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Played by the Billionaire Page 44
Author: Alexia Adams

It was probably a good thing Jason and Mandy were going out tonight. She could already tell she was going to be morose company. She showered and changed into a summer dress before she realized it was the same one she’d worn when she’d gone to Russian River with Liam. The evening was still warm, so she left her sweater off and wandered back downstairs. Having had a late lunch, she wasn’t particularly hungry.

“It’s a beautiful evening, and the sunset is going to be ’specially lovely from the beach.” Celine appeared out of nowhere, making Lorelei jump. “The path is lit back to the house.”

Lorelei nodded and followed the older lady’s suggestion. She was too restless to sit; a walk on the beach at sunset might soothe her enough to be able to eat, then sleep. Tomorrow she’d figure out what to do about Liam.

When she reached the beach, she discovered that a large white yacht had anchored about a hundred feet from shore. There were several other luxury villas on the hill; perhaps one of them had visitors. At the far end of the beach she saw a solitary figure standing in the surf, next to a dinghy. From the distance, she couldn’t make out if it was a man or woman.

Taking her shoes off, she walked to the water’s edge, letting the warm water lap against her feet. Little crabs scurried along the sand, disappearing with each wave. The sky turned from soft blue, to pink, to red. The end of another day. She sighed.

The figure at the other end of the beach was closer now. She thought about returning to the house, but couldn’t tear herself away. Surprisingly, she wasn’t afraid; perhaps it was dwelling on all Liam had endured that made her life seem golden. The figure came nearer. He was tall, and definitely a man. She should go back; she wasn’t feeling up for even a casual chat with a friendly neighbor. Lorelei turned back toward the path when something about the figure made her pause. Somehow, he seemed familiar.

When he was ten feet from her he stopped.

Díos mío, it was Liam.

Chapter Sixteen

Liam stopped a few feet from her, leaving her plenty of room to escape back up to the house if she wanted to avoid him. She took one step toward the stairs, but his sharp intake of breath stopped her. It was as though he was steeling himself for more pain.

“Hi.” His voice was uncertain. It was the first time Lorelei could ever remember him not being sure of himself.

“You promised you wouldn’t come.”

“I’ll go if you tell me to leave. When I phoned Jason this afternoon, he said you’d read the book. I had to see you.” He reached out a hand toward her.

She didn’t move. Her heart beat too rapidly, and her head kept replaying scenes from what she’d read that afternoon, but she had no idea where she stood in his life. Did he just want to apologize in person for deceiving her? Was this good-bye on friendly terms?

As the silence lengthened between them, Liam’s shoulders dropped. His hand returned to his side.

“Liam.” Her chest ached, whether for herself or for him she wasn’t sure.

“Yes?” A flare of hope lit his eyes.

“I’m sorry you’ve had a miserable life, but that doesn’t excuse your lies.”

He took a step backward and his strong jaw dropped to his chest. His voice was so low she had to strain to hear his next words. “I’m sorry I hurt you, Lorelei. What I did was wrong, but I honestly never thought it would get so real. I thought we’d have a few dates, a few laughs, we’d like each other but not be compatible, and we’d go our separate ways. Like most couples who date.”

“Well, I guess your prediction came true…”

He raised his head and stared into her eyes. “No, it’s not like that. You showed me a whole different world. I can’t go back to the old one now. I need you in my life, Lorelei. Ask David. I haven’t even been able to work because I’m thinking of you, missing you. Is there any way I can convince you to give me another chance?”

“Even if I could get past the lies, the deceptions, it doesn’t change who we are.”

“Do you love me?” He took a step nearer and she could see his eyes trying to read her expression in the moonlight.

“Don’t be cruel, Liam.” She hugged herself, trying to keep her heart from leaping out of her chest to lie bleeding at his feet.

He took another step closer and she could smell his spicy cologne. Involuntarily she inhaled deeply, her head swimming with his scent.

“Please, please, Lorelei. I need to hear you say the words.” His hand reached out and his thumb brushed a tear off her cheek she hadn’t even been aware was there.


“Because I’m a coward.”

She raised her eyes to his and saw such pain she blinked.

“Te quiero. I love you, Liam Manning.” The relief that swept through him was visible—he seemed two inches taller and he took a deep breath. “Pero, but it doesn’t change anything.”

The breath left his body with an audible whoosh. “It changes everything. I love you, Lorelei, so much it’s going to take the rest of my life to show you.”

Her heart swelled at his words until reason took rein. “No, it doesn’t. You’re still a genius billionaire with a loose idea of the law, and I’m a charity worker who won’t even jaywalk.”

“Do you think I’ll risk a second in prison if it means being away from you? You have my solemn promise that as long as you’re in my life, I won’t commit a single crime. I’ll never gamble with happiness, yours or mine, again.”

His hand that was on her cheek threaded through her hair and he pulled her closer. She put both hands on his chest, holding him off.

“Even if I could trust you, it doesn’t change the biggest difference between us. I want children, lots of children. You don’t. It’s such a fundamental issue we’ll never be able to get over it. Really, Liam, it’s better if we end it here. I forgive you, but let’s both move on before we waste any more time on this relationship.”


“No? I don’t think this is just your decision.”

“No. I won’t move on. I love you, Lorelei Torres. More than I thought I could love another human being, even Marcus. I can’t face a future without you. The thought of children scares the shit out of me. But with you at my side, holding my hand, I honestly believe anything is possible.”

“Really, you mean that?” Her hands crept up his chest, to rest on his shoulders.

Alexia Adams's Novels
» An Inconvenient Love
» Played by the Billionaire