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Star Style (My Sister the Vampire #8) Page 17
Author: Sienna Mercer

It was a relief to finally dress down again after the premiere and the party last week. The only people she’d see today were family and friends. Thank darkness!

She was especially happy that she’d have space from Harker. All he wants to do is offer me movie roles! Ivy was definitely feeling the guilt of not telling her sister what had been going on. There had barely been a free minute all week.

Ivy was determined to find the right time today to tell all.

‘I can’t believe you eat that stuff!’ Aunt Rebecca said. She was standing at the barbecue holding a spatula, next to Mr Vega, who had his own spatula for the meat. Rebecca was wearing faded jeans, heavy black riding boots and a yellow checked apron over her flannel shirt.

Mr Vega was lightly grilling the steaks for the meat-eaters while Rebecca was roasting halloumi for the vegetarians, herself and Olivia.

‘My mouth is watering with anticipation,’ Mr Vega replied with a smile.

‘Mine, too!’ Ivy called over from the table.

Ivy was relieved that Aunt Rebecca and her dad had put the past behind them. A few weeks ago, Ivy and Olivia didn’t even know that they had an aunt, let alone that their mother had a twin sister. When Mr Vega made a special trip to track down their aunt and heal old wounds, the reunion hadn’t been exactly warm.

But now they were a big happy family: vampires, humans, horses, chickens and Gibson and Gonzo, the two black Labradors. Ivy had even managed to feel almost – almost! – comfortable around all the animals. Especially after helping track down a runaway horse, she’d started to believe that her vampire blood didn’t have to get in the way of helping on the farm.

Ivy took a break from chopping up the new carrots for the salad to peer at the barbecue. There were at least ten steaks and half a dozen veggie burgers. ‘I do like steak, but even I can’t eat more than one. There’s way too much meat on that barbecue.’

‘Ah, but you don’t know what I know,’ replied her dad.

‘Or what I know,’ said Rebecca. They shared a smile.

‘Uh oh,’ Olivia said, from the other side of the table. ‘There’s a look in their eyes – and I’ve been slicing way too many cucumbers for the four of us.’

‘So the big question is,’ Ivy said, ‘who else is coming?’

A horn tooted from the dusty driveway. As the vehicle got closer, Ivy could make out at least five people in the big SUV.

When it came to a stop, the door flew open and out jumped Bethany, Brendan’s little sister, followed by Brendan and his parents, Jackson and Lillian.

‘Killer!’ said Ivy, delighted.

‘We thought we’d make an occasion of it,’ said Aunt Rebecca, waving everyone over. ‘After all, it’s not every day that my nieces are in a movie. I wanted to celebrate!’

Olivia leaped up from the table, knocking over a neat stack of sliced cucumber. ‘Oh, thank you!’ She hurried over to greet the newcomers.

Jackson grabbed Olivia in a hug and Brendan came over to kiss Ivy on the cheek.

‘Hello, gorgeous,’ he said with a triumphant smile. He was clearly proud of himself for keeping Rebecca’s impromptu party a surprise.

‘Hi,’ Ivy replied.

‘Come on, guys,’ said Bethany. ‘Enough of the mushy stuff – I want to meet the horses!’ Bethany was Ivy’s favourite seven-year-old. She was wearing blue jeans with a pink flower appliqué, and brown knee-high boots, perfect for horse riding.

Aunt Rebecca smiled. ‘My kind of girl,’ she said to Bethany. ‘But let’s wait until we’re done eating so I can give you a proper introduction. How about you go and say hello to my ducks, instead?’

‘We’ve a lot of food to get through,’ Mr Vega said.

Bethany considered for a moment. ‘OK, but only if I get to pick which steak is mine.’

Mr and Mrs Daniels laughed and shook hands with Aunt Rebecca.

‘Thanks for inviting us with Brendan,’ said Mrs Daniels. ‘Bethany thinks she’s won the lottery!’

Lillian hung back a little. She was wearing black jeans with black ankle boots and a black-and-grey checked sweater – almost like a cool vamp-farmer.

Mr Vega hurried over and said, ‘Excuse the grease, Lillian. I’m so glad you could come.’ He leaned in for a cheek-kiss, at the same time as Lillian went for one on the opposite cheek, so there was a little awkwardness because they almost kissed.

Mr Vega blushed and Lillian chuckled. They tried again, and got it right.

‘You made it!’ Rebecca said to Lillian. ‘I just had to meet the woman who was so inspired by Charles that she hired his design services.’

‘Thanks for inviting me.’ Lillian pulled a packet, wrapped in brown paper, out of her big black bag and handed it to Rebecca. ‘Charles said that you used to live in LA, so I thought these might remind you of home.’

Ivy was impressed that Lillian had brought a present. Rebecca opened it and Ivy peered over to see what it was. It was a little envelope with seeds labelled Ceanothus Joyce Coulter.

‘I know these!’ exclaimed Rebecca. ‘It’s that gorgeous blue mountain lilac. Native to California, right?’

Lillian nodded.

Rebecca smiled at Lillian. ‘We are going to be good friends, you and I. Now, where do you live in LA?’

The adults were all happy chatting and Bethany was occupying herself tearing up a loaf of bread and tossing it to the ducks, with Jackson and Brendan helping by stuffing chunks of bread in their own mouths. Ivy realised it was the perfect moment to talk to Olivia.

Sienna Mercer's Novels
» Twin-Tastrophe (My Sister the Vampire #9)
» Star Style (My Sister the Vampire #8)
» Lucky Break (My Sister the Vampire #7)
» Secrets & Spies (My Sister the Vampire #15)
» Love Bites (My Sister the Vampire #6)
» Flipping Out (My Sister the Vampire #14)
» Take Two (My Sister the Vampire #5)
» Fangs for the Memories (My Sister the Vampire #13)
» Vampalicious! (My Sister the Vampire #4)
» Stake Out! (My Sister the Vampire #12)
» Re-Vamped! (My Sister the Vampire #3)
» Flying Solo (My Sister the Vampire #11)
» Fangtastic! (My Sister the Vampire #2)
» Bite Night (My Sister the Vampire #10)
» Switched (My Sister the Vampire #1)