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Star Style (My Sister the Vampire #8) Page 16
Author: Sienna Mercer

‘Uh, well done,’ said George, uncomfortably. Olivia wondered if he’d even watched it. ‘I should go and find Edgar.’

Once the couple had disappeared into the crowd, Mr Abbott said, ‘I’m so glad you came over then. Like a babbling brook, that man.’

‘Behave,’ Mrs Abbott said, swatting his arm. ‘Now, Jackson, is this the first time you’ve been carved into a block of ice?’

Olivia noticed that the ice-Jackson’s nose was dripping, but it did really look like him.

‘It is,’ Jackson replied, ‘but apparently in two weeks, I’m going to be even bigger than that.’

‘Mount Rushmore?’ Mr Abbott asked, joking.

‘Actually, a balloon float just outside the Bright Stars awards show,’ Jackson replied. ‘I’m hosting.’

‘Hosting!’ Olivia couldn’t believe it. The Bright Stars? She had watched the whole two-hour show for the past three years running. It featured all the most glamorous and popular young celebrities – musicians, sports people and actors, as voted for by the public. She had even voted for Jackson once or twice. Or maybe more than that.

‘Mr and Mrs Abbott,’ Jackson said, taking a formal tone. ‘I would like to ask your permission to take Olivia as my date to the awards. You or Mr Vega could chaperone?’

Olivia wanted to do a back flip right then, but her dress was too long. She desperately hoped her parents would say yes.

Mrs Abbott clapped her hands. ‘Oh, I’m sure we could work something out. How wonderful!’

‘And . . .’ Jackson said. ‘I believe there’s a chance my beautiful girlfriend may be in the running for an award.’

‘Eee!’ Olivia couldn’t hold back the squeal that emerged. She felt part-excited, part-nauseous. To be on stage receiving an award? It was more than a girl from Franklin Grove could hope for – and it was the scariest thing Olivia had ever imagined.

‘Joy and trepidation spread like rays of the sun,’ quipped Mr Abbott.

‘But . . . don’t you have to be famous to do that?’ Olivia wondered.

Jackson smiled. ‘Up-and-coming famous is good enough for the shortlisting committee.’

Mrs Abbott gave Olivia a nudge. ‘That would be you!’

‘I’ve been in one movie!’

‘Well, I can’t promise,’ said Jackson, ‘it’s only a rumour I’ve heard.’

Before Olivia could reply, a blur of yellow dress and red hair interrupted.

‘News!’ said Amy Teller, flapping her gold-bangled arms. ‘I’ve got news!’

‘Hello, Amy,’ said Mrs Abbott.

‘Mrs Abbott. Steve. Lovely to see you,’ said Amy, air-kissing them quickly. She turned back to Jackson and Olivia. ‘This is big. It’s going to be HUGE!’

Olivia had never seen Amy so excited. Normally, she was shouting down the phone or frowning at some poor underling who’d got something wrong.

‘I’ve just been roped into negotiations by Jacob Harker about . . .’ Amy paused for suspense. ‘You!’ she said, looking straight at Olivia.

‘Me?’ Olivia was baffled. What would the head of the studio want with her? ‘Did I say “totally” too much in the movie? Or was I touching my hair?’ Had she flopped?

‘No, silly!’ Amy said. ‘He just loves you and wants you for the filming of Eternal Sunset – the biggest blockbuster in pre-production. I said, “Well, my client is going to need some special billing,” and he said –’

‘Your client?’ Olivia interrupted.

‘You practically are my client at this point, right?’ Amy waved her hand. ‘We’ll take care of the paperwork later.’ She was talking so fast Olivia could barely keep up. Harker thought she was star material!

‘Apparently, there’s some other newcomer actress playing your twin sister but – get this! – the fool is negotiating her own contract.’ Amy cackled with laughter. ‘Can you imagine how naive someone would have to be to try that in Hollywood?’

Olivia felt like she’d just won prom queen. She wondered for a moment who the other actress could be.

‘Do you know who it is?’ Jackson asked.

‘Some wannabe,’ she replied. ‘Harker didn’t say who, but does it matter? I’ve just landed Olivia a huge role!’

Jackson cleared his throat. ‘I think Olivia has landed herself a huge role.’

For an instant, Amy looked guilty. ‘Oh . . . I . . . uh . . .’

‘But,’ Olivia put in quickly, ‘I am glad for your help. After all, if Jackson chose you as his agent, then you must be the best.’

Amy beamed. ‘Aw, thanks. Now, we are going to make you huge!’

Jackson and the Abbotts looked delighted. Olivia gazed at the room full of producers and agents.

How has it happened that I’m part of this world? she marvelled.

Amy was babbling on about contracts and riders.

Whatever had happened to set this all in motion, Olivia was grateful. She’d always wanted to act professionally. This could be her big chance!

Chapter Five

Six days later, the sun was shining. Birds were chirping, chickens were clucking at her feet and Ivy didn’t mind in the slightest. Usually, vampires didn’t like this amount of sunlight or being near animals but, for today, Ivy was prepared to make an exception.

She and Olivia were with their dad at Aunt Rebecca’s ranch in Beldrake for a barbecue. Ever since the two of them had come to visit here a few weeks ago, it had become a home-from-home. The stables, the farmhouse, the big willow tree, the lake with the ducks: it was so picturesque. Their mother had stayed here every summer as a girl, and just being here made Ivy feel closer to her.

Sienna Mercer's Novels
» Twin-Tastrophe (My Sister the Vampire #9)
» Star Style (My Sister the Vampire #8)
» Lucky Break (My Sister the Vampire #7)
» Secrets & Spies (My Sister the Vampire #15)
» Love Bites (My Sister the Vampire #6)
» Flipping Out (My Sister the Vampire #14)
» Take Two (My Sister the Vampire #5)
» Fangs for the Memories (My Sister the Vampire #13)
» Vampalicious! (My Sister the Vampire #4)
» Stake Out! (My Sister the Vampire #12)
» Re-Vamped! (My Sister the Vampire #3)
» Flying Solo (My Sister the Vampire #11)
» Fangtastic! (My Sister the Vampire #2)
» Bite Night (My Sister the Vampire #10)
» Switched (My Sister the Vampire #1)