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An Inconvenient Love Page 37
Author: Alexia Adams

“We will come back tomorrow, or next week, when you are feeling better. Then we can look for some furniture, and new curtains, and anything else you think we need. I want you to be happy here, Sophia. Whatever it takes, it is yours.”

She clung to him tightly for a few more minutes, and his heart rate accelerated. He’d never seen her like this. Even when she’d told him of her family and her past, she’d been more animated.

Her stomach rumbled, and he gave himself another mental kick up the ass. He was making a disaster of this husband role. “You must be starving. We can eat now and discuss all that needs to be done later.”

He led her back down the stairs and out into the sunshine. Three empty glasses of wine sat on the tray, and Chet still had his next to him. What had happened to Leslie that she’d gone from classy to trashy?

“Sit here, amore. I will get you a plate.” He hurried over to the buffet and picked out her favorites.

She gave him a warm smile as he handed her the plate and he managed a deep breath, the pressure in his chest releasing a little. He still hadn’t shown her the cottage’s best feature, and he was trying to decide whether to wait until the Wilkinses weren’t with them or show them all after lunch.

Sophia picked at her food but downed three glasses of water. After everyone said they were done eating, Luca stood.

“I have one more surprise. If you do not mind a little walk after eating, follow me.”

He took Sophia’s hand and made sure to slow his walk so she didn’t get out of breath. It was the perfect day to show her the view. They wound their way through a forested path. A small bridge spanned a creek, which tumbled over some rocks further down in a picturesque waterfall near the house. He’d make sure there was a comfortable chair there for Sophia to read in.

After about ten minutes, the trees thinned and they emerged onto a little plateau. A slate terrace and a pergola covered in roses graced the center. They all wandered over and stared at the view. In the far distance the blue Aegean Sea shimmered in the early-summer sunshine. But it was the magnificent view of the medieval village they would be turning into a world-class spa hotel that was the real prize.

“See, from here you will be able to watch as we turn the past into the future. I plan to take a photo every day when it is not raining and create a slideshow of our progress.”

“What a great idea,” Chet said. “It will make great marketing material.”

“The view is beautiful,” Sophia agreed.

Leslie huffed. “I’m sure Rapunzel said the same thing when she looked out of her tower.”

Chapter 14

Sophia leaned her head against the cool tile wall of the hotel bathroom, hoping to quell the rising nausea. Luca and Chet had gone off to a meeting with the regional planning committee to discuss the restoration of the village and its transformation into a hotel complex. They didn’t expect any opposition to their plans as the tax revenue and local employment benefits were substantial. Leslie had pleaded a headache and decided to stay in the hotel, so Sophia had been relieved of her chaperone duties.

Now she could vomit in peace, without Luca hovering over her. He’d been really sweet at the cottage, almost carrying her down the hill in the end. And for the drive back to Teramo, he’d insisted that she sit up front with him, relegating the billionaire Chet to the backseat, next to his wife.

Sophia had pretended to sleep while Luca and Chet discussed the initial construction phase. They were going to start with the smallest houses, which were to serve as accommodation for the workers while they rebuilt the larger structures. She and Luca were to live at the cottage for at least the first year, although Chet acknowledged that Luca had other projects that would require his attention so he didn’t need to be onsite every day. Luca already had someone who would take over from him in Milan, dealing with the day-to-day business aspects of his company.

Next they talked about other places in Italy and southern France where they could possibly replicate the project. At that point, Sophia stopped listening. Leslie was right. There was always one more deal.

Her mother’s pinched face loomed before her mind. The disillusion, the drudgery, the despair of giving up on her dreams had haunted Janice Stevens until there was no light left within her to shine on her children. Sophia couldn’t, wouldn’t let that happen to her. But could she really be so selfish as to pursue her dream at the cost of Luca’s? Isabella had said that she put her husband’s happiness before her own, knowing that he did the same. If it was always the one person giving up their happiness, however, could the marriage last? And would Luca soon lose interest in her, as Chet had done with Leslie, if she had nothing to bring to the relationship?

The turmoil of her thoughts echoed in her stomach.

Her mobile phone rang in the other room and she hurried to answer it, although if it was Luca, she wasn’t sure that she wanted to speak to him just yet.

“Ciao, Isabella,” Sophia said, seeing her friend’s name on the call display.

“Sophia, I have the great news. But first, did Luca get the job?”

“Yes. He is meeting with the officials now to get started on the paperwork.”

“You do not sound happy.” Trust Isabella to pick up on that hundreds of kilometers away when her husband hadn’t been able to work it out while standing in the same tiny room in a cottage.

“It means Luca has to move down here for at least a year, probably two.” Sophia’s stomach roiled again and she took a drink of water.

“Oh, I see. Then that makes my news of no matter.”

“What’s your news?”

“You remember my friend from school who works with a company that rents houses to English tourists?”

“Yes, we met her at lunch a few days ago.”

“Well, her company is looking to redecorate all twenty of their properties. They want to combine local Italian features with some English style so the guests will feel more at home. She wants us to bid on the contract. She believes you will be a top contender to be the chief designer as you know both cultures. But if you will not be living in the area … ” The excitement in Isabella’s voice faded away.

“How much is the contract worth?” she swallowed again.

“Fifty thousand euros. And that would be just our commission. The total budget for the redecoration is 200,000.” Her dream come true. Dare she take it?

“I’ll have to call you back, Isabella. I think I’m going to be sick.” Sophia raced to the bathroom, making it just in time.

Alexia Adams's Novels
» An Inconvenient Love
» Played by the Billionaire