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The Marriage Caper (Billionaire Games #2) Page 23
Author: Sandra Edwards

“We’ll know more after the procedure.” Dr. Ainsworth’s words shot through Andre like sharp shards of ice.

If Tasha could never have a child, how would she get past that? How would Andre?

After the procedure, the doctors had told Tasha she could have more children.

But Tasha wanted this baby.

She felt more than empty. There was a hole in her heart that no amount of cordial words from well-meaning family and friends could cure.

Thank God, Andre had taken her back to the house in St. Tropez for several weeks before they made the trip back home to Marseilles.

Tasha had needed the time to pull herself together, to prepare herself for when she came face to face with Camille and her by now, bulging belly.

While, to be honest, Tasha was a bit jealous that Camille’s pregnancy was a viable one, but she was also happy for her friend’s good fortune. If anybody deserved some happiness, it was Camille.

Andre had been a wonderfully supportive husband during the hospital stay and the following weeks, staying attentively by Tasha’s side at all times. They’d cried together, more than once, but mostly, they simply held on to each other in silence.

On the eve before their scheduled return to Marseilles, as they were lounging on the same terrace where Tasha had received Camille’s phone call—the same phone call that had changed their lives forever—Tasha lifted her head and looked up at Andre.

“What is it, mon trésor?” He smiled. “Is there something I can get for you?”

“You’re too good to me.” Tasha rested her head back on his chest.

“Well, you are my wife.”

She looked up at him again. “You sure you’re not regretting that move, considering the outcome with the baby and all?”

Andre shook his head. “I have but one regret.”

Tasha’s chest felt heavy. “What’s that?” she asked, even though she wasn’t sure she wanted an answer.

“That I didn’t marry you months ago.” Andre winked.

Tasha wanted to let out a breath of relief, but experience had taught her to be cautious. “You mean it?”

Andre nodded, saying, “I mean it.” He paused for a moment, studying her face intently. “And you? You’re not thinking of returning to California, are you?”

That almost brought a laugh. Almost. “No, California is the last place I want to be…unless you’re there.”

“Listen, you and I, we’re going to have a wonderful life together. I’ll make sure of that. We may or may not have children, but Lord knows we’re going to try.” His laughter became infectious, soliciting a chuckle from Tasha. “But I promise you, I’ll make sure you never regret marrying me.”

“I can well believe that,” Tasha said. “And I can promise that I’ll always try to be the wife you deserve.”

“After we return to Marseilles, would you like to go on that cruise I promised you?” Andre asked. “Or do you prefer to rest and regroup at home?”

“You know what I’d really like to do?” Tasha’s tone turned serious. “Do you think we could put some kind of memorial in one of the gardens for our little angel? I realize we don’t know if it was a boy or a girl…” Her words trailed off with her need to cry. She didn’t want to cry any more. But she didn’t want to forget her baby, either. She’d been thinking about a memorial stone or something along those lines for a while now.

“I think that’s a fine idea.” Andre snuggled Tasha closer. “It will be my top priority once we return home.”

Inside the limo rolling up the winding roadway toward Pacifique de Lumière, butterflies began to stir in Tasha’s stomach. She was thankful that she had something to look forward to—memorializing her baby—but she wasn’t sure how she was going react when she saw Camille, who was still pregnant.

Tasha’s best friend turned sister-in-law had to have a noticeable baby bump by now. The calendar had recently turned to November. Thanksgiving was right around the corner. However, the French didn’t celebrate the American holiday. That was okay with Tasha. She had nothing to celebrate.

Knowing full well how far along Camille was, Tasha quietly counted the months on her fingertips anyway. Four months. Camille was in her fourth month. By now, she must have a baby bump.

As the car approached the house, Tasha held her breath and touched her own now-empty belly. Please, she prayed, let me be happy for Camille.

Everyone was there, waiting in the covered archway. Claudette, Maurice and Lecie formed the front line. Julian and Camille were standing behind the others, making it hard to see Camille’s tummy.

The car rolled to a stop and one of the servants stepped up to open the door. Tasha blew out the breath she’d been holding.

Andre scrambled from the car, then offered his hand to Tasha. She let him pull her from the vehicle, and once outside, she passed around a gentle smile to the family’s front line.

Claudette was the first to approach her. “We’re so sorry, dear,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around Tasha.

Maurice gave her a sad smile and then kissed her cheek. A heartfelt display for a man such as Maurice.

Lecie had tears in her eyes. She latched on to Tasha, saying nothing. Just crying. A sure-fire way to let loose Tasha’s own tears. She’d been crying for so long now that it was a wonder she had any tears left.

Julian pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and pulled Tasha away from Lecie’s grasp. “My, dear…” he said, blotting her tears. “If I could fix this, you know I would. It pangs me to say it, but there are some things that even I can’t control.” Julian gave her a playful nudge. “If it helps…please feel free to hit me.”

A bit of a chuckle fell from Tasha’s lips and trailed off, smothered by her grief.

“Take him up on it,” Andre urged. “Never miss an opportunity to slap my brother around.”

Camille pulled Tasha into her arms. Her very noticeable baby bump pressed against Tasha. Jealousy jumped up into Tasha’s throat, but she managed to banish it with a hard swallow.

Tasha touched Camille’s tummy, but couldn’t tell if the fluttering was her imagination or the baby actually kicking.

Do they kick this early? Tasha hadn’t a clue. Suddenly, she couldn’t wait to feel the feisty kick of Camille’s baby as it grew closer to the due date. She hoped Camille would include her in all her upcoming plans where the baby was concerned.

Sandra Edwards's Novels
» The Marriage Fix (Billionaire Games #3)
» The Marriage Caper (Billionaire Games #2)
» The Marriage Bargain (Billionaire Games #1)
» Second Chance Bride