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The Wrong Side of Midnight (A Billionaire in Disguise #3) Page 31
Author: Terri Marie

"What did you think of my dad? Our apartment isn't much, but its home."

"That's exactly it, Matthew. Home. I felt like I was at home. I hope you're not mad about the groceries and money. I saw your dad…you've both become family to me. If you came over to my house and saw that I was struggling, unable to keep up with bills, and saw my father go hungry, would you judge me? No, you wouldn't. Out of love, you would have put food on the table and gave him a few dollars to help out. You would have done it because your heart is huge, and you care."

"I would have done anything I could to help, without question."

"Matthew, that's what Chloe was doing. I helped, not because my heart was huge, but because I learned from her. I learned to be a better person, as did you."

When the nurse came in to examine Chloe, Becky and Matthew walked down to the lounge to call Lois and update her.

"They showed up, did they? I kind of figured they would have to make an appearance to avoid bad publicity."

"Sylvia's a monster, Lois. Earl sat quietly in Chloe's room for a few minutes, and then he walked past us and said he was sorry and left. I don't think he was very happy with his wife."

"Earl's a sweet man, but he too should have been more involved with his daughter. Sylvia isn't really a monster, Becky. She acts like one to avoid rejection. Her mother rejected her, and there was no way she was going to go through that kind of sorrow again. When she would visit with her little girl, Chloe would treat me like the mother and Sylvia more like a distant relative. That was rejection in her eyes. She never bonded with Chloe because of her past."

"I thought I was going to hit her. She treated Matthew like dirt. Do you know she hasn't called to even check on her daughter?"

"All I know is peace has to be made in that family."

∞  ∞  ∞  ∞

Earl Burlington walked through the parking lot in the rain. When he reached the hospital entrance, the doors opened but he couldn't bring himself to step inside. He'd rehearsed in his head, over and over again, what he would say to his daughter. In the end, it just wasn't good enough. I'm a stranger to her. Earl walked in the rain back to his car.

∞  ∞  ∞  ∞

Chloe was stable so the doctor had her moved to a surgical floor. Becky and Matthew walked behind the transporters but stayed in the lobby until the nurses were done getting her situated. The room would allow one cot, so between the two of them they decided it was best if Becky stayed. Chloe fell right back to sleep when the nurses left, so Matthew went home, but promised to come back up after work the next day.

"Give her a kiss for me. I wish I could have talked to her before I left."

"I don't think I'll mention you if she wakes up. She'd get really nervous waiting for you to arrive, and I don't think that would be good. It's best if you come over after work and give her that kiss yourself." Becky hugged Matthew and held onto him for a few moments longer. "Thank you for loving her."

Matthew kissed Becky's cheek and drove home. John was at the apartment helping Conner get settled for the night when he walked in.

"Matt, how's Chloe?"

"They moved her to a regular room, but I didn't get a chance stay there long. She's pretty tired. Tomorrow after work I'll spend some time with her."

"You don't have to come back to work until you're ready. I got everything covered there, and here with your dad," said John as he pulled out a roll of cash.

"What's this for?"

"Your pay from this week."

"Keep it, bro. I didn't work, you did. I'm not taking your money."

"If you don't take it, I'll just deposit it myself into your account."

"I'm okay, John."

"I worked hard doing two jobs. Not because I had to, but because I love ya and you're my brother. Someday I might find myself in a tight situation and unable to work. I know you'd pitch in and do for me what I couldn't do for myself. Take the money."

"Thanks, man. I owe you so much. You've taken care of me, my dad, the business…I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Hey speaking of which, your dad only smoked three cigs today."


∞  ∞  ∞  ∞

Becky woke up when the lab tech came in to draw Chloe's blood.


"I know, dear, I'll be done in just a second." The technician turned to Becky when she saw her start to sit up. "There's coffee in the nurse's lounge if you want some. You should hurry though, they'll suck that stuff up like crack heads gettin' a fix. Have a good day, ladies."

"Becky?" Chloe's voice sounded panicked.

"Hey, how do you feel?" Becky tried to keep her voice soft as she walked to Chloe's bedside.

"Like I was hit by a tank. My body is killing me, but I don't want to take pain medication and sleep, so I'm not exactly honest about how I feel."

"I was so worried…."

"I'm okay. Man my jaw hurts if I open it too much when I talk. Sorry for mumbling."

"I love you."

"Thanks for being here. I love you, too."

Becky wanted to tell her how Matthew had camped at her bedside, and how much he loves her, but he needed to take care of that himself. If Chloe asked about him, however, she wouldn't lie.

Chloe had been thinking about Matthew since she woke up after surgery. Conner and Sherry probably think I moved without saying a word. Matthew has to be elated over not seeing me. I bet I was fired from my job and kicked out of my apartment. She wondered if her parents knew, if they even cared.

"What's on your mind? You look so worried." Becky took a warm, wet cloth and gently wiped her mouth.

"Have you heard from Lois? I should have been keeping in touch with her, but I didn't want to have to lie." She wanted to ask about Matthew, her parents…so many things, but didn't feel up to bad news.

"Lois has been here off and on. She came right away when she heard about the accident. I've been calling to give her updates, and she calls me to check in."

"She's not angry with me?"

"Not one little bit. She's just thankful you're alive."

"Do you know how I was hit and who hit me at that intersection?"

"An older man had a heart attack and went through the light. They think he died before he hit you."

"That poor family…"

"Get some rest, sweetie, so your jaw doesn't get so sore. I can call Lois to come visit you this afternoon. She'll be so excited."

Terri Marie's Novels
» The Wrong Side of Midnight (A Billionaire in Disguise #3)
» A Perfect Plan (A Billionaire in Disguise #2)
» Forbidden Disclosure (A Billionaire in Disguise #1)