home » Romance » Alexia Adams » Played by the Billionaire » Played by the Billionaire Page 41

Played by the Billionaire Page 41
Author: Alexia Adams

“If I do that she’ll know I’ve cracked into the systems. That’s what got me into this hell in the first place.”

“Ah, she’s found your kryptonite. Without your cracking superpowers you’re only a man, like the rest of us.” David gave an evil laugh and rubbed his hands together.

“Shut up, David.”

His friend stood and stretched as though he’d had a good nap. “Seems a book got you into this mess, you need a book to get you out.” He walked toward the door.

“What do you mean?” Liam said before his friend disappeared.

“Writing that book for Marcus got you into this love situation. You need to write a book explaining everything to get you out.”

“She won’t even speak to me. How am I supposed to get her to read another book I write, especially after she’s read the first one?”

“You’re the genius. You figure it out.” With that pronouncement, David left the room. The door shut behind him with a click that echoed in the emptiness of Liam’s life.

“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this,” Lorelei said as they approached the massive wooden doors.

“An all-expenses paid trip to Antigua, on a private jet, staying in a luxury villa, with a personal chef, plus aesthetician and massage therapist on call? I can’t believe you needed convincing,” Mandy said.

“I want nothing more to do with him.”

“And you don’t have to, sweetie. According to the contract this is a string-free holiday, and he has signed saying he won’t set foot on the property for the entire time we’re on the island. Come on, relax. You deserve this after what he did. This is the least he can do to make up for it. Well, this and his corporate sponsorship, guaranteeing that the charity receives five million a year.”

“But it won’t make up for it. He broke my heart, Mandy. A two-week trip to the Caribbean isn’t going to make that go away.”

“No, but hooking up with a gorgeous local might. For example, who’s the Adonis standing at the door?”

Lorelei looked up to see Jason standing with a tray of cool drinks inside the now-open door. She froze; if Jason was here…

“Welcome to Antigua, Lorelei. And you must be her beautiful friend Mandy. I’m Jason, the chef. If there is something specific you want to eat while you’re here, just ask. The island also offers some world-class resorts and restaurants. Your host has accounts at all of these, so should you wish to dine out then please let me know and I can make those arrangements.”

“I may never leave,” Mandy whispered as she passed Lorelei. Grabbing a drink off the tray, she leveled a stunning smile at Jason as she went.

“He’s not here, is he?” Lorelei asked, taking a sip of her drink.

“No. He’s in China as far as I know, which is why I’m here. He didn’t need me in San Francisco,” Jason said.

Lorelei relaxed. She never would have come on this holiday if Mandy hadn’t begged, and begged, and begged. She hadn’t seen Liam in six weeks, not since she stormed out of his apartment. And eventually, about three weeks ago, it appeared he’d even given up trying to contact her. The flowers at work and home had stopped and surprisingly, he hadn’t discovered her new phone numbers or email address.

When the package arrived on her desk two weeks ago she hadn’t suspected it was from Liam until she’d opened it. At her gasp, Mandy was instantly at her desk and had pulled the papers out of her hands once she saw the words “trip to Antigua.” After that it had been her friend’s relentless pleading that had finally made her agree to take up the contract. When returning the documents, though, she had made it abundantly clear that just because she was going, it didn’t mean she forgave him or ever wanted to see him again.

Now, walking into his home, she wondered again at her sanity. The home was similar in style and color to the one in Russian River, except for the Caribbean touches, ceiling fans in every room, rich, dark wood furniture, and floaty white cotton curtains. She followed the sound of Mandy’s excited voice onto the terrace. Her breath left her body on a long sigh, completely unintentional. The house was set on a hill, surrounded by palm trees and flowering tropical plants. Two large bougainvillea climbed over a pergola, their white-and-pink blossoms contrasting with the perfect blue sky. At the end of the terrace, an infinity pool seemed perched at the very edge of the hill. To the left, however, she could see a path that must lead down to a white sugar sand beach about one hundred feet below.

“Right, that’s it. I’m never leaving,” Mandy declared as Lorelei came to stand by her friend.

“Let’s check out the house and change into our bathing suits. I guess the major decision of the day is pool or beach?”

“Hmm, choices, choices. First one out after changing gets to decide.”

They walked back into the house through the concertinaed patio doors. A gentle tropical breeze blew through the house, negating the need for air-conditioning. An elderly couple waited near the entrance to the hallway.

“Oh, hello,” Lorelei said, surprised to see more visitors.

“Good afternoon, Miss Lorelei and Miss Mandy,” the man said. “My name is Horace and this is my wife, Celine. We keep the house and grounds for Mr. Liam. If there is anything you want or need, please let us know. If you would like to see your rooms we can show you now.”

“Thank you,” Lorelei said.

“If you’ll come with me, Miss Lorelei, I’ve put you in the master’s room,” Celine said.

Mandy followed after Horace, who showed her into a room at the far end of the corridor.

“I don’t need to stay in the master’s room. A regular guest room is fine.”

Celine led her down the hall and then up a flight of stairs, but stopped midway up the steps.

“This is the room I was told to get ready for you,” she said. She carried on climbing and opened the door with a flourish, waiting for Lorelei to precede her.

Lorelei gasped as she entered the room. It was so beautiful it almost made her cry. A huge four-poster bed draped with white mosquito netting stood in the center of the room. Cushions the same color as the ocean brought the outside in. As with downstairs, the windows were folded back and opened to a huge deck. She could happily spend the rest of her life in this room—except it reminded her of Liam. Coming here was such a mistake.

Celine remained by the door as though awaiting her orders.

Alexia Adams's Novels
» An Inconvenient Love
» Played by the Billionaire