home » Romance » Lizzie Lynn Lee » Her Dragon Billionaire » Her Dragon Billionaire Page 5

Her Dragon Billionaire Page 5
Author: Lizzie Lynn Lee

He cleared his throat. “Eva can’t know about the truth until she’s ready. She’s already been through a lot.”

“Sooner or later, you need to tell her. What if she suddenly remembers who she was?”

“We’re talking a big ‘what if.’”

“Don’t you want her to heal well?”

“Of course I do.”

Rosa went busy slicing cucumber for a salad. “I personally think you sealed her fate when you initiated the rite, Mr. Caderyn. Whether you want it or not, she’s yours. She’s your bonded.”

“Bonded.” He snorted. “Natalie is currently living with my ex-best friend in the Bahamas, spending my money.”

Rosa snorted. “That’s not what I meant. Speaking of her, I don’t understand about Natalie. I don’t think she’s your true bonded.”

“Natalie is a pure-blood. Bairn House kept their lineage untainted back to the Celtic times.”

“Sometimes you don’t need a pure-blood to find the other half of your soul.”

Liam contemplated. Rosa was right. His mother was human and their parents had a great marriage. “What can I tell Eva about when we got married? Engaged? Wedding ring. She’ll want to see the wedding photos.”

“Maybe you should march back in there and tell her the truth.”

“No. I can’t do that.”

“You can’t or won’t?”

“I won’t. I already dipped my foot in the water. Besides, I’m rather…fond of her. What should I tell her if she wants to know more?”

Rosa rolled her eyes. “Sometimes the best lies are the truth.”

He considered her answer. “I’ll think of something,” he decided. He started to leave but then he remembered what brought him to the kitchen. “I need you to do something for me. I saw Eva in Natalie’s robe. Why did you keep Natalie’s clothes anyway?”

“Those are designer clothing. I meant to give them to charity, but didn’t get the chance.”

“Buy Eva a new wardrobe. I don’t want to see her in Natalie’s things.”

“Boy, are we grumpy today?” Rosa snatched a towel and wiped her hands. “Fine. I’ll run to Macy’s later.”

“I’ll be in my office if you need me. And Eva is hungry.” Liam wanted to call Anderson Cod to find out the progress of his investigation.


Eva clutched her cheeks while listening to the galloping pulse of her beating heart. She was married? To that handsome man? And she didn’t have any recollection of any of it? How awful. She married a hottie and couldn’t remember anything about him. What made them fall in love? How did they meet? When did they get married? So many questions and no answers. How long had they been married and why did he act like a stranger?

She had a headache. The revelation was too much.

Was their marriage in trouble?

Her discomfort turned into full-blown anxiety. It was bad enough she couldn’t remember who she was. It was devastating that she couldn’t remember anything about the man she loved and married.

Eva studied her hands. There were no rings. No engagement ring nor wedding ring.

Why didn’t she wear her rings? Were they lost in her accident? Were they in the process of separation? Or worse, divorce? That would explain his awkwardness toward her. If they were going to divorce, Eva wished for a reconciliation. Liam was the only one she had. She felt so vulnerable right now and she didn’t think she could face it alone. She needed someone. She needed him.

Her train of thoughts was suddenly distracted by a knock on the door.

Liam’s housekeeper, Rosa, came in with a tray of food. The aroma made Eva’s stomach growl. Did she smell chicken soup? She was famished.

“Hello, child. Here’s your lunch. I bet you’re hungry.” Rosa put the tray by the nightstand.

“I am, actually.”

“Good. Then eat up while it’s still hot.”

Eva craned her neck. “Chicken soup. Is it my favorite food?”

“Everybody loves my chicken soup. Mr. Caderyn wanted me to buy you some new clothes and essentials. Do you want something from Macy’s?”

“Don’t I have clothes in here?”

“No. Those are Natalie’s.”


“Mr. Caderyn’s ex-wife . I haven’t had a chance to donate them to charity. Mr. Caderyn didn’t wish you to wear Natalie’s clothes. He wanted me to buy new ones.”

Eva widened her eyes. “Liam was married before?”

“Divorced, child. Three years ago. It’s an old story.”

“Oh.” A pang of jealousy stabbed her. Liam kept his ex-wife’s clothes while she, the woman he was currently married to, didn’t have anything in the house they were sharing. She didn’t even have her wedding ring. What was going on here? “What happened?”

“Natalie left Mr. Caderyn. She’s a bad seed if you ask me.”

“He’s divorced and I can’t remember being married to him. When did we get married?”

“Just recently.”

“Are there any wedding photos I could see?”

Rosa smiled. “It’s best that you ask Mr. Caderyn. I’m not allowed to tell you anything. He wanted to tell you himself, considering your injury. You should take things easy.”

“Sorry. I was curious.”

“I know, child. Have lunch and rest. What’s your favorite color?”

“My favorite color?” Eva narrowed her eyes, thinking hard. “Do I have a favorite color? I can’t remember.”

“Do you like pink? Pastel colors?”

“Pink is pretty.”

“All women love pink. I’ll come later with your clothes. You take it easy, child.”

“Thank you.”

“Ah. You’re so precious.”

* * *

“Please have a seat, Mr. Cod. I hadn’t expected you to come back so soon. It’s only been a day since we talked on the phone,” said Liam. He closed the door of his home office and ushered the private investigator to the plush couches in front of the fireplace. Liam was about to talk to Eva when Rosa announced he had a visitor.

“The case turned out to be an interesting one.” Anderson Cod took out a large brown envelope from his trench coat before sinking his trunk-like body onto the sofa. He extracted the contents of the envelope. News clipping. Eight-by-ten photos. Police reports. Some classified documents.

Lizzie Lynn Lee's Novels
» Her Dragon Billionaire