her on the street, you wouldn't know that Chloe is worth billions. She has a lot of stock in Burlington Enterprises, as well as a trust fund. That would make any other person ecstatic and willing to put up with any kind of treatment, but not her. She only wants to be loved for who she is. She doesn't buy expensive gifts for herself, but uses her wealth to help people who deserve it. I got a glimpse of that when she bought the Impala."

"Did she love me or just want to help me? I need to know."

"I thought Chloe was in love with Edmund. She pretended enough to fool even me. I guess you get used to creating a perfect life when you have to so desperately hide your real one. After she saw you on the roof, she was smitten."

"Smitten? What, with my looks?"

"Yeah, she was definitely attracted to you, but she was well aware that beauty's only skin deep. Edmund looked like a weasel, but Chloe didn't care about that. She hated him because he was mean and controlling. Her wealth and status was all he wanted…that and a beautiful woman on his arm. The day she met you is when I found out what was going on with everything in her life." Becky was silent for a few moments. She'll never forget the pain on Chloe's face that day at the pool.

"I tried to stop her from running out to the neighbor's to meet you. I'm guilty of seeing you as not being worthy based on your profession. I'm so incredibly sorry about that. This whole experience has changed me."

"She followed me to Detroit just to meet me?" Matthew grinned shyly.

"She wanted to meet someone on her own to see if she could have a chance at love. Chloe wanted to meet you that day, and felt awful when you left before she could introduce herself. I don't know the details, but Chloe ended up in Detroit. That's the night you both met. She started to fall for you the moment she learned of how you care for your father. She saw your heart, and that's all she needed."

"She wanted to help us out of love?"

"When you found out who she really was, she crumbled to nothing. There were a few times I was afraid to leave her side. She wasn't eating or drinking, and I had to force her out of bed. Chloe knew she lost you. That broke her heart. What hurt her the most was when you refused her help. Chloe wanted to be honest, but was afraid you'd want nothing to do with her, and then she wouldn't be able to help you."

"She tried to tell me. I wouldn't let her." Disgusted with himself, Matthew got up and walked into Chloe's room. Her father had left without saying a word to his daughter. How can they treat her like that? How could I have been such a pride-filled, arrogant ass? He walked in and kissed her bruised face. The swelling had gone down some, but she still didn't resemble the woman he knew. Her injuries are no comparison to the crushing blows she's endured her entire life, and I caused some of them.

Becky walked to the doorway and poked her head in. "Matthew? I've never gone this long without a shower in all my life. I'm going to drive home and get cleaned up and change my clothes. I'll be back in a couple hours."

"It's a long drive, Becky. Go on over to my apartment instead, and you can take a shower and make yourself at home. You'd probably feel more comfortable at Chloe's, but I don't have a key to her apartment anymore. In my top dresser are some t-shirts and sweats if you need a change of clothes. They'll be a little big but they're clean." Matthew paused when a painful thought came to him. "You wanna hear something totally pathetic? I was embarrassed when I found out an heiress was in my run-down apartment."

"Well I never in a million years would have taken you up on your offer before this. Thank you. I'll get your father whatever he needs while I'm there."

Matthew nodded and smiled, while watching Becky walk down the hall. She's good people. He realized that money doesn't mean you are or aren't a decent person. He looked down at the love of his life and gently placed his hand on top of hers. I promise we'll be alright. Come back to me.

∞  ∞  ∞  ∞

Becky softly knocked on the door, and then put Matthew's key in the lock.

"Can I help you with something? How'd you get a key?" Conner reached for the phone.

"I'm Becky, Chloe's best friend. Matthew and I have been at the hospital around the clock, and to be honest, I'm starting to look and smell pretty gross. He said I could come here and shower and borrow a change of clothes. Is that okay?"

"Then that makes you family. Come on inside. The towels are under the sink."

"Can I do anything for you while I'm here? Do you need groceries or any cleaning done?"

"I'm kind of hungry, but I can have John fix me something when he gets home from work."

"You don't need to wait for John. I'm just as hungry as you are! What would you like?" Becky found herself feeling excited about helping this man.

"Is pizza okay with you? There's a grocery store a couple of miles from here. Next door is a little pizzeria, and they're not too expensive." Conner reached in his pocket.

"My treat, because I eat like a truck driver. I'll take a quick shower and be out the door in fifteen minutes."

Becky loved to smell like a girl. Washing her hair with shampoo that smelled like a man would never have entered her mind, even as a remote possibility before. There wasn't any beautifully scented conditioner either, but that was okay too. The ceiling paint was cracked, the tub was rust-stained, and not once did she feel like judging them, or her current surroundings. All she felt was warmth and gratitude.

Matthew's clothes were exactly where he said they were. She was surprised at how neat his room was. She threw on a pair of black sweats and a large t-shirt which came down to the top of her knees, and walked back out to the kitchen.

"Those don't look so bad."

"I've never worn something so comfortable in my life! I'm going now to get the pizza. Anything special you want on it?"

"I haven't had pizza in months. I usually only get cheese, it's cheaper, but I love all the toppings. Pick out your favorite."

Terri Marie's Novels
» The Wrong Side of Midnight (A Billionaire in Disguise #3)
» A Perfect Plan (A Billionaire in Disguise #2)
» Forbidden Disclosure (A Billionaire in Disguise #1)