home » Romance » Alexia Adams » Played by the Billionaire » Played by the Billionaire Page 12

Played by the Billionaire Page 12
Author: Alexia Adams

Chapter Five

Lorelei stepped into the coffee shop at precisely nine the next morning. Liam was already there, with a mug of coffee on the table in front of him. As she approached, he stood and her eyes ran the length of him. He was tall, maybe six foot four at least. Today he was wearing a pair of snug jeans that showed off his muscular thighs, and didn’t sag in the back. Díos help her if he bent over. His baby-blue shirt emphasized his brown hair and dark eyes, which at the moment were checking her out.

A smile of greeting curved his lips and the dimple made a brief appearance. Morning stubble covered his cheeks and chin, hiding the cleft she knew was there. He ran a hand through his hair, messing up the too-combed style he’d been sporting. She had a sudden vision of what Liam would look like first thing in the morning, lying on the pillow next to hers. Heat flooded through her body at the thought.

“You are beautiful.” The words seemed to come out of his mouth unbidden and she saw him bite down on his bottom lip. Was that a flush she detected on his cheeks? Her legs went a bit wobbly at the thought that maybe he was as attracted to her as she was to him. She repeated her new decision-making mantra—cabeza, corazón, cuerpo: head first, heart second, body definitely last.

“Thank you.” She didn’t add that she’d been up since six trying on various outfits. Finally settling on a pair of jeans, fitted enough to reveal her shape without cutting off her circulation, and a cotton peasant top with blue flowers embroidered around the neckline. She hoped it said casual elegance and not I couldn’t be bothered.

“Do you want a coffee before we head off?” He stared at her mouth this time. Was he thinking about a kiss? Her lips tingled and she ran her tongue over them. His eyes widened in response.

She cleared her throat before she could answer. “No, I’m good. I had one at home.” No way was she going to risk coffee breath if Liam decided to take action on his thoughts.

“My car is around the corner—”

“I thought we’d take public transit. That way we get the real local experience.”

“Public transit?” Liam regarded her like she’d suggested they crawl on their knees around the city.

“Yes, then we don’t have to worry about parking,” she added, hoping that would seal the deal.

“But, my car…”

“Public transit or I don’t go.” She crossed her arms and waited for him to adjust to the change in plan.

“You drive a hard bargain, lady. I’m going to have to brush up on my negotiation skills.”

Lorelei smiled. At least he wasn’t having everything his way. She was determined, this time, to maintain her backbone. With previous boyfriends she’d given in on everything from where they ate to what she wore, just to keep them happy—to keep them from leaving.

“Great. Let’s get you a one-day passport so we don’t have to find correct change all the time.”

Liam grumbled something she couldn’t understand. After a minute he shrugged off his sulk and started to tease her.

“You’re not one of those environmentalists, are you, who think cars are evil and everyone should ride bikes and wear hemp and bamboo clothes?”

“No, of course not. I had a car in Buffalo. It’s just everything is so convenient here I haven’t felt the need to get another one. And…” She put her hand on his shoulder and stood on tiptoe to get near his ear. “I have at least twenty pairs of leather boots,” she whispered.

Liam stopped walking and turned to face her. “Twenty pairs of leather boots? You decadent woman! Dare I hope at least one pair is thigh-high that you wear with a leather outfit?” Laughter danced in his eyes and a mischievous grin split his face.

“You may never know,” Lorelei said with a smile to match his. Did he have any idea how gorgeous he was? She hadn’t once caught him checking out his reflection in the shop windows they passed. Why did she keep comparing Liam to past boyfriends?

He shook his head as if to get his mind off the image of Lorelei in all leather. “I hope you realize that by making me take the bus you’ve completely destroyed my upper hand. I haven’t been on public transit in years. I have no idea where to go.”

“Then you’re in for a treat,” Lorelei said. Liam appeared skeptical. “Come on, you’re a people watcher. Public transit is a veritable cornucopia of human diversity.”

“Hmm, we’ll see.” He still didn’t seem convinced about the merits of her plan. “Anyway, while we’re in the area we might as well go up Coit Tower, unless you’ve been already?” When she shook her head he continued. “And I suppose you’re going to make me walk up the stairs.”

“Of course. Unless you don’t think you can make it?”

“Oh, I think I can make it.” The look he shot her from under hooded lids said he had the stamina for all kinds of activities. He certainly appeared fit enough.

After ten minutes Lorelei started to slow. By fifteen minutes she was gasping for breath, while he could have been taking a gentle stroll along the beach. “All right, hotshot. So you’re fit,” she gasped out as the finally made it to the top of the hill. “Please tell me there’s an elevator inside and we don’t have to climb more stairs.”

“There is. You can catch your breath while we check out the murals.”

They wandered around the base of the tower and examined the artwork. More than once Lorelei caught Liam’s eyes on her and not the paintings. When she saw the depiction of a family of immigrants by the river, she grabbed Liam’s hand to show him. Realizing the silliness of holding hands with a man she’d only met the day before, she tried to withdraw but Liam tightened his fingers. So by the time they joined the dozen other people waiting for the elevator, they were hand in hand.

When they stood on the observation platform, Lorelei had to pull free of Liam’s grasp to find her camera in her bag. She missed the physical contact and when he put his arm around her shoulder instead, she leaned into him. His warmth, his strength, felt so good she forgot what she was looking for, until she spotted her camera under her EpiPen case.

“The view is spectacular,” she said after snapping a dozen shots through the various windows.

“I agree.” Liam’s voice was soft and low, and Lorelei glanced up to find that he was staring at her and not the skyline. Warmth invaded her body that had nothing to do with the sunshine beating down on them.

Alexia Adams's Novels
» An Inconvenient Love
» Played by the Billionaire