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An Inconvenient Love Page 16
Author: Alexia Adams

When Isabella had called to remind him of the party, he’d told her he couldn’t come now because he was married. She’d gone mental on him, racing over to his office and berating him in person for abandoning his bride in a foreign country where she didn’t speak the language. Isabella had then insisted they go to the villa immediately so she could meet Sophia. He never expected her to pull some power play, though. He’d have a word with her tomorrow. Isabella was his oldest friend who had made school life bearable. But he wouldn’t let her cause a misunderstanding between him and Sophia.

On the other hand, a party would inevitably mean he got to hold his wife in his arms, maybe even kiss her. It didn’t have to be such a disaster. He rubbed his hands together. Yes, this may work out after all.

Chapter 6

Sophia paced the hallway, listening to the clock in the front room tick away the minutes like a countdown to destruction. She jumped at the sound of Maria banging a pot in the kitchen. Despite being tired from her long walk yesterday, her mind had kept replaying the argument with Luca on the terrace, leaving her unable to sleep.

He was right. She had nothing to base her accusations on except her own insecurities. Today she’d discover if Luca and Isabella were lovers. And if they were, she’d be back on a plane before he could say the word “annulment.” There was a painful twinge in her chest, but she ignored it. Better to end the whole charade now before she got too used to this life. Too involved with Luca.

The roar of the Maserati’s engine in the drive alerted her to the arrival of Isabella for their “shopping” trip. She was pretty sure “shopping” was euphemistic in this case for “interrogation.” Well, she had some questions of her own to ask. She picked up her bag from the entryway table and stepped out into the spring sunshine.

Isabella slid out of the low-slung sports car with a grace and elegance Sophia could only dream of achieving. The beautiful woman wore a white dress that buttoned down the front and a pair of black stilettos. Sophia glanced down at her navy-blue skirt, aqua top and ballerina flats, and her throat tightened. Maybe she should just go straight to the airport now.

“Ciao, Sophia. I am pleased you are ready to go. We have a lot to do. Luca has already left?” She glanced to where the Land Rover was usually parked.

“Yes, he went hours ago. But he left me money and credit cards and a note to spend as much as I wanted.” She omitted the part about waiting in her room until she heard the front door close behind Luca to avoid a repeat of last night’s uncomfortably silent meal.

“Buono. I will give you the Maserati keys. My husband does not let me have a sports car. He thinks I will kill myself. So I have to steal Luca’s when I have the chance. Ah, here is my driver now.” A white Mercedes pulled into the drive, complete with uniformed chauffeur.

The driver jumped out and opened the doors for them. Sophia clambered in beside Isabella and took a deep breath.

“So, you think Luca and I are lovers,” Isabella said, before Sophia could even exhale.

“Did Luca tell you that’s what I thought?” Was nothing private in her marriage?

“He did not need to. I saw it in your face when you arrived home yesterday. You did not like it when I put my arm through his. And Luca did not like when you came home with another man.”


“Let me ease your heart. Luca and I are friends, nothing more. We are not, and never have been, lovers. I am in love with my husband. When you meet him tonight, you will know. I am sorry for yesterday. I was rude on purpose. I wanted to see what you would do.”

“Did I pass your test?”

“Yes, with, how do you say, flying the colors?”

“Flying colors. But I don’t understand.”

“When Luca told me yesterday that he was married, I worried. He had not told me of any woman he was seeing, and I thought maybe you had tricked him into marriage. By pretending to be more than a friend, I wanted to see how you would react. If you were indifferent, then I would know that you did not care for Luca. If you had a fight right there, I would know you did not know him at all. Luca hates airing the dirty clothes in public.”

“We had a row after you left.”


Sophia examined the woman next to her. She couldn’t understand Isabella. Was she trying to help? “Good?”

“Oh, yes. Luca needs to be shaken. He has been in control for so long, he does not know how to react when things do not go his way. You need to keep him tipping over.”

“I think you mean off-balance.”

“Yes, that is it. And so to off-balance him, we are going to find a dress for you to wear tonight that will make him crazy.”

“Are you sure you’re Luca’s friend?”

Isabella’s rich laugh filled the car. “Yes, and I want to be your friend, too. So we must make sure you stay together. Marriage is not easy when the man always wants to be in charge. But it can be done.”

Four hours later, Sophia stood in front of a full-length mirror in an exclusive boutique and tugged on the hem of the dress she wore. Although dress was a generous word for what was, in effect, just a large, tight shirt. “I can’t wear this,” she protested.

Isabella cocked her head to one side, her perfectly manicured nail tapping on her crimson-stained lower lip. “No, it is not quite right. But we are getting closer.” She turned to the shop assistant and spoke in rapid Italian.

As far as Sophia could tell, they weren’t getting any closer. She’d tried on at least twenty dresses, some too long, some too short, some too revealing, others not revealing enough, according to Isabella. Whatever her new friend had in mind, she wasn’t going to settle until she found it. This was the third boutique they’d visited. At each, Isabella had been treated like royalty. Shopping was so much nicer when the clothes came to you.

“Ah, this one may work,” she declared as Sophia shimmied out of the last outfit. Another dress appeared over the door of the change room, although change palace may be a more apt word. No tiny fitting cubicles in this shop. There was even a sofa and mini fridge full of refreshments.

Sophia hung the dress on the hook behind the door and stared at it. She didn’t dare look at the price tag, sure it would make her hyperventilate. Carefully she removed the garment and tried it on. If this didn’t tip Luca over, nothing would.

“Perfetto,” Isabella declared when Sophia emerged wearing the dress. “Luca will not know what hit him.”

Alexia Adams's Novels
» An Inconvenient Love
» Played by the Billionaire