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The CEO and the Girl from the Coffee Shop Page 7
Author: Terry Towers

"He didn't happen to mention anything else about what he found when going through my clothes looking for sizes did he?"

Gabriel frowned, "No. Why would he?"

Beth shook her head, attempting a reassuring smile. "No reason at all. Just wondering."

"Hmmm, sweet little Beth from the coffee shop, are you keeping secrets from me?" he flicked on the blinker and pulled the car into the parking lot of one of the hottest and most exclusive restaurants in town - The View. The dress made perfect sense now considering the ultra formal dress code the restaurant required. She'd always wondered what it was like there and if the food was truly worth the pricetag she'd heard was on it. She supposed she would find out soon enough.

Gabriel pulled the car up to the front door and turned it over to the valet while a second valet assisted Beth from the passenger's side. He immediately handed her off to Gabriel as he approached. Gabriel offered his arm to her, which she accepted, feeling like royalty, or some sort of superstar as they strolled - quite literally - down a red carpet into the very elegantly styled, modern restaurant. Oh, I could totally get used to this!

Chapter 4

"You know, Gabriel, this feels an awful lot like a date," Beth commented as he pushed her chair in for her. They were seated in a private room where one wall was actually a window overlooking Portland. Millions of lights sparkled in the darkness below them and if you looked far out you could see the water. It was nothing short of spectacular.

"Does it now?" he asked unbuttoning his suit jacket, shrugging it off and laying it across the back of his chair as he sat down across from her. "For the sake of argument. You don't start working for me until tomorrow morning, so technically, even if this were a date it wouldn't be a conflict to our working relationship."

A light knock came at the door.

"Come in," Gabriel called out.

Beth turned in her seat, expecting to see the waiter, but instead the head chef walked in closing the door behind him. "Gabriel, good to see you again."

"Pete." Gabriel stood and walked over to the other man. They shook hands and then did what Beth called a "man hug," one arm, with no lower body contact. The chef appeared to be about the same age as Gabriel; early thirties perhaps.

He waved his hand in the direction of Beth. "This is Beth; she's going to be your student for the next few weeks or so."

Student? Beth looked up at the handsome blonde-haired man, who was assumed to be a close friend to Gabriel.

"Ahhh Beth, it's going to be a pleasure teaching you everything I know," he gave her a wink that had her heart racing and colour rising to her cheeks as he extended his hand to her.

Beth took his hand, as she glanced over at Gabriel with a questioning frown.

"Peter is a world renowned chef and he is going to be teaching you the art of cooking. You know, something beyond... mac and cheese."

Beth's eye narrowed as she glared over at Gabriel. Oh God, could that have been more embarrassing.

Peter chuckled good-naturedly. "No need to be embarrassed Beth, a good many people should stay far away from the kitchen, but no worries, I will turn you into a master chef in no time."

Gabriel caught her gaze and grinned, unaffected by her penetrating stare. "So now, you won't be able to say you're not qualified for the job." Gabriel nodded towards Peter. "Pete here will ensure that you are."

While becoming a chef certainly wasn't her lifelong dream, to be tutored by the head chef of The View, was an opportunity that she couldn't refuse. Maybe he could whip her into becoming a great chef. Maybe this was the opportunity she needed? Anything was possible and she was determined to keep an open mind.

"I really appreciate you taking the time to teach me what you know Peter."

Peter smiled down at her and nodded. "My pleasure." Turning back to Gabriel, "I have your pre-order; a selection of your favourite dishes to sample."

"That would be great. Thanks."

"I'll be seeing you tomorrow Beth. And have a good evening, let me know if there are any problems. Your usual wine Gabe?"

Gabe? She hid her grin. Yes, they must be close if he's calling comfortable enough to call Gabriel, Gabe.

"That would be splendid Pete. Thanks."

With a final nod, Peter turned his head and left closing the door firmly behind him. Without the conversation, Beth's attention was shifted to the soft, sultry music that had been playing in the background.

She glanced over at Gabriel as he pushed back his chair and stood, extending his hand to her. "Dance with me until dinner arrives." It was more of an order than a request, his eyes saying he did not expect to be denied.

"Here? Now?"

He smiled softly and nodded, but his tone was firm, "now."

Taking his hand, she rose from her chair and he led her to the small vacant area in front of the window. He pulled her tight into him, wrapping his arms around her waist. She found herself melting against him. As she slipped her hands up his hard chest and secured them around his neck, a voice in the back of her mind warned her she was going to get hurt. It warned her that he was way out of her league and that she was just a distraction until he started dating some new super model or actress. She pressed that voice to the deep recesses of her mind, as she gazed deep into his intense, dark eyes.

After all of the nights she spent dreaming of him, why couldn't she allow herself to pretend this could be real? Just for the night while dressed in the most exquisite gown she'd ever owned, being held in the arms of the most charming and gorgeous man she'd ever laid eyes on. She wanted to pretend she was the princess and this life was really hers.

He held her tight, the soft sway of his hips against hers lighting the fire within her. She leaned in closer to him, and the smell of his cologne came to her, a sweet, yet spicy musk that begged her to come closer, pressing her hips against his.

Damn, damn, damn, she chastised herself. It was so hard keeping her distance when all she wanted to do was get closer. How could she possibly work and sleep just down the hall from him? She shuddered at the thought of seeing him bring another woman home, and God forbid hearing him fucking that woman.

"Hey, what's the matter?" She was jolted for her thoughts by his soft voice and his index finger hooked under her chin lifting her eyes back up to meet his.

Time seemed to freeze as they stood together, locked in each others embrace. She could see the hunger evident in his eyes that it sent a pleasurable chill through her. As she pressed up against the length of his body, she felt his erection against her stomach. He wanted her, and she'd never wanted anyone so badly than at that very moment. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words escaped her. He lowered his mouth to hers. His lips were about second from touching hers when the moment was suddenly shattered by a knock at the door.

Terry Towers's Novels
» The CEO and the Girl from the Coffee Shop
» An Heir for the Billionaire
» What Happens In Vegas.... Doesn't Always Stay There