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Robots and Empire (Robot #4) Page 101
Author: Isaac Asimov

"Yes. The Chairman raised no objections and an Auroran citizen may freely travel through the Galaxy in time of peace. And pardon me, but my robots - and yours, if necessary - will be sufficient escort."

"As you say, my lady." A robot held the door open for them. "I assume you will take robots with you when you go to Earth."

"There's no question as to that."

"Which robots, madam, if I may ask?"

"These two. The two robots I have with me." Her shoes made a firm clicking sound as she walked rapidly along the corridor, her back to Amadiro, making no effort to see to it that he heard her.

"Is that wise, my lady? They are advanced robots, unusual products of the great Dr. Fastolfe. You will be surrounded by barbarian Earthmen, who may covet them."

"Should they covet them, they nevertheless wouldn't get them."

"Don't underestimate the danger, nor overestimate robotic protection. You will be in one of their Cities, surrounded by tens of millions of these Earthmen, and robots may not harm human beings. Indeed, the more advanced a robot, the more sensitive it is to the nuances of the Three Laws and the less likely it is to take any action that will harm a human being in any way. - Isn't that so, Daneel?"

"Yes, Dr. Amadiro," said Daneel.

"Giskard, I imagine, agrees with you."

"I do," said Giskard.

"You see, my lady? Here on Aurora, in a nonviolent society, your robots can protect you against others. On Earth - mad, decadent, barbarous - there will be no way two robots can protect you or themselves. We would not want you to be deprived. Nor, to place it on a more selfish basis, would we of the Institute and the government care to see advanced robots in the hands of the barbarians. Would it not be better to take robots, of a more ordinary type that the Earthpeople would ignore? You can take any number in that case. A dozen if you wish."

Gladia said, "Dr. Amadiro, I took these two robots on a Settler ship and visited a Settler world. No one made a move to appropriate them."

"The Settlers don't use robots and claim to disapprove of them. On Earth itself, they still use robots."

Daneel said, "If I may interpose, Dr. Amadiro - It is my understanding that robots are being phased out on Earth. Mere are very few in the Cities. Almost all robots on Earth are now used in agricultural or mining operations. For the rest, nonrobotic automation is the norm."

Amadiro looked at Daneel briefly, then said to Gladia, "Your robot is probably right and I suppose there would be no harm in taking Daneel. He could well pass as human, for that matter. Giskard, however, may well be left in your establishment. He might arouse the acquisitive instincts of an acquisitive society - even if it is true that they are trying to free themselves of robots."

Gladia said, "Neither will be left, sir. They will come with me. I am the sole judge of which portions of my property may come with me and which may not."

"Of course." Amadiro smiled in his most amiable fashion. "No one disputes that. - Would you wait here?"

Another door opened, showing a room that was most comfortably furnished. It was without windows, but was illuminated by soft light and suffused with even softer music.

Gladia stopped at the threshold and said sharply, "Why?"

"A member of the Institute wishes to see you and speak to you. It will not take long, but it is necessary. Once that is done, you are free to go. You will not even be plagued by my presence from this moment on. Please." There was a touch of hidden steel in the last word.

Gladia reached out her arms for Daneel and Giskard. "We enter together."

Amadiro laughed genially. "Do you think I'm trying to separate you from your robots? Do you think they would allow that? You have been too long with Settlers, my dear."

Gladia looked at the closed door and said between her teeth, "I dislike that man intensely. And most intensely when he smiles and tries to be soothing."

She stretched, her elbow joints cracking slightly. "In any case, I'm tired. If someone comes with further questions about Solaria and Baleyworld, they are going to get short answers, I tell you."

She sat down on a couch that gave softly under her weight. She slipped her shoes off and lifted her feet to the couch. She smiled sleepily, took a deep breath as she sank to one side, and, with her head turned away from the room, was instantly and deeply asleep.


"It is well she was naturally sleepy," said Giskard. "I was able to deepen it without any hint of damage to her at all. - I would not want Lady Gladia to hear what is likely to come."

"What is likely to come, friend Giskard?" asked Daneel.

"What is to come is the result, I think, of my being wrong, friend Daneel, and of your being right. I should have taken your excellent mind more seriously."

"It is you, then, they want to keep on Aurora?"

"Yes. And in urgently calling for Lady Gladia's return, they were calling for mine. You heard Dr. Amadiro ask for us to be left behind. At first both of us and then myself alone."

"Might it be that his words have but the surface meaning, that he feels it dangerous to lose an advanced robot to the Earthmen?"

"There was an underlying current of anxiety, friend Daneel, that I judge to be far too strong to match his words."

"Can you tell whether he knows of your special abilities?"

"I cannot tell directly, since I cannot read thoughts themselves. Nevertheless, twice in the course of the interview with the Council members, there was a sudden sharp rise in the level of emotional intensity in Dr. Amadiro's mind. Extraordinarily sharp rises. I cannot describe it in words, but it would be analogous, perhaps, to watching a scene in black and white and having it splash - suddenly and briefly - into intense color."

Isaac Asimov's Novels
» Prelude to Foundation (Foundation #6)
» The Stars, Like Dust (Galactic Empire #1)
» Robots and Empire (Robot #4)
» The Robots of Dawn (Robot #3)
» The Naked Sun (Robot #2)
» The Caves of Steel (Robot #1)
» The Positronic Man (Robot 0.6)
» Robot Visions (Robot 0.5)
» Robot Dreams (Robot 0.4)
» The Complete Robot (Robot 0.3)
» The Complete Stories
» I, Robot (Robot 0.1)
» Foundation and Earth (Foundation #5)
» Foundation's Edge (Foundation #4)
» Second Foundation (Foundation #3)
» Foundation and Empire (Foundation #2)
» Foundation (Foundation #1)
» Forward the Foundation (Foundation 0.2)
» Pebble in the Sky (Galactic Empire #3)
» The Currents of Space (Galactic Empire #2)