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The Wrong Side of Midnight (A Billionaire in Disguise #3) Page 5
Author: Terri Marie

Finally, Chloe saw exactly who he was. The roofer was even taller than she thought. He had to be well over six feet, with dark brown hair, blue eyes, tanned skin, and a perfect five o’clock shadow on his strong jaws. Chloe continued to stare.

“Do I have something on my face?” Matthew was thoroughly entertained.

“What? Oh, I’m fine. Sorry, I was just letting my eyes adjust.” Chloe could hear the weakness in her voice.

“You came running out of the bar like you were on fire.”

“Well, I…um…”

“My name is Matthew.”

“Hi, Matthew." God, now what? Chloe swallowed hard, her palms a sweaty mess.

“Do you have a name?”

“...Yes. I’m Chloe.”

Matthew stuck out his hand, which totally engulfed hers. Then he realized something. The rich daddy’s girl. “I think I saw you today. You were out by the pool with a friend, while I was roofing the house next door.”

“Yeah, that would be me.”

Matthew began backing up toward his truck, his voice tone drastically changed. “Aren’t you a little out of your way? Rich people don’t normally hang out down here. We’re beneath them.” Matthew chuckled while shaking his head. “I’ll be on my way, you have a nice day.” He had noticed her cut offs and t-shirt, short but clean nails, and her hair didn’t appear to be dyed. She doesn’t look like a spoiled rich brat, but who knows. Matthew refused to allow himself to become attracted to someone he could never have. He turned and began to walk off.

“I’m not rich!” Oh God.

“It’s pretty sad, I know, when poor folk have to live in mansions and hang out by a pool all day. I hate when that happens to me.” He continued across the parking lot.

Without even thinking, Chloe began to ramble. “That was my friend’s house. I don’t have much money, and as a matter of fact, this is her Jeep. I’m just visiting and don’t know my way around. I got lost and stopped here to use the phone.”

“Where do you live?” Matthew eyed her suspiciously.

“I’m looking for an apartment around here. It can’t be expensive, because I want to start taking some classes. A job too…Yes, I need to find a job.” Chloe wanted to smack herself. She’d never worked a day in her life, not even housework. She’d been privately tutored and had always been kept secluded from the outside world. She was never allowed off the estate without endless hassle. Chloe almost vomited over thoughts of her sheltered life. I shouldn’t have to lie to blend in.

“What kind of work are you looking for?”

“Anything really.” What the hell am I doing?!

“The apartment building I live at is looking for a housekeeper. Probably minimum wage, but I’m pretty sure you get to live there for free or dirt cheap.”

“Okay, I’ll have to check it out tomorrow.” There’s no way I’m doing that. "Thank you."

As Matthew turned, a pang of compassion conflicted with his urge to maintain a safe distance. There she was; lost, nervous…in need. After a few steps he stopped and turned back around to face the beautiful young woman. His instinct to fix the problem would win this time. “I’m on my way home. Why don’t you follow me, and I can take you to the manager. She usually stays up late, but I'll call on the way to make sure.”

“Okay, that sounds great!” Kill me now…

Chloe sat in her Jeep and waited while Matthew got his truck started. She drove close behind the old rusted pickup. The further they drove the worse the area was looking. She didn’t dare stray in this part of town. I’m out of my mind. Feeling both frightened and exhilarated, Chloe picked up her cell phone and dialed her best friend. She tried to keep the phone hidden underneath her hair.

“So, like your ex has called me twice looking for you. Did you even call Edmund?”

“Yes, I called him. I tried to explain and was even direct about ending things, but he wouldn’t listen to what I was saying. I’m totally done with him. But there’s something interesting that’s happened, and if I don’t come home, I’ve been killed in Detroit.”

“You’re in Detroit?!?!” Becky gasped loudly.

“Yeah, I was driving around, got lost, and then ran into that roofer’s pickup truck at some dive bar. His name is Matthew, and he’s—“

“Are you crazy?!”

“Well, I lied to him.” Chloe cringed.

“Okay, spill it.”

“Becky, I told him that was your house, and I was an out-of-town guest for a few days. I also said I was looking for an apartment and….a job.”

“Chloe, what were you thinking? What kind of job do you think you’re going to get? You never worked a day in your life.”

“I’m going to be a cleaning lady.”

“Oh. My. God.”

“Becky, please! I’ve never done anything a little risky or fun in my life. I’m tired of just existing! All I am is guaranteed employment for some of the staff.”

“You’re in Detroit…”

Okay, we’re here. I have to go. I’ll call you as soon as I can. Becky, please cover for me, and don’t say anything to anyone. Tell the staff I have a bad headache and fell asleep at your house.”

“I won’t rat you out. I don’t agree with what you’re doing, but damn, I kind of envy you. I love you, and please stay safe.”

I hope he’s not a serial killer. Chloe took a deep breath as Matthew walked over and opened her door for her.

“Well, this is it. Nothing fancy, but it keeps us warm.”

Us? What the hell does ‘us’ mean? If he’s married I’m going to lie in the road.

“You’re married?”

“No way. I live with my father and help take care of him.”

“That’s so sweet, Matthew.” You’re a great guy just for that!

Matthew smiled but didn’t comment on the compliment. “Let’s hop inside and see Sherry.”

The apartments were red brick, definitely in need of some upkeep. At least the place didn't have bums and prostitutes walking around it. Chloe followed Matthew to the entrance, where he stopped and held the door open for her. She stepped into the hallway, and ten thousand different cooking smells, mixed with smoke, smacked her in the face. What the heck is that smell? The carpet was semi-clean in the hall, but stained. Chloe walked behind him to an apartment. The living room had been converted into an office, and sitting behind the counter was a slender, fragile looking woman in her sixties with dyed black hair. She was stubbing out a cigarette into an overflowing ashtray.

Terri Marie's Novels
» The Wrong Side of Midnight (A Billionaire in Disguise #3)
» A Perfect Plan (A Billionaire in Disguise #2)
» Forbidden Disclosure (A Billionaire in Disguise #1)