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A Perfect Plan (A Billionaire in Disguise #2) Page 5
Author: Terri Marie

"Did you tell him you would do that?" Parker raised his eyebrows.

"I didn't commit to anything like that. I said that it would make a wonderful preserve, not that I was interested in doing it. He didn't ask me what I was going to do with the land. If he had, I would have been upfront. Though I must admit, Emmitt Carson was difficult to understand and he never gave me the name of his granddaughter."

"I need to find this Emily Carson and put a stop to this one-woman army she's created. I really don't have time to devote to her, but then again, I don't want to lose money from not taking the time."

"Let me know what happens. Rhonda's outside waiting for me. I know she's exhausted and we have to get home to the girls before their nanny chokes us."

After Russell left the office, Parker walked to the window. The lights over Manhattan were spectacular. The lights on a runway strip would be too. Time to smash this Emily Carson like a bothersome ant.


It was four in the morning when Emily walked through the door of her apartment in Baldwin. She stripped as she walked to her dresser. After pulling on an oversized jersey, Emily flopped down in the bed. Out of pure exhaustion, she fell asleep, only to be awakened at five-thirty by her preset alarm. Even though she could have definitely used the sleep, Emily needed to get to Springfield. If Davis Enterprises thought they were going to bulldoze her grandfather's house, they had another thing coming...


Parker woke up to the sound of his brother's voice. He'd slept all night in his office chair.

"You look like shit, Parker." Russ laughed.

"Thanks for the compliment. Because we're identical twins, I guess I can inform you that you look like shit too."

"So what's the plan? Did you come up with anything?"

"Yes I certainly did. I'm going to Colorado," Parker replied as his grin grew wider.

"She's a bit crazy and packs one hell of a mean-right smackdown. If I were you, I'd do my communicating through attorneys and email."

"If little Miss Emily Carson thinks she can put a halt on my project, she's insane. It's time for her to meet Parker Davis in person, without a bunch of witnesses."

"You think you'll be welcomed in open arms? Open hands, yes, while they're wrapped around your throat. I'm serious, Parker, stay away from her."

"No, I won't just show up on her doorstep. I think I'll play with her like a little mouse for a while."

Russ looked at his brother's face, which was full of determination. If Parker didn't watch it, he could be in for the fight of his life...literally.

Parker smiled and picked up the phone. "Rhonda, I need the jet. I have some business in Springfield, Colorado."

"I think you're crazy for going out there. Send one of the lawyers."

"Rhonda..." Parker spoke firmly.

"Okay, okay. But you were warned."


Emily drove up to her grandfather's house. It was fairly large and over one hundred years old. The structure had always been maintained. She especially loved the huge wraparound porch which allowed for breathtaking views of the mountains, and clean, fresh air. The siding was white, the trim and porch were painted a country blue. She stopped by the front door and smiled at the porch swing, where she and her grandfather had spent countless hours talking. Her eyes began to water so she dug in her purse for the key and let herself in.

The house was a bit chilly. Emily found her grandfather's favorite mug and then put a pot of coffee on. She let her eyes slowly move around the room at all the heirlooms, her favorite things, her treasures. Where do I begin?

First she'd need to find some boxes. If things were going to get ugly, she'd at least have to get the heirlooms out. She could only store a couple of things in her small studio apartment. But there was some space in the basement, backroom, and shed at the clinic she could use until she could afford to rent a storage facility. If the Davis guy wasn't such a criminal, I wouldn't have to do any of this! The thought of never spending another night in this house was killing her. Never seeing her grandfather again felt a hundred times worse. She walked to the couch and picked up her grandfather's old afghan, knitted by her grandmother many years ago. Emily wrapped it around herself and walked back out on the porch. She was shaken out of her deep thoughts by her cell phone. Emily ran in the house and fished it from her purse.


"I didn't know you were back. Are you at your grandfather's?"

"I'm sorry I didn't call you. I didn't even get home until the middle of the night. I needed to figure out what all I need to remove."

"It's okay, Em. I didn't want to disturb you, but I just got a call here at the clinic. Someone named Parker Davis was asking for you. Is that the guy from Davis Enterprises?"

"Yes, and how did he find me?"

"Did you tell him your name?"

"Yeah, I forgot I did that. What did he say?"

"He asked if you were here and I told him you weren't. Then he had the balls to ask if you were on his property..."

"God, I've never hated someone so much in my life!"

"He wants you off the land. He was just getting ready to board a plane. Seems this Parker Davis means business and he mentioned that he would have you removed if necessary."

"I'm not going to be bullied by a rich thief! Perhaps the rest of the world needs to see what a snake he really is."

"Emily, please be careful. He has an awful lot of power."

"Thanks, Mick. I promise to be careful." Careful when I bury his corpse, letting him rot on fifty-thousand acres of stolen property.

Emily paced the on the porch for a while, thinking of her next move. She dialed information and smiled when her call was connected to the Baldwin Tribunal.

"William, this is Emily Carson."

"Emily! How are you?"

"As good as can be expected, I guess."

"Your grandfather was a wonderful man, and I'm so sorry he passed. The funeral service was beautiful, Emily, you did a wonderful job."

William Lovette was sixty-four and had worked for the paper all his adult life. He was Emmitt's fishing buddy, and the two had become very close over the decades of friendship. William sat with Emily as Emmitt Carson took his last breath. He knew how hard this was for Emily and he promised his friend to keep an eye on her.

"Thank you, William. I know how hard my grandfather's death was for you too."

"Anything that you need, you let me know. I'm just a phone call away."

"Actually, that's why I called. I desperately need your help."

Terri Marie's Novels
» The Wrong Side of Midnight (A Billionaire in Disguise #3)
» A Perfect Plan (A Billionaire in Disguise #2)
» Forbidden Disclosure (A Billionaire in Disguise #1)