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Forbidden Disclosure (A Billionaire in Disguise #1) Page 44
Author: Terri Marie

“Three…” Francesco laughed.

“Four,” laughed Rosie as she headed off toward the kitchen. Rosie had grown on the chef and he treated her like an equal, even asking for her advice.

Francesco had made good on his promise, and all of Andy’s bills were covered. The bar was paid for and no one bothered Andy anymore. Francesco had arranged for a limo to take him back to Prairie, and the bar had thrown a big welcome back party. Andy was deeply touched by his friends. Francesco wanted to allow Andy to inform his friends of all the new plans. They were well received, especially over prospects of new jobs.

Now that Daniel had taken over the company, Francesco had more free time to devote to both Rosie and Tennessee. He had formed a committee for the projects in Prairie and held monthly meetings so the townspeople could be directly involved. Francesco convinced every official in the state to help out and was even successful at getting other wealthy businessmen to pitch in.

Andy had already started his list of people to hire for positions. Francesco gave him full rein of that. The excitement in the small town was starting to bloom, and hope was returning to Prairie.

Daniel phoned Katherine the day after he took over Giordano Seas and said he’d be late and was tied up at the office. She hoped he wouldn’t have to be late every night, but understood if he did.

Daniel left his office on the twenty-eighth floor and stopped at his secretary’s desk.

“Are you on your way home, Mr. Giordano?”

“No, I have to be someplace. If Katherine should call, could you tell her I’m in a meeting? I need to pick her out a Christmas gift.”

“What a lucky gal.” Sylvia was fifty-nine and a romantic at heart. She smiled as Daniel headed for the elevator.

With a face full of excitement, he walked into the office of the top jeweler in New York.

“Here it is, Daniel, I finished the design last night. Is this what you wanted?”

“Marcus, you outdid yourself. This is exquisite. Katherine is going to love it. Is the engraving done?”

“Yes, and it’s ready to go. Do you need me to wrap it?”

“No, I’ll take care of it. You did great work, Marcus. Thank you so much.”

Daniel climbed into his new pickup truck and drove home. He was hoping he’d be able to contain his smile until Christmas arrived.

Katherine sat on the side of the bed, staring down at her forty dollars she had left. What am I supposed to buy for forty dollars? This is horrible! She didn’t have enough money to get anything for these sweet people, let alone her uncle. I have nothing to give to them. She cried a long time. When she heard Francesco’s booming voice greeting Daniel, she fled for their huge adjoining bathroom and climbed in the shower. She didn’t want him to see her tear-stained face. Even though she knew she wasn't under any obligation to give gifts, she wanted to do so, especially with all that she'd already received.

She always sang in the shower, so she knew she had to act normal. She lifted her voice and sang, trying not to let her voice crack with sorrow.

Daniel walked in the room and heard the sounds that he loved so much. He didn’t want to interrupt her, and he was sure she’d stop if she knew he was listening. He sat in a chair and let the beautiful sounds flow through him. When he heard the shower turn off, he rose to his feet and walked to the bathroom.

“You should sing your words and never worry about talking. Honestly, it’s the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard. Your voice is such a treasure to me.” Daniel wrapped her up in his arms and kissed her passionately.

Then it hit her. She’d have to get busy and be very sneaky, but she had the perfect plan.

Daniel got up at five the following morning, had breakfast with Rosie, and then left for work. Katherine was wide awake and waited until she saw him drive off the estate before throwing on her clothes. She fired up her laptop and searched for recording studios. Hopefully she’d find the one that Daniel had rented. Katherine was so excited when she recognized the name Blue Nights. She anxiously dialed the number.

“We’re not officially open yet,” said Warren.

“I have to have the CD for Christmas. Please! My boyfriend rented the studio but didn’t book a date. His name’s Daniel Giordano.”

“Is your name Katherine O’Brian?”

“Yes. Daniel rented the studio for me.”

“Well, why didn’t you say so? Come on down if you can. I have a group coming in at three-thirty so I’ll call and see if they want to reschedule. It’s pretty slow this close to Christmas.”

“Yes, I’ll be there shortly. Thank you!”

Katherine pushed the button that would alert Carl that he was needed.

“Miss Katherine, good morning. Did you need my assistance?”

“Carl, can you keep a secret and help me?”

“Oh my…Is it dangerous?” Carl grinned.

“Only the traffic, I think.”

“Do you need a driver?” Carl was feeling humored with the poor girl’s desperate facial expressions.

“I need a driver to take me into Manhattan. It’s for a Christmas gift, so everyone needs to keep quiet.”

“I’ll make sure the driver doesn’t ever disclose his whereabouts. When do you wish to depart and then return?”

“I need to leave now, and I’m not sure when I can come back.”

“Very well, gather your things and I’ll have the driver pick you up at the side entrance. This way you won’t have to go past Francesco’s study.”

“Carl, thank you so much!” She tip-toed and planted a kiss on Carl’s cheek. The red glow and smile on his face spoke volumes.

Katherine knocked on the studio door. Warren unlocked it and let her inside.

“It’s freezing out there, Katherine. I should have had the door unlocked. But this way we shouldn’t get interrupted. Do you have a song list? I have plenty of music here.”

“Yes, but I need to make four CD’s. Is that okay? I don’t need anything special, I just want my voice recorded.”

“That’s a lot of songs, but let me see your list and we can get started.” Warren smiled and hoped that she sang as beautifully as Daniel Giordano claimed. If not, it was going to be one hell of a long day.

After getting Katherine in the booth and explaining some things to her, he asked about the order of songs and which CD she wanted to do first.

“I want to do Daniel’s first. I didn't have much money of my own, so I thought if I sang him some love songs it would make a good gift.”

Terri Marie's Novels
» The Wrong Side of Midnight (A Billionaire in Disguise #3)
» A Perfect Plan (A Billionaire in Disguise #2)
» Forbidden Disclosure (A Billionaire in Disguise #1)