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The Wrong Side of Midnight (A Billionaire in Disguise #3) Page 35
Author: Terri Marie

"I will, Sandra. Thank you all for everything you've done for me."

Matthew pushed Chloe to the car in a wheelchair. She still had the cast on her arm, but her leg had a walking cast, and for that she was grateful. When they reached the hospital doors, Matthew went to get the car while Becky waited with her. Chloe held her face up to the sun and inhaled deeply.

"Becky, I've missed being outside!"

"Trust me, I've missed you being outside too, and I'm so happy you're discharged! I'm going to stay with you during the day until Matthew comes home from work."

"He lives with his father and has to be there to take care of him. I'll be okay, though. Besides, if I need anything, he's only four doors down."

"You haven't seen Conner lately…" Becky smiled at all the surprises she had coming.

Chloe laughed when she saw Matthew drive up in the big Chevy Silverado. "He really is driving it!"

"Yep, that's the only one he drives."

"This makes me so incredibly happy."

Matthew got out of the truck and opened the passenger door.

"Uh, how am I supposed to get in there?"

"Like this, sweetheart." Matthew picked her up in his arms, gently sat her in the seat, and buckled her in."

"Becky, do you want to ride with us?"

"Actually, I have to get home, but I'll be over bright and early." Becky kissed Chloe on the cheek and then walked around the corner to her Jaguar. Matthew knew to take the scenic route to get home, while Becky would be high tailing it on the expressway. Luckily there was very little traffic.

When she reached the apartment, she hid her car on the grass in the back of the building, which was Sherry's idea. Becky poked her head in the office. "She's on her way, let's go!"

Sherry shut off the coffee pot, gathered her purse, and hurried with Becky to the apartment. "That little angel is going to be so surprised!"

"I know right?!"

Matthew finally reached his neighborhood and kept checking around for Becky's car. God, I hope I gave her enough time. It was hard for him to keep a straight face, but he managed. He parked in his normal spot and then went around the side and lifted Chloe to the ground. When he shut the truck door, he put his arms underneath her legs and gently lifted her up.

"Thank you, but I can walk."

"Are you sure it's a good idea? There're stairs."

"Okay, I'll walk to the stairs, and then you can carry me."

"Deal." Matthew kissed her softly. It was difficult not to just claim her mouth, but Chloe's jaw was still healing. He'd never forgive himself for hurting her, even if it was on accident.

She took small steps while holding onto Matthew so she wouldn't have to put so much weight on her leg. When they reached the stairs, he slowly carried her up to her apartment door.

"You have to unlock the door, I don't have my key."

Matthew unlocked the door and slowly opened it. Chloe kept her eyes on the ground so she wouldn't trip and end up being admitted again.

"Where would you like to sit, love?"

"I'll go over there to the couch. On her way she lifted her eyes, and saw them all.

"Welcome home, Chloe!" shouted Matthew, Conner, Becky, Sherry, Lois, and John.

"Oh my God! You guys are sooo perfect!"

After all the hugs, Chloe was given her gift. They all pitched in and bought her a really nice recliner and a new cell phone. Conner got up from the chair, walked over, and wrapped her gently in his arms.

"Welcome home, Chloe. Welcome home."

"Conner, you're walking!"

"I quit smoking and I'm taking better care of myself. I walked down here and left the wheelchair at home."

"You walk better than me now. I'm so proud of you…"

Everyone had a great time and Chloe loved her presents and the surprise party, but the best gift of all was when Matthew escorted her to the bedroom and opened the closet door. Hanging neatly next to her things were Matthew's clothes.

∞  ∞  ∞  ∞

Becky made sure that Chloe got to all her physical therapy appointments after the casts came off. She could move her fingers on her injured hand, but she'd have to work really hard to get them fully functioning. Luckily, she wasn't showing any signs of nerve damage. She managed pretty well on her own, although Becky and Lois stopped by to help out often. The only thing she couldn't do was drive. She was given the okay to get behind the wheel, but she was frightened. Matthew knew he had to help her work through her fears so she wouldn't end up being a prisoner in this home, too.

"Let's go car shopping, sweetheart."

"I don't want to drive, Matthew, so I don't need a car."


"Not right now, it's too soon."

He stopped trying to push her, but would mention it from time to time. She wasn't budging though, and that was worrying him.

One Saturday afternoon it was raining, so he couldn't work. Thumbing through the classifieds, Matthew saw a few nice cars that Chloe would like, and they'd be a lot safer.

"Look at these, Chloe. You want to ride over there and take a look?"

"I have a car and a Jeep at my parent's house, so we could go over and pick those up if you want, but I'm not driving either until I'm ready. Let me call and make sure it's still in the garage."

"Actually, I think I'll put a movie in and we can watch it together. It's pretty crappy outside anyway." The last thing he wanted to do was have Sylvia mistreat her on the phone, or come face to face with either of her parents. He'd take Becky over and she could pick up the Jeep. He'd rather Chloe drive that one anyway for safety. Matthew made a mental note to call Becky. But he knew she was just as ticked off as he was. Either way, he didn't see this ending well. There was still some time for things to improve, because the wedding wouldn't be for several months. One thing was for sure; he and Becky were running out of excuses to cover up her parent's neglect.

"Just go in there and ask the staff. You might as well try to get keys for both vehicles while you're there. Do you know if they're even home?"

"I don't know, Matthew. Sylvia stopped taking my calls."

"Should I come with you?"

"Do you think you can stop yourself from punching her in the face?"

Matthew hesitated.

"Wait in the car," said Becky as she patted his shoulder. "Wish me luck."

Becky knocked on the front door. A young woman on the staff opened the door.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, I'm Chloe Burlington's friend and I'm here to pick up her two vehicles."

Terri Marie's Novels
» The Wrong Side of Midnight (A Billionaire in Disguise #3)
» A Perfect Plan (A Billionaire in Disguise #2)
» Forbidden Disclosure (A Billionaire in Disguise #1)