home » Romance » Alexia Adams » Played by the Billionaire » Played by the Billionaire Page 33

Played by the Billionaire Page 33
Author: Alexia Adams

“What I want is to make love to you all afternoon until you’re too exhausted to stand. To explore every inch of your delectable body until I’m about to explode. However, I don’t want you to mistake what this means, Lorelei. I can’t make you any promises about the future. If you can’t accept that, then let’s either wander around the vineyard or tour the valley. I don’t want you to wake up with regrets tomorrow.”

His bluntness was as refreshing as it was disturbing. Every other man she’d slept with had wooed her and filled her head with promises of love and tomorrow. Lorelei swallowed. She’d come to consider her future so wound up with his, to discover he didn’t see things the same stung. Liam offered her nothing but an afternoon of pure delight.

If she was smart she’d opt for the tour, but she couldn’t deny herself the opportunity to taste his loving. Her body overruled head and heart on this one. “I won’t, Liam. I promise.”

Before the last word was out of her mouth, he pulled her hard against him. Threading his hand into her hair, he tilted her head to receive his descending lips. His other kisses had been gentle, soft, tentative almost. This was a no-holds-barred assault on her senses. His tongue did battle with hers. The hand at her waist slid around and cupped her breast, his thumb teasing her nipple into a tight bud.

Abruptly, his lips released hers and he was trailing fiery kisses down her neck, lingering for a moment on her collarbone. His tongue traced the prominent bone till it reached the central U shape. He kissed her there until her knees buckled. She’d never realized how sensitive a spot it was. He traced his way along the rest of her clavicle until he reached the strap of her dress. From there he trailed kisses up her neck, nibbled on her earlobe.

“The rest of my explorations require more privacy,” he whispered.

She nodded weakly, wondering if her mind would work well enough to put one foot in front of the other. Before she could take a step, however, Liam swung her into his arms, carrying her with little effort.

He strode through the French doors and into the entranceway. As he placed his foot on the first stair, a rustle at the front door caused him to pause. He whirled around as the door opened.

Lorelei raised her head from his chest to see a tall blond woman enter the house. Every muscle in her body stiffened.

The woman dropped the bag of groceries she had in her arm, sending a couple avocados wobbling across the floor. “Michael?” Her eyes were huge and her mouth remained open.

“Amy, what are you doing here?” Liam’s deep voice rumbled against Lorelei’s ear. He didn’t seem pleased to see the unexpected visitor.

He set her down gently, standing between her and the newly arrived addition to their party.

“Oh God, it’s you, William. For a second I thought you were your rat bastard father.”

What the hell is she doing here?

“Are you going to introduce me to your friend?” Amy recovered her composure enough to rake Lorelei with her malicious eyes.

He did his best to shield Lorelei from his mother’s spiteful gaze.

“No. I expect you to turn around and walk out the door.”

Lorelei stood on the step behind him. She put her hands on his shoulders and he could sense her peeking around him, undoubtedly curious to see his mother.

“William! I didn’t raise you to be so rude.”

You barely raised me at all. However, he didn’t want Lorelei to think he was ashamed of her. He reached around. When she stood beside him, he put his arm around her shoulder, holding her against his side. If Amy wanted to meet Lorelei, then his mother would have to take the first step forward.

She waited a moment by the door before walking over to them.

“Lorelei, this is my mother, Amy Manning. Amy, this is my…girlfriend, Lorelei Torres.”

“Pleased to meet you,” they both said in unison.

Introductions over, Liam returned to his original question. “What are you doing here?”

She had the sense to contemplate the floor as she answered. “I’m living here.”

“What?” Liam held his temper as best he could, for Lorelei’s sake. Clenching his teeth, he forced the hand not around Lorelei to remain relaxed. The little bit of lunch he’d eaten rolled in his stomach. He hated that seeing his mother made him feel small and unlovable again. How could she still have this power over him? The warmth Lorelei had brought to his life dissipated under his mother’s icy glare.

“Well, Marcus was living here…toward the end. And after…well, you don’t come here anymore. I thought, why should I bother paying rent when this place is sitting empty?”

“It’s still trespassing. You’re here without my consent. I’ll give you to the end of the week to find someplace new and move out.” He’d tolerated his mother for Marcus’s sake. There was no reason to do so any longer.

“I’m your mother,” Amy said, a hitch in her voice.

“Are you reminding me, or yourself?”

“Liam.” Lorelei put her hand on his arm and waited for him to turn his attention to her. Her expression was one of concern, although he couldn’t tell if it was for him or Amy. “Why don’t we have a coffee, sit down and talk,” she said.

Blackness behind his eyes threatened to overcome him. Whether it was rage or despair, he didn’t want to analyze the emotion. He had to get away from Amy before she sucked any more joy from his life. He had to go. Now.

“I have nothing to say to her. If you want to chat I’ll be waiting in the study when you’re done.” He turned to move into the other room when his mother’s near hysterical voice stopped him.

“You are just like your father! A self-centered, lying bastard.” A sneer covered her face, turning the once beautiful mask ugly.

Liam’s hands balled into fists. He wasn’t going to be insulted in his own home. “Get your bag, Lorelei. I’ll meet you in the car.”

He strode from the room, slamming the door behind him.

“He’ll break your heart, you know. He doesn’t have one,” Amy said. Lorelei reached for her bag, which she’d left on the table near the door.

She turned to the other woman. From a distance she’d been beautiful—perfect makeup, flawless skin. Up close, however, Lorelei could see that bitterness had eaten away at her inner beauty until all that remained was an empty, envy-riddled shell.

“I disagree. I think Liam has a huge heart, just waiting for the right person to love,” she said. She turned and put her hand on the door handle.

Alexia Adams's Novels
» An Inconvenient Love
» Played by the Billionaire