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Forbidden Disclosure (A Billionaire in Disguise #1) Page 22
Author: Terri Marie

Driving back to the house, Daniel noticed the police car pulling into the driveway.

The officer approached Daniel’s window. “Are you Daniel Giordano?”

“Yes I am, and this is Rosie Montoose. She lives here.”

“I just got off the phone with your father. We picked up Sam. A farmer has come forward as a witness to some conversations with him regarding the barn fire and his plan to kill the horses in that fire. He was also charged with the assault against Mrs. Montoose. I’ll be staying outside here until you’re set to leave.”

“Thank you, we really appreciate it.” Daniel could tell by the look on the officer’s face that he’d listened to loud demands from an angry Italian in New York.

Rosie and Daniel were going from room to room, gathering things she wanted to keep. The things she made, some family heirlooms from her mother, photographs, and a few other odds and ends were all that were chosen. She didn’t want anything else, especially not all of her clothes. Just a few outfits would be good enough. All of her clothing was hand-me-downs from Albert or very outdated and worn women’s clothing.

“Rosie, I’m going to buy you all new things. You don’t have to take any of these.” Daniel looked in her closet with sadness and visions of his Lamborghini. He felt so much guilt.

“It’s okay, Daniel, I’m not a freeloader, and I’ll find myself a little job to help me make ends meet. I will pay rent and pay for my horses.” When Rosie had her hands on her hips, you knew she meant business, but Daniel wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

“We’ll figure everything out when we get there, okay?” You aren’t doing anything but lavishing yourself in luxuries, having servants, playing with your horses, and being shown more love than you’ve ever known.

Rosie agreed, reluctantly.

When Daniel closed and locked the door to the house, Rosie took one last look at the land.

“Are you okay with this, Rosie? My father meant what he said. If you want to stay, he really will do all those things he said he would.”

“No, Daniel. It’s time for me to move on and maybe enjoy doing something different. Hopefully, I can find a different kind of job!” Rosie laughed and Daniel joined her.

Rosie, you aren’t ever working again, he thought, but kept on smiling.

Daniel cancelled the movers and brought the few boxes to the airport to put on the jet. Rosie was like a little girl inside of the limo. She pushed all the buttons, and Daniel was having a field day just watching her.

Walking up to the plane, Rosie grabbed Daniel’s arm.

“Rosie, are you okay?”

“Don’t laugh at me, but I’ve never flown before…”

“It’ll be fine, and I think you’ll love flying. I’ll sit right beside you.” Daniel took her by the hand and led her up the steps.

“Are you sure the horses are okay? I’m worried about them.”

“My father is paying for the vet and for his assistant to transport them to New York. They’re already on the road, and if you’d like you can call them from the plane to check on your girls.”

“Is your pilot…good?”

Daniel led Rosie to her seat and ordered her a glass of wine. She was absolutely shocked at how beautiful the interior was. It looked more like an expensive motel suite than the insides of airplanes she’d seen on television. After her glass of wine, the pilot moved the jet onto the runway. Daniel was sure that he’d have finger marks on his skin from Rosie grabbing him. But once they were en route, Rosie relaxed and just enjoyed the view.

“Do you live with your father?”

“No, I live in a penthouse that I hate. It’s in Manhattan. I’m going to move back home I think until I get some things figured out. I don’t want to live like I was.”

“A penthouse? My word, you must have thought that room I put you in was the pits!”

“Actually, it was the most beautiful room I’d ever seen. I’ll miss it. I think the biggest thing I’ll miss is the quilt, and the way you made the sheets smell so good.”

Rosie held Daniel’s hand while they landed. As they drove to the mansion, one thing was very clear to her; New York was not Prairie, Tennessee.

Francesco summoned Carl to his study.

“Is everything all set, Carl?”

“Yes, Francesco, her room is ready. Are you sure you wouldn’t rather have her in the guest house?”

“Carl, she isn’t a guest. She’s family and she will be living here. If she doesn’t like it, then I’ll put her in the guest house. She’s quite a lovely woman who hasn’t been treated very fairly in life. I want to make sure she’s happy.”

“Very well. The barn, of course, isn’t finished for the horses, but Amos Cartwright, an exceptional horse trainer, has agreed to let them stay with him until we have shelter for the two.”

“That’s perfect, Carl. Thank you so much. You’re really going to like Rosie.” Francesco absolutely glowed.

“I think you already do, Sir.” Carl winked, smiled at his boss, and then quickly left the study.

Rosie was beside herself when the plane was landing. She was more than positive about an impending crash. Daniel tried to comfort her and not bust out laughing at the same time. But her fear turned into amazement when she saw the limo waiting for them.

Daniel hadn’t mentioned to his father about wanting to move back to the mansion. He wasn’t crazy about staying in New York, and if his father was going to give him the business, he’d almost have to stay. Regardless of where he ended up, Daniel knew he would continue to miss the farm, the southern hospitality, and the people of Prairie.

Life in the country had put a polish on the rough, careless man. All of his life he did nothing but make fun of people from the south, the land of the south, and even farmers. He knew that no matter how much he longed to work the land and breathe the clean air of the countryside, it would remain in his past. In reality, I was making fun of Rosie. Daniel felt his embarrassment and anger over his stupidity color his face and his mood.

The limo ride seemed to take longer. People were trying to get prepared for Thanksgiving and get a jump start on Christmas shopping. The traffic was insane.

“Daniel, is there an accident up here?”

“No, Rosie, it’s like this all the time. When we leave the city the traffic will back off. My father’s estate is in the country. You’ll probably like it.”

Terri Marie's Novels
» The Wrong Side of Midnight (A Billionaire in Disguise #3)
» A Perfect Plan (A Billionaire in Disguise #2)
» Forbidden Disclosure (A Billionaire in Disguise #1)