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Forbidden Disclosure (A Billionaire in Disguise #1) Page 20
Author: Terri Marie

“Rosie, why are you losing your farm? I thought you were doing so well.” Daniel was beside himself.

“Albert drank heavily, John. When he drank, he gambled. Before I knew it, all of our savings was gone. After his death from a heart attack, I was made aware of the many loans that Albert took out, putting the farm up for collateral. The sums owed were so large, I couldn’t repay them. I have three hundred acres. You only saw a small part of it. I couldn’t afford to keep the livestock. I couldn’t afford to hire the men it would take to keep a farm this size up and running.” Rosie’s face showed utter defeat.

“Be honest with me, who is Sam?”

“Sam is Albert’s brother. I’ve never liked him, and he was trying to force me into giving him the farm. He told me I could continue to live here, but the horses were an expense that wasn’t necessary, and he wouldn’t let me keep them.”


Francesco cleared his throat, broadened his shoulders, and got ready to reintroduce his son. “Rosie, this young man’s name isn’t John Williams. My son was a pretty reckless man and ran from reality. I sent him here as a test, made him leave the family name in New York and learn to make it on his own so I could hand over my shipping business to him. His name is Daniel Giordano. Do not be angry with him, this was my doing. He had no other option but to use the new identity that I gave to him. Daniel has more than proven to me that he has grown up. I’m very proud of him and I’ll be gladly handing over my business to my son so I may retire.”


“I’m sorry, Rosie. All of my feelings for you are real. The man you know is real. I’m here to help you. Please let me.”

“John, I mean, Daniel, it would take money that neither of us have.”

Francesco interrupted. “Rosie, if we had the money would you let us help you?”

“I love my horses, and seeing them leave is going to completely break my heart. The farm I don’t care about. It’s very beautiful land, but I feel so lonely in this town. I don’t have any friends, and working this farm takes up my life. There are no days to relax, and if I don’t feel well, I work anyway. I never wanted this for myself. This place holds a very painful past with Albert, and now with Sam.”

“So the only things you want out of here are your horses?” Daniel looked his father in the eyes.

“Rosie, have you ever been to New York?” The old man was feeling such compassion for this woman.

“Well, the only places I’ve been are up to Nashville, then back here to Prairie.”

“Would you be interested in coming to New York?” Francesco smiled.

“I really couldn’t afford to move anyplace, especially to New York. There are rooms to rent here in Prairie, so I should be okay.” Rosie smiled and gave her best attempt to convey that she would be just fine. The truth was, Rosie had very little money. Rosie wanted to give Daniel back his money she found in her sweater, but knew he wouldn't accept it. She would have to rent a place from Beatrice.

“Well, it’s settled then.” Francesco took out his phone, picked up a utility bill on the table, and used his authoritative voice.

“Bill, Francesco here…Good and you?...Great. I need a nice place on my estate for two horses…TWO HORSES! I don’t have time for this. Either you can handle it or you can’t. I want it completed as soon as possible, and I don’t care how many men you have to hire. Just get it done. The faster you work the more money you’ll make. I need fencing put up for them. I think fifteen acres of the property will be just fine. Keep me posted, and Bill? Make it nice!” Francesco hung up the phone and dialed another number.

“Mark, draw up some papers, I want to purchase a farm at forty-seven Shenandoah Road, Prairie Tennessee. I want all three hundred acres and the dwellings. I don’t care what the cost is. Pay whatever they’re asking. I need this put on the top of your pile, Mark.”

Rosie chimed in the second Francesco hung up. “Mr. Giordano, this is very expensive. Even if you buy this farm I can’t afford to stay here. It will take the rest of my life to pay for the many loans, and even then it won’t be the complete amount.”

“Rosie, please call me Francesco. What you need to know is that we have money. We aren’t going to stand by and watch you suffer or struggle even for one more day. I need to know who you owe and we’ll take care of it now. Then, you’re coming to my home, since you were so kind to let my son into yours.”

“Daniel, is this real?” Rosie was afraid to feel hopeful.

“It’s all real, Rosie. Your new life, which you’re more than deserving of, is about to begin.” Daniel wrapped his arms around her and struggled to maintain his composure.

After a few more phone calls, Francesco phoned Carl and requested a limo because there was no way that all three of them were going to fit in the old pickup. Rosie cooked one of her amazing meals as they waited for the limo to drive in from Nashville. Daniel never saw his father consume that much food, that fast, in his life.

“Rosie, this was the most amazing meal I’ve ever eaten. And if I don’t stop, I’m not going to fit in any automobile.” Francesco laughed and gave Rosie his biggest smile.

As the limo pulled up, so did the local farmer and Sam, who was wearing an evil smirk on his face.

“What the hell is this?” demanded Sam. “Rosie is signing over this farm to me as soon as we get the two deadbeat horses out of here. I was just informed that someone is trying to buy the place. It’s mine so ya’ll better just move along.”

“You can’t take this farm, Sam. And you won’t go near either of my horses. There’s been nothing signed and no money has exchanged hands. Get off of my property. Your days of bullying me are over!”

Sam stepped close to Rosie and shoved her. That was the last straw.

“Don’t you dare lay a hand on her!” Daniel drew back his fist, but his father stopped him.

“Son, you can’t strike an old man! It isn’t right. But I can!” Francesco hit Sam in his face, causing him to go to the ground. “Get off this property and don’t you ever step another foot on it again!”

Sam got up, and both he and the farmer turned to leave. “You’ll pay for this, Rosie!”

Francesco glared at the two men until he could no longer see them. “Rosie, you can’t stay here. You need to come with us.

Terri Marie's Novels
» The Wrong Side of Midnight (A Billionaire in Disguise #3)
» A Perfect Plan (A Billionaire in Disguise #2)
» Forbidden Disclosure (A Billionaire in Disguise #1)