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Beautiful Creatures (Caster Chronicles #1) Page 67
Author: Kami Garcia

“Settle down, big boy. It wasn’t me. That was a little before my time.”

“Ethan, what the hell’s goin’ on?” Link was beside me.

“She’s not what she seems, man. She’s…” I didn’t know how to explain it so Link would understand. “She’s a Siren. It’s like a witch. And she’s been controlling you just like she’s controlling my dad right now.”

Link started to laugh. “A witch. You’re losin’ it, man.”

I didn’t take my eyes off Ridley. She smiled and ran her fingers through Link’s hair. “Come on baby, you know you love a bad girl.”

I had no idea what she was capable of, but after her little demonstration at Ravenwood, I knew she could kill any one of us. I should never have treated her like she was just some harmless party girl. I was in over my head. I was only just beginning to realize how far.

Link looked from her to me. He didn’t know what to believe.

“I’m not kidding, Link. I should have told you sooner, but I swear I’m telling the truth. Why else would she be trying to kill my father?”

Link started to pace. He didn’t believe me. He probably thought I was going crazy. It sounded crazy to me, even as I was saying it. “Ridley, is that true? Have you been usin’ some kinda power on me this whole time?”

“If you want to split hairs.”

My dad let go of the railing with one hand. He extended his arm like he was trying to balance on a tightrope.

“Dad, don’t do it!”

“Rid, don’t do this.” Link was walking toward her, slowly. I could hear the chain from his wallet jingling.

“Didn’t you hear what your friend said? I’m a witch. A bad one.” She took off her shades, revealing those golden feline eyes. I could hear Link’s breath catch in his throat, as if he was really seeing her for the first time. But only for a second.

“Maybe you are, but you aren’t all bad. I know that. We’ve spent time together. We’ve shared things.”

“That was part of the plan, Hot Rod. I needed an in, so I could stay close to Lena.”

Link’s face dropped. Whatever Ridley had done to him, whatever she had Cast, his feelings for her were bigger than that. “So it was all crap? I don’t believe you.”

“Believe what you want, it’s the truth. As close to the truth as I’m capable of, anyway.”

I watched my dad shift his weight, his free arm still stretched outward, swaying up and down. It seemed like he was trying to test his wings, to see if he could fly. A few feet away, an artillery shell hit the ground outside and a spray of dirt burst into the air.

“What about everything you told me about you and Lena growin’ up together? How you two were like sisters? Why would you want to hurt her?” Something passed across her face. I wasn’t sure, but it almost looked like regret. Was that possible?

“It’s not up to me. I’m not the one calling the shots. Like I said, this is my job. Get Ethan away from Lena. I’ve got nothing against this old guy, but his mind is weak. You know, one biscuit short of a picnic.” She licked her lollipop. “He was just an easy target.”

Get Ethan away from Lena.

This whole thing was a diversion to separate us. I could hear Arelia’s voice as clearly as if she was still kneeling over me.

It’s not the house that protects her. No Caster can come between them.

How could I have been so stupid? It wasn’t a question of whether or not I had some kind of power. It was never about me. It was about us.

The power was what was between us, what had always been between us. Finding each other on Route 9 in the rain. Turning the same way at the fork in the road. It didn’t take a Binding Cast to keep us together. Now that they had managed to separate us, I was powerless. And Lena was alone, on the night she needed me with her the most.

I couldn’t think clearly. I was out of time, and I wasn’t going to lose one more person I loved. I ran toward my dad, and even though it was just a few feet, it felt like I was running through quicksand. I saw Ridley step forward, her hair twisting in the wind like Medusa’s whole head of snakes.

I saw Link step forward and grab her shoulder. “Rid, don’t do it.”

For a split second, I had no idea what was going to happen. I saw everything in slow motion.

My dad turned to look back at me.

I saw him start to let go of the railing.

I saw Ridley’s pink and blond strands twisting.

And I saw Link standing in front of her, staring into those golden eyes, whispering something I couldn’t hear. She looked at Link, and without another word, her lollipop went sailing over the railing. I watched it arc down to the ground below, exploding like shrapnel. It was over.

As quickly as my father had turned away from the railing, he turned back toward it, toward me. I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him forward, over the railing and onto the balcony floor. He fell in a crumpled heap, and lay there looking up at me like a frightened child.

“Thank you, Ridley. I mean, whatever that was. Thanks.”

“I don’t want your thanks,” she sneered, pulling away from Link and adjusting the strap of her top. “I didn’t do either of you a favor. I just didn’t feel like killing him. Today.”

She tried to sound menacing, but she ended up just sounding childish. She twirled a pink strand of hair. “Though that’s not gonna make some people too happy.” She didn’t have to say who, but I could see the fear in her eyes. For a second, I could see how much of her persona was just an act. Smoke and mirrors.

Despite everything, even now, as I tried to pull my father to his feet, I felt sort of sorry for her. Ridley could have any guy on the planet, and yet all I could see was how alone she was. She wasn’t nearly as strong as Lena was, not inside.


Lena, are you okay?

I’m fine. What’s wrong?

I looked at my father. He couldn’t keep his eyes open, and he was having trouble standing.

Nothing. Are you with Larkin?

Yes, we’re headed back to Ravenwood. Is your dad okay?

He’s fine. I’ll explain when I get there.

I slid my arm under my dad’s shoulder, while Link grabbed his other side.

Stay with Larkin, and get back inside with your family. You’re not safe alone.

Before we could even take a step, Ridley sauntered by us, back through the open balcony doors, those ten-mile legs stepping across the threshold. “Sorry, boys. I gotta jet, maybe head back to New York for a while, lay low. It’s cool.” She shrugged.

Even though she was a monster, Link couldn’t help but watch her go. “Hey, Rid?”

She stopped and turned to look at him, almost ruefully. Like she couldn’t help what she was any more than a shark could help being a shark, but if she could…

“Yeah, Shrinky Dink?”

“You’re not all bad.”

She looked right at him and almost smiled. “You know what they say. Maybe I’m just drawn that way.”


Family Reunion

Once my dad was safely in the hands of the reenactment medics, I couldn’t get back to the party fast enough. I pushed past the girls from Jackson, who had ditched jackets, and were looking skanky in their tank tops and baby tees, gyrating to the music of the Holy Rollers. Minus Link who, to his credit, was right on my heels. It was loud. Live band loud. Live ammo loud. So loud that I almost didn’t hear Larkin’s voice calling me.

“Ethan, over here!” Larkin was standing in the trees just past the reflective yellow rope that separated the Safe Zone from the You-Could-Get-Your-Butt-Shot-Off-If-You-Cross-This-Line Zone. What was he doing in the woods, past the Safe Zone? Why wasn’t he back at the house? I waved to him and he motioned me over, disappearing behind the rise. Usually jumping that rope would’ve been a tough choice, but not today. I had no choice but to follow him. Link was right behind me, stumbling, but still somehow keeping up with me, just the way it used to be.

“Hey, Ethan.”


“About Rid, I should’ve listened.”

“It’s okay, man. You couldn’t help it. I should’ve told you everything.”

“Don’t sweat it. I wouldn’t have believed you.”

The sound of gunfire echoed over our heads. We both ducked, instinctively.

“Hope those are blanks,” Link said nervously. “Wouldn’t it be crazy if my own dad shot me out here?”

“With my luck lately, it wouldn’t surprise me if he shot us both.”

We reached the top of the rise. I could see the thicket of brush, the oaks, and the smoke of the artillery field beyond us.

“We’re over here!” Larkin called, from the other side of the thicket. By the “we,” I could only assume he meant him and Lena, so I ran faster. Like Lena’s life depended on it, because for all I knew maybe it did.

Then I realized where we were. There was the archway to the garden at Greenbrier. Larkin and Lena were standing in the clearing, just beyond the garden, in the same place where we had dug up Genevieve’s grave a few weeks ago. A few feet behind them, a figure stepped out of the shadows and into the moonlight. It was dark, but the full moon was right over us.

I blinked. It was—It was—

“Mom, what the heck are you doin’ out here?” Link was confused.

Because his mom was standing in front of us, Mrs. Lincoln, my worst nightmare, or at least in my top ten. She looked strangely in—or out of—place, depending on how you looked at it. She was wearing ridiculous volumes of petticoats and the stupid calico dress that cinched her waist way too tightly. And she was standing right at Genevieve’s grave. “Now, now. You know how I feel about profanity, young man.”

Link rubbed his head. This made no sense at all, not to him, and not to me.

Lena, what’s happening?


There was no response. Something was wrong.

“Mrs. Lincoln, are you okay?”

“Delightful, Ethan. Isn’t it a wonderful battle? And Lena’s birthday, too, she tells me. We’ve been waiting for you, at least, one of you.”

Link stepped closer. “Well, I’m here now, Mom. I’ll take you home. You shouldn’t be out past the Safe Zone. You’re gonna get your head blown off. You know what a bad shot Dad is.”

I grabbed Link’s arm, holding him back. There was something wrong, something about the way she was smiling at us. Something about the panicked look on Lena’s face.

What’s going on? Lena!

Why wasn’t she answering me? I watched as Lena pulled my mom’s ring out of her sweatshirt and grabbed it by the chain in her hand. I could see her lips move in the darkness. I could barely hear something, only a whisper, in the far corner of my mind.

Ethan, get out of here! Get Uncle Macon! Run!

But I couldn’t move. I couldn’t leave her.

“Link, Angel, you are such a thoughtful boy.”

Link? It wasn’t Mrs. Lincoln standing in front of us. It couldn’t be.

Mrs. Lincoln would no more call Wesley Jefferson Lincoln “Link” than she would streak through the streets nak*d. “Why you would use that ridiculous nickname when you have such a dignified name, I cannot imagine,” she’d say every time one of us accidentally called her house and asked for Link.

Kami Garcia's Novels
» Beautiful Creatures (Caster Chronicles #1)
» Beautiful Darkness (Caster Chronicles #2)
» Dream Dark (Caster Chronicles #2.5)
» Beautiful Chaos (Caster Chronicles #3)
» Beautiful Redemption (Caster Chronicles #4)
» Dangerous Dream (Dangerous Creatures #0.5)