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The Marriage Caper (Billionaire Games #2) Page 22
Author: Sandra Edwards

“That’ll take some getting used to.”

“I hear you. But I’m sure Andre will make the transition as easy on you as Julian did for me.”

“Yeah.” Tasha sighed. “Andre has a way of making me feel like anything’s possible.”

“It’s the de Laurent charm.” Camille giggled. “All three of those men are dripping in it, even Maurice, once you get to know him.”

Tasha was happy to hear that Maurice had warmed up to Camille. He’d been rough on her when Julian first brought Camille to France.

Funny thing though, Maurice had been cordial to Tasha from the moment he’d met her. Maybe because he hadn’t seen Tasha as the threat he’d envisioned Camille. Luckily, Maurice had mellowed in the year since Camille and Julian had renewed their vows.

Tasha stayed out on the terrace long after she’d ended the call with Camille. Just sitting there thinking. Hoping. Praying the stomach virus hadn’t affected the baby.

Andre came out on to the terrace, but Tasha hadn’t noticed until he spoke. “You finish your call with Camille?” His voice drew her gaze upward to where he was standing beside her. “What’d she have to say? You two comparing pregnancy notes?” Andre asked with a chuckle.

“Sort of…” Tasha looked away, consumed with the fear of having to tell Andre about the virus.

Andre sat down on the coffee table in front of Tasha and reached for her hands. “What is it, mon trésor?”

“We have to call a Dr. Ainsworth and see him right away. The sooner the better. Dr. Goldman has already told him we’d be calling.”

Andre’s face twisted into a look of awkward curiosity. “Why do we need to see this doctor right away?” His voice had weakened and his grip on her hands tightened.

“Um…” Tasha hesitated, searching for the right words. “Remember how I told you I’d been suffering from some pretty nasty morning sickness when you showed up in California?” Once Andre nodded, Tasha continued on, “Well, as it turns out…it might not’ve been morning sickness. A co-worker talked to Camille. She called to inquire after my health after nearly everybody at the restaurant came down with a nasty stomach virus right around the time you showed up and swept me away.”

“I take it that if you had this virus instead of morning sickness, it may well have endangered the baby?”

All Tasha could do was nod. If she spoke right away, she might cry. After taking a little time to compose herself, she said, “I’m afraid, Andre.”

He pulled her to him. “Don’t worry. We’ll call the doctor here in St. Tropez. Whatever happens, we’ll get through it together.”

It seemed ages ago that Andre and Tasha had been tucked away in an exam room in Dr. Ainsworth’s office. The doctor had performed all the routine exams, including an ultrasound. Then he excused himself, saying he’d be right back.

Tasha fingered the patient’s gown the nurse had given her when she and Andre had first arrived. Andre slipped his hands around Tasha’s.

“The doctor’s not saying much.” Tasha was trying to feign courage, but Andre knew she was frightened. Truth be told, so was he. “What if…?”

“There’s no need muddle things up with what ifs. What is it you say…we’ll worry about that bridge when and if we come to it.”

“That’s easier said than done.” Tasha tried, unsuccessfully, to laugh.

Andre brought her hands to his lips and brushed them with kisses. “I hate to see you so blue, mon trésor.”

That rated a genuine smile from Tasha. “You know, I never knew I wanted a child until I found myself knocked up with one.” She let out a half-laugh and made eye contact with Andre. “But now that I am, I want this baby more than anything.”

“Let’s wait and see what the doctor says before we start worrying.”

Tasha nodded.

The door opened and Dr. Ainsworth walked in. His stoic expression gave little away about the status of Tasha’s condition.

Dr. Ainsworth clasped his hands together and dangled them in front of him. He sucked in a breath and held it briefly before blowing it out with force. “Tasha. Andre.” He looked at each of them as he said their names. “I’m afraid this pregnancy isn’t a viable one.”

“What…?” Tasha’s emotion-choked voice grated out the word.

This pregnancy isn’t a viable one. The words shuddered through Andre. Their baby was gone? “What does that mean?” Andre wanted very much for the doctor to say they’d misheard him.

“There is no heartbeat,” the doctor said in a remorseful tone.

No heartbeat? Well that settled it, then. Our baby is dead. Andre’s heart splintered into pieces.

Tasha struggled for breath. “It was the flu, wasn’t it? I caught the flu last week and it killed the baby.” Her blue eyes brimmed with tears that mingled sorrow and guilt. She blinked, and a single tear spilled from one eye.

Tasha’s suffering wrapped around Andre and squeezed. The pain in his chest made it all too real. This was his fault. If he’d married her and brought her back to France months ago, she would’ve never caught that damned virus.

Dr. Ainsworth shook his head. “No, Tasha. The flu didn’t cause the miscarriage. I’m afraid the baby stopped developing weeks ago. I’m surprised your body hasn’t already begun the expulsion process.”

“Is that normal?” Andre asked, beginning to fear for Tasha’s health.

“It’s not common.” Dr. Ainsworth shrugged. “But it’s not unheard of.”

“What’s next?” Andre asked.

“Tasha needs to be admitted to hospital for a D&C.”

“He’s wrong. He has to be wrong.” Agitation raked over Tasha voice. She looked at Andre with pained eyes. “Our baby can’t be dead.”

When Andre didn’t confirm her pleas, she lowered her head and rested her chin upon her chest.

Tasha began to whimper.

Andre leaned over her, wrapping his arms around her. Intense sobs wrenched Tasha’s body. She fought him, bashing her fists about his chest and shoulders. Andre tightened his embrace.

His wife had just lost the only thing she’d ever wanted. If it helped her to hit him, then so be it. But sooner or later, Andre had to find a way to help Tasha get past the pain of losing their first child. He knew she’d never get over it, but for her sake she had to get past it. And there was only one way that he could think of that might help. With his arms still around Tasha, Andre looked to the doctor, “Can we have more children?”

Sandra Edwards's Novels
» The Marriage Fix (Billionaire Games #3)
» The Marriage Caper (Billionaire Games #2)
» The Marriage Bargain (Billionaire Games #1)
» Second Chance Bride