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The CEO and the Girl from the Coffee Shop Page 6
Author: Terry Towers

Upon closer examination she noticed a string of black gemstones lining the top of the bodice that glistened as the light from ceiling hit them. It suddenly occurred to her that it was beginning to get dark outside.

Looking down at her watch, she noticed it was nearly 7pm already! "Shit!" She immediately sprung into action, stripping off her jogging pants and t-shirt as she made her way to her private bathroom, directly off the bedroom. "Shit, shit, shit," the curses ran as if on a loop through her mind as she rushed to take a shower.

She ran the possibilities through her mind of what the big surprise could be. Seeing the gown she was expected to wear, she imagined it was some place formal and classy. She wasn't much for formal and classy. "Just wing it Wilmington," she coached herself as she grabbed the shampoo and began to lather up her hair.


He'd admit that perhaps what he had planned for Beth was a little inappropriate, okay a lot inappropriate, considering she was now technically his employee. But, he reasoned the inappropriateness away by calling it a celebration outing. Fuck, the whole situation was slightly inappropriate so what was a little night out to add to it.

Pulling the Lamborghini up to the house, promptly at 8pm, he was pleased to see that she was waiting patiently for him just outside the front door and looking more stunning than he'd ever seen her. She was a beautiful woman, he'd thought it from the first moment he laid eyes on her at the coffee shop, with her long golden hair, her sweet heart-shaped face and large blue eyes; she was girl next door, adorable. But now... She was like a goddess if he'd ever seen one and she quite literally took his breath away with her classic beauty.

Turning off the car’s engine Gabriel jumped out and made his way over to Beth, making it to her side before she had a chance to take a single step. Taking her hand into his he brought it to his mouth, flipped it over and kissed he palm. "You look stunning tonight."

Her cheeks turned an alluring shade of pink as she caught his eyes "You don't look too shabby yourself boss," she teased, "Don't suppose you're going to tell me where you're taking me." She looked down at her dress and his eyes followed her gaze, his cock jumping in his black pants as his eyes took in the sight of the tops of her bare breasts.

Keeping hold of her hand he led her down the stairs to the car. "Now if I told you then it wouldn't be a surprise would it?" With that he gave her a wicked little grin. At the car he opened the door for her, and helped her in while at the same time adjusting his suit jacket to ensure it was covering his growing erection. This was going to be a harder night than he'd expected.


Beth eyed Gabriel as he assisted her into the car, trying to decide which Gabriel she liked more; the casual one with the tight t-shirts accenting his sexy chest and shoulders, with the low slung jeans or this one wearing the finely tailored suit with the authoritative demeanour. Both were so damned sexy it made her body yearn for him.

For the thousandth time since she decided to take the job, she wondered how she was going to manage to keep from falling for him. She already had a hardcore crush on him. She'd had one for some time now, hell most of the women at the coffee shop were crushing on him. She remembered all too clearly the look in those women's eyes when she'd told them she was quitting the coffee shop to work for and live at his home, it was a look of pure envy, mixed with a slight hint of hatred.

Boy, if they could see me now, she thought with a smug feeling of satisfaction as she watched him slide in the car behind the steering wheel. He glanced over at her and her heart skipped a beat. A warm smile graced his face as he started the car. The engine roared to life and he shifted it into gear, speeding out of the driveway.

"So do you buy all of your employees beautiful, overpriced dresses and take them to some surprise location whenever you hire them?" she teased.

He shot her wry grin and shook his head, "Nah, I'm starting something new with you."

"So I'm the guinea pig," she lifted a brow at him.

"Something like that. Besides, might I remind you that you are not only the chef, but there are other duties that come with the position..."

Beth laughed, "I know. I know. The non-wife - wife duties, minus the sex."

Gabriel's face blanched at the wisecrack, but he quickly regained his composure and glanced over at her, his eyes roaming the length of her body, before returning back to the road. "I never said sex was off of the table."

Was he serious? Despite the colour rushing to her cheeks she glanced over at him trying to read his expression, but it was blank. Damn him, surely he was joking, but... Her mouth opened to speak, to say something - anything, but she snapped it shut. Sex with Gabriel? She wouldn't lie; she had envisioned the scenario more than once over the months' since she first met him. She had envisioned in her mind's eye what his body would feel and look like under those finely tailored designer suits. Amazing to both the eyes and to the touch, she had no doubt about that. She'd even masturbated to thoughts of him. Truth be told, Gabriel was normally the star of all her fantasies.

Finally, after what felt like close to an hour of awkward silence but amounted closer to a fraction of a minute, he grinned at her. "I'm teasing you Beth."

She released the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding until that moment with a loud huff. She wasn't sure what she was more of - relieved or disappointed. No, he's my boss now. I have to keep reminding myself of that. Off-limits! Period! Sadly, the reaction of her body to his close proximity seemed to disagree with her reasoning as she found herself squirming uncomfortably as wetness began to form between her legs from her desire for him.

"Sorry I-"

"Hmmm," he cocked a brow at her and grinned.

"How did you know my dress size?" She decided it best to change the subject, before she got herself more embarrassed than she already was.

It was his turn to flush. "I-um. Well, I had this planned and-"

"And you went snooping through my private things," she narrowed her eyes at him, pretending to be aghast at his actions.

"No. No-it wasn't snooping. You see I knew I was going to take you here and to keep it a surprise-"

"You went poking through my underwear drawer," she couldn't hold the stern look any longer, as a grin broke through ruining her facade.

"Nah," he gave her a wink, "I had Gerald do it."

Beth cringed. Gerald the older, stern looking butler was rummaging through her personal belongings? She prayed he didn't open the drawer with her vibrator in it. He did seem to have a hard time looking her in the eye all day today. Oh God! The whole idea was too mortifying to even consider.

Terry Towers's Novels
» The CEO and the Girl from the Coffee Shop
» An Heir for the Billionaire
» What Happens In Vegas.... Doesn't Always Stay There