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An Inconvenient Love Page 39
Author: Alexia Adams

Sophia and Isabella managed to wait until they were in Isabella’s car before they shouted in glee. Isabella pulled out her mobile and called Dante. Sophia couldn’t understand the conversation—it was too fast in Italian—but she could hear the pride in Dante’s voice as he congratulated his wife. Sophia’s fingers hovered over the screen of her phone. Should she call Luca?

He’d done his best to be supportive, but she knew his heart wasn’t in it. When they’d made love for the past three nights, each was as if it were the last time. There was a poignancy in his kisses that had never been there before.

Her phone buzzed in her hand. Luca calling. Was he excited to hear how her presentation went? Or was he hoping she’d failed?

“Amore, where are you?”

“I’m in Monza. I’ve just finished my presentation.”

“Have you forgot that we are to have dinner with one of my clients tonight?”

Damn, in her excitement she had forgotten. “No. Sorry, I’ll be home in a few minutes. The people before us went over their allotted time, so we are running a little late.”

“I will wait for you. Please do not be long.” No question about how it went.

“He is not happy?” Isabella turned her astute eyes on Sophia.


“If they offer us the contract, we do not have to accept,” Isabella reasoned.

“I know. Will you hate me if I say ‘no’?”

“Never. You must decide what is more important to you, your career or your marriage. It is not a decision I would like to make.”

“But didn’t you give up your career as a journalist for your marriage?”

“No, not really. It did not make me as happy as being with Dante. But I see your face when you talk about design. You are very excited and you make everyone else excited, too.”

Design did make her happy. But happier than she was with Luca?

Isabella started the car and drove Sophia home.

Luca was pacing the front hallway when she arrived. There was a grim line around his mouth, and he skipped their usual hello kiss.

“I’ll change quickly and be right down,” Sophia promised.

The dinner was so boring, Sophia had to restrain herself from checking her watch. The client’s wife had narrowed her eyes when Luca had introduced her but still managed to take every opportunity to put her hand on Luca’s arm and laugh provocatively at anything Luca said that was even remotely funny. Sophia alternated between wanting to rip the other woman’s arm off and spill red wine on her white silk dress. She really should have taken up ninja training. Then she could have dispatched her with grace and stealth.

That brought a smile to her lips. Luca leaned over and whispered in her ear, “I am pleased to see you happy again. It has been too long.”

She squeezed his hand where it rested on the table. He lifted their joined hands and kissed the back of hers, oblivious to the couple sat opposite them. The woman glared at her again, but Sophia didn’t care. Luca was hers.

“Don’t let him out of your sight.” Leslie’s dire warning flitted through her brain.

Thirty minutes later they sat in the Maserati. When Luca didn’t start the engine, she turned to him.

“Thank you for coming with me tonight. I know you are tired and would have preferred to stay at home. Are you still ill from Teramo? You look a little pale.” He cupped her cheek, his thumb rubbed lightly across her lips.

She pressed a kiss against his thumb and he smiled. “I think it’s just because I’ve been inside so much lately. A few days in the garden and I’ll look better.”

“Hmm.” He didn’t look convinced. Before he could question her further, both their mobile phones buzzed. Their peripherals were more in synch than they were.

“Mi scusi. The planning committee in Teramo held a special meeting tonight on the project. They said they would let me know their decision.”

While he read his message, Sophia glanced at hers. There were several missed calls from her brother and an email from the property rental company. They offered her the contract and wanted her to begin in ten days.

“All is approved. We can start in two weeks,” he said, triumph in his voice. “Let us go home and celebrate.”

• • •

Several hours later, a thoroughly satisfied Sophia curled up against Luca. His heartbeat was steady under her ear, his warmth enveloped her. Although she was still slightly embarrassed at her loud reactions to their lovemaking, she couldn’t deny the effect he had on her. “I like the way you celebrate.”

“Glad to hear it—almost as much as I like hearing your expressions of contentment.” She could hear the self-satisfied grin in his voice.

“Hmm,” she ran her hand up his thigh and felt his instant reaction. “I seem to recall a rather vocal response from you as well.”

“Really?” He rolled her onto her back, his hand sliding up from her hip to her breast. “I do not think I said anything. Perhaps we had better test this theory of yours,” he whispered against her lips, before taking them in a blistering kiss.

He was trailing his lips down her throat when the jarring sound of the phone ringing made him raise his head. “This is very bad timing. Must be my mother. Should I tell her she will never become a nonna if she telephones when we are in bed?” He rolled away and picked up the receiver.

Still in a fog of bliss, it took a moment for her to understand the voice on the other end, asking if this was the correct number for her.

“Yes, she is here. Who is calling?”

“It is your brother, James,” Luca said, passing over the phone.

“Hello, James.” She cleared her throat, which was still raspy with desire. “What’s wrong? You usually call me on my mobile phone.”

“I tried your mobile all evening. You never answered my calls or messages. Finally I got in touch with your friend Olivia, who gave me this number. Who answered the phone?” Her brother sounded upset but curious to find a man answering his sister’s home number.

“That was Luca, my husband.” She moved the phone away from her ear as James’s “what?” echoed through the room. “I’ll tell you all about it later. What’s so urgent you are calling so late?” She sat up, clutching the sheet to her chest.

“It’s Mum. She’s taken a bad turn and is in hospital. Sophia, the doctors don’t think she is going to last much longer. They say she has only a day or two left. She wants to see you one last time.” James’s voice cracked with emotion.

Alexia Adams's Novels
» An Inconvenient Love
» Played by the Billionaire