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An Inconvenient Love Page 9
Author: Alexia Adams

Sophia squared her shoulders and took a deep breath. “I’m ready,” she declared.

Arm in arm, the two women descended the stairs. Luca and Stuart were engaged in an animated discussion about football and at first didn’t notice their arrival. When Luca caught sight of her, he stopped mid-sentence, his arm flung wide in a dramatic gesture, his mouth open. Her mouth went dry and the air whooshed out of her lungs at the look of pure lust in his eyes before he recovered his expression. She forced herself to remain where she was and not race back up the stairs. Maybe she wasn’t quite ready for everything this marriage entailed. But there was no turning back now. She squared her shoulders and continued walking toward Luca.

“Bellissima,” he whispered, as he took her hand in his. His voice was husky and he seemed lost for words. Clearing his throat, he added, “Our appointment is in forty minutes. We must go soon. You need anything else?”

Appointment, not wedding. She looked back at the building that had been her home for the past four years. The red paint on the bricks had faded to a dull pink. The draughty windows would be chilling someone else in future. It had been the first place she could call her own, but aside from a few laughs with Olivia, it held no fond memories—only worries about paying the rent and what the future held.

“No, I have everything.” She lifted her chin and tried to smile. “I packed a set of clothes in my carry-on bag so I can change after … lunch.” The last word came out a bit strangled; she couldn’t quite keep all the apprehension out of her voice. He smiled and squeezed her hand in support.

“Shall we go then?” Luca said, ushering them into the limo. His hand found its way to the small of her back, sending a slow-burning heat up her spine. Sitting next to him in the car, their thighs touching, she fidgeted as tingles radiated throughout her entire body.

They arrived at the registry office, and all too soon, she found herself standing next to Luca. He held both her hands and stared into her eyes. In a deep, husky voice he promised to, “protect, respect and care for Sophia for the rest of my life.” For a brief second, she almost believed in love. Then Olivia’s boyfriend yawned loudly, bringing Sophia to her senses.

She cleared her throat and her voice only shook a little as she promised to “honor, respect, and care for Luca for the rest of my life.”

She’d done it. She’d really, finally closed a door on her past and started a new life. Gone was Sophia Stevens. The pain of the past could now be buried under a new identity, a new life.

She was Sophia Castellioni.

The registrar made his final pronouncements about the legality of their union, making a small effort to sound like he hadn’t said the exact same words a thousand times already. “You may kiss the bride,” he finally declared.

Luca’s mouth descended, in slow motion. As his warm lips touched hers, a white hot flame burst to life behind her eyes. Before she got used to the sensation, he pulled back an inch. Instinctively, she opened her lips to protest. In the next instant he pulled her hard against his tall, muscular body. The gentle, just-married kiss transformed to a full on assault of her senses. The flame behind her eyes became an all-out inferno that threatened to sear her mind.

Olivia’s fake cough brought her back to reality with a bump. Luca slowly relaxed his grip, holding her against him while she regained her balance. His skin was flushed and his breathing rapid, echoing her own. With a little shake of his head, he turned to the registrar and thanked him for the ceremony.

“I know this is not the wedding you probably dreamed of,” he said after they signed the required documentation. “I have asked a photographer to take a few photos. Would it be too much if I ask you to pretend we are in love? You see, my mother will want some pictures … ” He shrugged, a gesture that said where his mother was concerned, he would do anything to make her happy.

“Of course. I’m very good at pretending,” she replied.

The photographer took several dozen shots. Luca holding her, gazing into her eyes, kissing her lightly. Anyone who saw the photos would believe this was a love match.

When they made their way to the waiting limo, Sophia was lightheaded. She put it down to the brevity of the ceremony and the sudden realization that she now was married to Luca, and not the memory of his just-married kiss that caused her confusion. If just the touch of his lips on hers had this effect, what would it be like tonight—tonight when his lips were free to explore? He said he’d wait for children, but would he wait to consummate their marriage? Did she want to wait? And what would he say when he saw her scars?

Olivia sidled up to her and whispered in her ear, “I seriously doubt you’ll be thinking of England tonight.” The comment, so close to her own thoughts, sent a shiver through her whole body.

Chapter 4

“We are now descending into Milan Malpensa airport,” the captain announced over the intercom. “Flight attendants, please prepare the cabin for landing.”

Luca glanced over at Sophia as she brought her seatback into the upright position. She looked tired but didn’t seem unusually nervous, despite this being her first time flying. He wished he could read her, but she was an enigma. Her serenity in the unusual circumstances was a bit disconcerting. As they’d left the hotel after lunch, Sophia had hugged Olivia, then put her hand on his arm and walked out without looking back. He had no idea what she thought of their quick marriage. But his imagination was in top form just thinking about the possibilities of their wedding night, while his wife looked as though a river of ice flowed through her veins.

She hadn’t even batted an eyelash when he’d apologized about the need to work on the flight. She’d simply smiled and reclined and closed her eyes. Putting his papers back in his briefcase, he stowed it under the seat in front. He took hold of her hand on the armrest between them—to give her some support if she was nervous about the landing, of course—and was rewarded with a shy smile. It was a new feeling for him. Sure, he had enjoyed his share of female companionship over the years, yet he had never felt a longing to simply touch someone. It wasn’t something that pleased him.

Thirty minutes later, Sophia’s eyes widened as the valet handed over the keys to his Maserati GranTurismo. Luca opened the passenger door for her and couldn’t help grinning at the surprised look on her face. “This is my favorite toy,” he remarked as he slid behind the wheel. Her small, delicate hands ran over the butter-soft leather seats and along the dash. His mouth went dry as he imagined those same hands caressing his body. “I have a more practical vehicle, a Land Rover, for visiting job sites. This makes being stuck in traffic bearable. Do you drive?”

Alexia Adams's Novels
» An Inconvenient Love
» Played by the Billionaire