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Her Dragon Billionaire Page 6
Author: Lizzie Lynn Lee

Liam grabbed a paper and started reading with a sinking feeling. Like Liam had feared, the injuries inflicted against her weren’t just some random assaults. They were carried out by professional killers.

Eva Smith a.k.a Eva Walker was a librarian who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. One night after working late, she witnessed a man being murdered in the parking lot by a gang of men. The victim, Sanford Thomas, turned out to be a local businessman with ties to the Russian mafia.

He read news clippings about the Russian mafia boss dated a few months prior. The testimony from Eva, the prosecutor’s star witness, was what convinced the jury to return with the guilty verdict. It warranted Anton Kovalenko behind bars forever. No wonder the vor wanted her dead. One way or another, anyone who betrayed the vor would pay. Liam felt an inward shudder course through his veins.

“She’s in the witness protection program?”

“What a joke that was.” Cod snorted. “The Feds gave her new identities, but her medical history was tied up to her old name.”

“I know she’s diabetic. How did you find out she was in the witness protection program?”

“Wasn’t hard to find. Whoever created her new identity did a half-ass job.”

“Then I assume Eva has a handler.”

“She has. Her name is Mariah Jones. She works in the State Department.”

“Does Jones know Eva is missing?”

“My guess is no. The place where Eva worked hadn’t known she was missing. Eva was abducted on Friday. Today’s Sunday. Perhaps on Monday if Eva doesn’t show up for work, they’ll start making inquiries.”

“Don’t you think there’s a federal agent who’s checking on her on a daily basis to make sure she’s all right?”

“Perhaps before the trial. Since Eva gave her testimony against Anton Kovalenko, it seems to me she has been discarded.”

Liam pondered upon it. He felt disgusted. “I wish Eva’s whereabouts to remain secret.”

Anderson Cod stared unblinking.

“For now,” added Liam. “She’s suffering from amnesia. She couldn’t remember anything but her name. I don’t wish this information to aggravate her trauma.”

“Of course, Mr. Caderyn. I’m surprised that Ms. Walker survived the ordeal at all.”

“She’s lucky.”

“Forgive me for asking, you said she had a concussion?”

Liam hadn’t told Anderson Cod the whole story. He just said that he had found her in the stream with a head injury. He had employed Cod ever since he started running his business. Cod used to be his chief of security officer. But since Liam retired, Cod went solo with his new PI firm. Even though he and Cod went way back, the private investigator didn’t know the true nature of Liam himself, a secret closely guarded in Liam’s inner circle. “Yes,” he answered.

“Ms. Walker had testified against the boss of the vory v zakone. They are unforgiving son of the bitches if you ask me. When they send vors out to hunt, those men make sure the victim is dead before disposing of their body. They usually cut the fingers of the victims and pull the teeth to make identification impossible. They call it ‘professionally processed’. They have men that specialize in disposing of bodies. The fact that Ms. Walker only suffered a concussion makes her very lucky.”

“Maybe she got away.” Yeah, right. Three bullet wounds. Broken bones. Numerous cuts and bruises. Eva was an extremely lucky girl.

“I have another favor to ask you,” Liam said. “Perhaps you could go to her apartment and pick up several of her things? Sentimental items, like her photo albums, diary, and such? If that’s no trouble for you.”

“No trouble at all.”

“I figure Eva would like those mementos to help with her recovery.”

“Of course.”

“I assume you’ll be very careful about this? I’d hate to think that the men who did this to her might be watching her place.”

“Thank you for your concern, Mr. Caderyn, but you know I’m a professional.”

“I imagine snooping on a mob victim isn’t like being a chief of security officer. At least corporate spies aren’t inclined to cut your fingers or remove all your teeth.”

“You never know what one will do to cover up a secret, sir. Well, if there’s nothing else, I’d like to get going with my work.” Anderson Cod rose from his seat.

Liam stood up and shook his hand. “Thank you for helping Eva.”

“No trouble at all, sir.”

Liam saw the private investigator to the door. “Call me if you find something new.”

Cod nodded.

Chapter Three

After a bowl of chicken soup, a chicken salad sandwich, and a cup of ice tea, Eva felt sleepy. But she didn’t give into the temptation to curl back in bed and take an afternoon snooze. Instead, she went to the bathroom to take a long bath. While waiting for the tub to fill, she raided the dresser for clothes other than Liam’s ex-wife. She didn’t understand why she didn’t have personal belongings in this house. They were married right? Albeit newly-weds like he said. She should have some clothes in the house where they were living together.

The realization made her pause.

They were married and she didn’t even sleep in Liam’s bed. Judging from the lack of male possessions in this room, she was sure this wasn’t even their bed. Was this a guest bedroom? What kind of marriage were they having?

Eva spread her fingers in front of her. Suddenly she wanted like to cry. She didn’t even have a wedding ring. She didn’t know why she felt weepy. She was sure she wasn’t all mopey and whiny like this. Since when did she become a wuss?

Eva took a deep breath of exasperation.

Were they really married?


Biting her lip, she yanked open the bottom drawer. She found white men’s undershirts and boxer shorts. Ha! She looked at them with triumph. Liam’s clothes. She grabbed a pair and shoved the drawer shut. Liam shouldn’t mind if she borrowed his things. There was no way she would put on his ex’s clothes. And after her bath, she would march out of this room and find him and demand explanations. She didn’t care if she was trying too hard to remember. These unanswered questions were driving her insane….

After the bath, she put on Liam’s boxers and undershirt, combed her hair, and set out to find him. She was about to turn the doorknob when Liam beat her to it. He stood speechless in the doorframe. Apparently, he was amused by her choice of fashion. A smile blossomed on his handsome face.

Lizzie Lynn Lee's Novels
» Her Dragon Billionaire