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Robots and Empire (Robot #4) Page 100
Author: Isaac Asimov

When Gladia was done, he said, "It is your suggestion, then, that the Solarians, had redefined 'human being' in a narrow sense that restricted it to Solarians."

"I do not suggest anything, Mr. Chairman. It is merely that no one has been able to think of another explanation that would account for the events."

"Are you aware, Madam Gladia, that in all the history of robotic science, no robot has ever been designed with a narrowed definition of 'human being'?"

"I am not a roboticist, Mr. Chairman, and I know nothing of the mathematics of positronic pathways. Since you say it has never been done, I, of course, accept that. I cannot say, of my own knowledge, however, whether the fact that it has never been done means that it can never be done in the future."

Her eyes had never looked as wide and innocent as they did now and the Chairman flushed and said, "It is not theoretically impossible to narrow the definition, but it is unthinkable."

Gladia said, with a downcast glance at her hands, which were loosely clasped in her lap, "People can think such peculiar things sometimes."

The Chairman changed the subject and said, "An Auroran ship was destroyed. How do you account for that?"

"I was not present at the site of the incident, Mr. Chairman. I have no idea what happened, so I can't account for it."

"You were on Solaria and you were born on the planet. Given your recent experience and early background, what would you say happened?" The Chairman showed signs of a badly strained patience.

"If I must guess," said Gladia, "I should say that our warship was exploded by the use of a portable nuclear intensifier similar to the one that was almost used on the Settler ship."

"Does it not strike you, however, that the two cases are different. In one, a Settler ship invaded Solaria to confiscate Solarian robots; in the other, an Auroran vessel came to Solaria to help protect a sister planet."

"I can only suppose, Mr. Chairman, that the overseers - the humanoid robots left to guard the planet - were insufficiently well-instructed to know the difference."

The Chairman looked offended. "It is inconceivable that they would not be instructed in the difference between Settlers and fellow Spacers."

"If you say so, Mr. Chairman. Nevertheless, if the only definition of a human being is someone with the physical appearance of a human being, together with the ability to speak in Solarian fashion - as it seemed to us, who were on the spot, that it must be - then Aurorans, who do not speak in Solarian fashion, might not fall under the heading of human beings where the overseers were concerned."

"Then you are saying that the Solarians defined their fellow Spacers as nonhuman and subjected them to destruction."

"I present it merely as a possibility because I can't think of any other way to explain the destruction of any Auroran warship. More experienced people may be able to present alternate explanations, to be sure." Again that innocent, almost blank, look.

The Chairman said, "Are you planning to return to Solaria, Madam Gladia?"

"No, Mr. Chairman, I have no such plan."

"Have you been requested to do so by your Settler friend, in order to clear the planet of its overseers?"

Slowly Gladia shook her head. "I have not been requested to do this. Had I been, I would have refused. Nor did I go to Solaria, to begin with, for any reason but that of fulfilling my duty to Aurora. I was requested to go to Solaria by Dr. Levular Mandamus of the Robotics Institute, working under Dr. Kelden Amadiro. I was requested to go so that, on my return, I might report on events - as I have just done. The request had, to my ears and understanding, the flavor of an order and I took the order" - she glanced briefly in Amadiro's direction - "as coming from Dr. Amadiro himself."

Amadiro made no visible response to that.

The Chairman said, "What are your plans for the future, then?"

Gladia waited a heartbeat or two, then decided she might as well confront the situation boldly.

"It is my intention, Mr. Chairman," said Gladia, speaking very clearly, "to visit Earth."

"Earth? Why should you wish to visit Earth?"

"It may be important, Mr. Chairman, for Auroran authorities to know what is taking place on Earth. Since I have been invited by the Baleyworld authorities to visit Earth and since Captain Baley stands ready to take me there, it would be an opportunity to bring back a report on events - as I have now reported on events taking place on Solaria and on Baleyworld."

Well, then, thought Gladia, will he violate the custom and, in effect, imprison her on Aurora? If so, there had to be ways of challenging the decision.

Gladia felt her tension rising and she cast a quick glance in the direction of Daneel, who, of course, seemed totally impassive.

However, the Chairman, looking sour, said, "In that respect, Madam Gladia, you have the right of an Auroran to do as you wish - but it will be on your own responsibility. No one is requesting this of you, as some requested, according to you, your visit to Solaria. For that reason I must warn you that Aurora will not feel bound to help you in case of any misadventure."

"I understand that, sir."

The Chairman said brusquely, "There will be much to discuss on the matter later on, Amadiro. I will be in touch with you. "

The images blanked out and Gladia found herself and her robots suddenly alone with Amadiro and his robots.


Gladia rose and said stiffly, carefully refusing to look directly at Amadiro as she did so, "The meeting, I presume, is over, so I will now leave."

"Yes, of course, but I have a question or two, which I hope you don't mind my asking." His tall figure seemed overwhelming as he rose and he smiled and addressed her in all courtesy, as though friendliness were long established between them. "Let me escort you, Lady Gladia. So you are going to Earth?"

Isaac Asimov's Novels
» Prelude to Foundation (Foundation #6)
» The Stars, Like Dust (Galactic Empire #1)
» Robots and Empire (Robot #4)
» The Robots of Dawn (Robot #3)
» The Naked Sun (Robot #2)
» The Caves of Steel (Robot #1)
» The Positronic Man (Robot 0.6)
» Robot Visions (Robot 0.5)
» Robot Dreams (Robot 0.4)
» The Complete Robot (Robot 0.3)
» The Complete Stories
» I, Robot (Robot 0.1)
» Foundation and Earth (Foundation #5)
» Foundation's Edge (Foundation #4)
» Second Foundation (Foundation #3)
» Foundation and Empire (Foundation #2)
» Foundation (Foundation #1)
» Forward the Foundation (Foundation 0.2)
» Pebble in the Sky (Galactic Empire #3)
» The Currents of Space (Galactic Empire #2)