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An Inconvenient Love Page 7
Author: Alexia Adams

Unfortunately, a police car chose that moment to go racing by, blues and twos blaring.

“If I do not see you to your door, I will be awake all night, wondering if you made it home safe. Please, for me.”

How could she resist a plea like that? And what other things would she concede in this marriage?

Chapter 3

“Are you mad? I go to Spain for two weeks and come back to find you’ve agreed to marry a total stranger?” Olivia shouted to be heard above the noise of the treadmills they were both on. “This from the woman who hasn’t had a serious boyfriend ever! Never in a gazillion years would I have thought you, of all people, would do something so … so … outrageous.” Olivia slowed her machine to a walk and stared at Sophia.

Sophia slowed down as well, wiping her face and neck with her towel. Having said it out loud, it did sound outrageous. How could she explain how sensible and reasonable it felt, at least when she was with Luca?

“It’s not complete madness,” she began. “Luca is … well, he’s different from any other man I’ve met. More importantly, this is an amazing opportunity. I can leave my past and all the horrific memories behind and start a new life in a new country. I’m tired of working my butt off for nothing. This way I can get a degree and make something of myself. Make sure my children have a decent life. He’s a good guy, so stop looking so worried.”

Olivia stopped her treadmill and put her hand on Sophia’s. “What about love?”

Sophia hit the stop button and stepped off the machine. “I don’t want love. Love is a huge disappointment.” She took a sip of water to clear her throat. “All I need is someone I can respect, especially if it means I don’t have to worry about paying the rent or putting food on the table. Do you think that makes me a gold digger, or worse?” She moved over to the mat area to do some stretches. Olivia followed.

“You’re asking me? I think trophy wife is a legitimate career choice. Marrying for money isn’t always bad—unless you intend to divorce him after a few years and take everything you can get. People get married for a variety of reasons; who’s to say what the right ones are? My worry is that you’re a loving person, Sophia. What if eventually you want more from this marriage than just financial security?” Olivia started with a sun salutation stretch, ignoring the man on the rowing machine who stopped to watch her.

As a model, Olivia was used to people gawking at her. Although, even if she wasn’t in front of a camera all day, at five foot nine, dark-skinned with luxurious deep brown spiral curls and a body that would have made Marilyn Monroe jealous, she still would have gotten a lot of attention. Sophia didn’t envy her beauty, knowing at times it was more of a curse. What wasn’t fair was that when Olivia worked out she glowed, unlike Sophia, who resembled a boiled lobster.

Sophia shrugged. “We plan on having children. I can give all my love to them.”

Olivia switched to the downward dog position. “Love of children and love of a good man are two entirely different things. Still, it’s a big risk. What if he turns out to be an axe murderer, or even worse, lousy in bed?”

Sophia’s tree pose collapsed as she burst into laughter. “Olivia, you have the most bizarre priorities.” She could always trust her friend to look at things from a different angle, especially when she was upside down.

“That doesn’t answer whether he’s good in bed.” Olivia winked before resuming her concerned expression.

“Well, I don’t have anyone to compare him to, do I? So it’s a moot point.”

A mischievous grin split her friend’s face. “I think you should sample his wares, especially if he’s as delicious as you describe.”

“What makes you think I didn’t?”

This time Olivia crumpled onto her mat in laughter. “I know you, my friend. If you’d shagged him, you wouldn’t be so casually discussing his financial assets.”

“He didn’t make any moves on me,” Sophia confessed. “After he walked me home, he just kissed me on the cheek and said goodnight.” For the first time in her life she’d felt protected. Someone cared enough to see her safely home. It was an intoxicating sensation.

“He’s not gay, is he? Is this marriage an elaborate ruse to hide his homosexuality from his family?” The look of horror on Olivia’s face had Sophia laughing again.

“He’s not gay. He was being a gentleman.” She ignored Olivia’s snort. “He told me up front he wants children, so there will be sex at some point in the marriage.” She couldn’t believe she was having this conversation, in public.

“And what do you, my virginal friend, think of that?”

“I, uh, I try not to,” she lied. Truth was she’d thought of little else, especially after each phone call from Luca over the past two weeks. Must be something about his voice, so intimate in her ear, that stirred the woman in her. “I plan to lie back and think of England.”

“Sweetie, if you can think at all, then it’s no good,” Olivia replied. “Seriously, you know nothing about Luca’s life in Italy. What if he says he’s this important property developer, but he really lives in a bedsit and expects you to earn your keep?”

“I looked him up on the Internet. Plus, my boss has known him a long time. Mr. Bodman said Luca is honorable, trustworthy, and considered a pillar of the Italian property development business.” In fact, Mr. Bodman had waxed lyrical on Luca’s virtues for some time.

Olivia put her hand on Sophia’s again. “So you’re really getting married on Thursday?”

“Yes, the sixteen-day waiting period will be up then. Luca is coming over in the morning, and we’re flying to Milan in the afternoon. It’s just going to be a small registry office wedding followed by lunch. I’m hoping you’ll act as my witness?”

“Of course I will. You know I’ll always be there for you. Is your family coming?”

“You’re all the family I need.”

“Sophia, you’re getting married. Don’t you think your parents have a right to know?”

“No. They gave up their right to know what was happening in my life long ago.” She shifted on her mat.

Olivia tilted her head to one side. “What about James? You still see your brother occasionally.”

Sophia shook her head. “If I tell James, he’ll feel obligated to tell my parents or my sister. I’ve let him know I’m taking a job in Italy and will be sending him money to finish his college course. I’ll introduce the family to Luca when I think the time is right.” She crossed her arms over her chest and considered getting on the elliptical to work off the surge of adrenaline racing through her.

Alexia Adams's Novels
» An Inconvenient Love
» Played by the Billionaire