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Forbidden Disclosure (A Billionaire in Disguise #1) Page 41
Author: Terri Marie

“Oh, I’m well aware of their love, I just wish they’d hop to it. Daniel seems like a very fine young man.”

“I understand that you feel the need to go back to Prairie and run your bar.”

“Look, I know I’ll probably lose the battle, but if my bar fails, the people in that town will just continue to slide downhill. The place ain’t much, but it’s a welcomed reprieve for people.”

“Are you aware of Montoose Farm?”

“I know that a lowlife named Sam Montoose burned the barn down.”

“Rosie owned it. I love her deeply, and there are many painful memories that are buried on that land for her. Albert Montoose, her late husband, wasn’t a very good man. I now own the three hundred acres, and I’ve offered to hand it over to her but she doesn’t want anything to do with it. I thought maybe you could help me with turning it into something great.”

“Mr. Giordano, I can’t run a three hundred acre farm.”

“There is only one place in town where people can rent an apartment. A woman named Beatrice owns the small complex. It’s not suitable for living, and she has the financial means to clean the place up, but she refuses to do so. And please, call me Francesco.”

“What does that have to do with my bar?”

“I’m willing to build a very nice apartment complex there on the farm. I’d like to put in a pool and restaurant, and then rebuild your bar on that land. I’d like to move your business.”

“Wait, you want to move my bar?”

“Yes, you’ll still be the owner. The building will be bigger and brand new. I checked with the county and I have their permission to rezone, but the paperwork needs to be completed. I have my attorneys working on that, and I’m doing this with my Rosie’s blessing. You’ll have a nice apartment, and I’m willing to pay off any money or fines that are attached to your current business. I want to resurrect the barn and turn it into something nice. Perhaps a special dance place when a larger building is needed, for say, special events we could hold. I want to hold a meeting with the townspeople and find out what they’d like to see happen. The people in Prairie need to be involved. I’m not there to take over the town. I just want to help the people.”

“How much is your take?”

“Andy, I don’t need any money. My ideas originated from my son and our mutual love for Rosie. The only requests that I have are regarding the sign and a couple other things, which I’ll get to. I want Montoose Farm removed, as Rosie and I are getting married. She won’t have that last name anymore. But I’d like the name on the sign out front to read “Rosie’s.” That would be very healing for her. She needs to have new memories of that place so the old ones can stop haunting her. The bar can be called whatever you’d like.”

“Most of the people in Prairie don’t have the money to be renting a fancy apartment. I’m afraid it would just sit there empty.”

“Andy, I’ll insist that the rent on the apartments be a sliding scale, and I’ll hire the staff to run everything. There are many people who owe me favors in the business world and I plan on involving as many of them as I can. I need to offer Beatrice a job and give her the opportunity to make money the honest way, not by taking advantage of people. It's not my mission to bring her harm, but I will be taking her customers. There can be a separate restaurant, and Rosie can design the menus if she’s willing. She’s a glorious cook! With three hundred acres we could turn the grounds into something really special.”

“I don’t think that’s going to be good enough to get people to come back to Prairie.” Andy wanted so badly to believe in these plans.

“We could hold art fairs, as I’m sure there’s a lot of local talent. Rosie told me she sold some of her quilts in one, but it was located in Nashville. The art fair was her idea. Perhaps we could build more things and bring some attention back to Prairie." Francesco paused, cleared his throat, and continued. "Part of the property will stay as it is. There is a beautiful meadow that holds a special meaning for both Rosie and my son. That’s to be left untouched.”

“Francesco, you’re talking about a lot of money. I am seriously in debt.”

“No, you’re not in debt. I’m prepared to take care of all your financial obligations, as well as any medical bills you accrue. I will pay off the bar, but I want the current building to be torn down.”

“Wait, why are you doing this? You don’t even know me.”

“I know my son, and he loves your niece Katherine. That makes us family, and I take care of my own. In due time, the farm will take care of itself and you’ll be making money. Until that time comes, I’ll handle the costs. You have nothing to lose, and from what I understand, your bar isn’t that far from the farm, so your regular customers shouldn’t have a problem returning. If there’s anything you want to add to the plans, by all means let me know. You can even have that kind of singing show..uh..like whatever you call it.”

“Karaoke?” Andy laughed.

“Yes, that is the word.”

“I want a list of some people who are interested in running businesses, and who deserve the help. I’d like to put in some specialty shops and boost the town. Maybe add a bakery and other things. Sounds good, no?” The old Italian spoke fast and with much enthusiasm.

“Francesco, I don’t know what to say.” Andy had never felt so humble in his life. This can't be real. Francesco Giordano is sounding like a politician.

“Just say you’re in! I can’t run anything, as I reside in New York. I’ll pay you well until we can make the land lucrative. I have more money than I could ever spend, and I’m not getting any younger.”

“Is your last name going to be on the town now? Are you planning on running for some kind of office?” Andy looked hard to try and find deceit in Francesco’s eyes.

“My name is on my business. I’m doing this to help the people I love. That is the only reason. I will have many papers drawn up and involve the town, government officials, and wealthy businessmen. I'll make sure that my motives don't end up being tainted. I won't leave any room for someone to take advantage of your town.”

Andy stared at the man for a long time. "I want to see all paperwork before anything gets started. The people couldn't handle any bad surprises."

Terri Marie's Novels
» The Wrong Side of Midnight (A Billionaire in Disguise #3)
» A Perfect Plan (A Billionaire in Disguise #2)
» Forbidden Disclosure (A Billionaire in Disguise #1)